Please go through the following instructions to set up your laptop for the tutorial session on April 13th.
The tutorial will require using the Linux command line environment (bash).
Students are encouraged to familiarise themselves with some basic commands:
pwd, mkdir, cd, cp, mv, rm, tar, less, more, ...
tip: Try the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO
Navigate to installed mg5 folder, and run:
then type:
In the Docker container, it is located in /home/software
but you can just type mg5_aMC
from anywhere to run.
Recommended option: using Docker
Download Docker desktop from
Check it has correctly installed by opening a terminal (command prompt in Windows) and running:
docker info
which should print some information about your system.
Now you can download the pre-built image, based on ubuntu, containing all of the required software using:
docker pull kmimasu/heptools:mg5_ma5
You run the image using `docker run` as follows:
docker run -it --name=HEFT kmimasu/heptools:mg5_ma5
Which launches a container (virtual machine) in interactive mode (bash shell).
In order to be able to send files to and from the container you can use `docker cp` to copy files.
docker cp container_name:source destination
where, in this example, `container_name` is `HEFT` and source refers to a path inside the container filesystem and destination is somewhere on your main filesystem.
Alternatively you can mount a shared folder between your container and your main filesystem as follows:
Create a directory on your main filesystem and add an extra option in the run command
docker run -it --name=HEFT --mount type=bind,source=main_folder,target=container_path kmimasu/heptools:mg5_ma5
where `main_folder` is the path to the directory you just created on the main filesystem and container_path is the desired path and folder name inside the container.
For example, on Unix systems, we could do
mkdir portal
docker run -it --name=HEFT --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/portal,target=/portal kmimasu/heptools:mg5_ma5
now the `/portal` directory in the container will be mounted to the `portal` folder in your current working directory and you can pass files between the container and your main filesystem through it.
Software is located in /home/software
Alternative option: manual installation (not guaranteed)
### Linux
Manual installation is *most* simple on linux systems.
1) The pre-requisites obtainable via apt-get are:
2) Install matplolib:
pip3 install matplotlib
3) Pull the latest Madgraph version:
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:mg5amcnlo/2.0
4) Go inside the downloaded folder, execute `bin/mg5_aMC` and install the following from inside the interactive prompt (can take a while):
install lhapdf6
install pythia8
install looptools
5) Configure environment variables for lhapdf
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/MG5_DIRECTORY/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/lib/python3.8/site-packages
export PATH=$PATH:/MG5_DIRECTORY/HEPTools/lhapdf6_py3/bin
where `MG5_DIRECTORY` is the location of your MadGraph installation (wherever you were when you did `bzr checkout`....). Check that the python version number matches the actual path in the installation.
6) Install fastjet 3.3.4
tar zxf fastjet-3.3.4.tar.gz
cd fastjet-3.3.4
./configure --prefix=FJPATH
make install
where FJPATH is the path to your desired location for the libaries.
Update your path to allow access to the fastjet-config
7) Pull python 3 compatible MadAnalysis5 version:
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:~ma5dev/madanalysis5/v1.9_py3
Run it once for setup:
It will ask you how many cores you want to compile on, put the maximum.
Ensure FastJet is automatically found and ma5 prints:
MA5: - FastJet [OK]
before compilation, and
MA5: - Matplotlib [OK]
MA5: - pdflatex [OK]
MA5: - latex [OK]
for the optional packages.
Create a special file required by MadGraph in the MadAnalysis5 directory
echo "Date : 2021/03/27 Time : 00:00:00 MA5 version : 1.9 Bazaar rev : 314 tarball created by fuks" > MA5PATH/version.txt
where `MA5PATH` is the path to `v1.9_py3`
Update MadGraph5 options to specify the location of MadAnalysis5 by Executing `bin/mg5_aMC` from the MadGraph5 folder again and typing the command:
set madanalysis5_path MA5PATH
save options
Optionaly update your environmet PATH with `MA5PATH`
### Mac OS X
Similar to previous instructions, but core dependencies are most easily installed using a package manager like Homewbrew or Macports.
XCode command-line tools are required, and gfortran can be installed from
### Windows
The only alternative solution is to install Windows Subsystem for Linux and follow the linux instructions