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Nucleon clustering at freezeout, near the QCD critical point

Speaker: Edward Shuryak (Stony Brook Univ.)

Time: Jan. 26 (Tuesday) 6:00am (San Fransisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 7:30pm(New Delhi), 10:00pm (Beijing), 11:00pm (Tokyo)

Abstract: Clustering of nucleons at freezeout has been studied by a number of theoretical tools, including semiclassical (fluctons), hyperharmonics and, lately, direct Path Intergal Monte Carlo. It was found to be effective starting from four nucleons, with "preclusters" feeding into multiple bound states, eventually decaying into channels with light nuclei d, t, 3He and affecting proton distribution (kurtosis). Furthermore, if there exists the QCD critical point (CP) with a correlation length ξ comparable or larger than precluster size, there should be strong and nonmonotonous changes in clustering. Binary long-rangevforces are attractive but manybody (with 3 or 4 nucleons) get strongly repulsive.
  It was further found that near CP these repulsive many-body forces  overcome the binary attraction and should suppressing clustering. Current experimental data on kurtosis and light nuclei production do hint at certain collision energies, at which a drop of clustering may be already observed.

Chair: Krishna Rajagopal

ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Tuesday by group email (Once you regisered in one of the events,  you email would be included in the email-list to receive the regular announcement, which you need not re-register each time). By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.


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