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14–17 Apr 2021
科大东区物质科研楼3楼报告厅 and Zoom online
Asia/Shanghai timezone

SMEFT analysis of vector boson scattering and diboson data from the LHC Run II

14 Apr 2021, 16:25
科大东区物质科研楼3楼报告厅 and Zoom online

科大东区物质科研楼3楼报告厅 and Zoom online

University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China


Giacomo Magni (NIKHEF)


We present a systematic interpretation of vector boson scattering (VBS) and diboson measurements from the LHC in the framework of the dimension-six Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), based on our results available at https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.03180. We try to understand what is the interplay between VBS and diboson measurements in order to constrain 16 independent directions in the dimension-six EFT parameter space, finding that VBS provides complementary information on several operators relevant for the description of the electroweak sector. Finally we also quantify the ultimate EFT reach of VBS measurements via dedicated projections for the High Luminosity LHC. Our results motivate the integration of VBS processes with Higgs measurements in future global SMEFT interpretations of particle physics data.

Primary author

Giacomo Magni (NIKHEF)

Presentation materials