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Proton decay searches in Super-Kamiokande

by Yoshinari Hayato (The University of Tokyo)

Proton decay is one of the rare experimental proofs of the grand unification theory. Super-Kamiokande collected data data since its start in 1996 and this allows us to perform the search for the various decay channels of the proton and neutron decays. Recently, we have expanded the fiducial volume of the proton decay analysis for the first time in more than 20 years and this increased 20% of the statistics. In this seminar, the latest results of the new analysis together with the prospects with some details of the simulation programs, which are used to study signal and background. About the speaker: Prof. Yoshinari is associate professor at the Kamioka observatory, ICRR, the university of Tokyo, he is one of the conveners of the atmospheric neutrino and proton decay search group of SK. He is leading the development of NEUT, the neutrino-nucleus scattering simulation program library which is used in SK, K2K, T2K and the other experiments. -------------------- Zoom meeting link: https://weidijia.zoom.com.cn/j/68467219500 Meeting ID:684 6721 9500