Johann Haidenbauer
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
The Jülich-Bonn-Munich Collaboration has applied chiral effective field theory
to investigate the baryon-baryon interaction involving hyperons.
These studies, performed so far up to next-to-leading order (NLO) in the chiral
expansion, have shown that for the strangeness $S=-1$ ($\Lambda N$, $\Sigma N$)
and $S=-2$ ($\Lambda \Lambda$, $\Xi N$) sectors a consistent and satisfactory description
of the available scattering data and experimental constraints can be achieved within the
assumption of broken SU(3) flavor symmetry. In addition, applications of the resulting potentials
in bound-state calculations for light hypernuclei led to results close to the empirical values.
In the present contribution we discuss a possible extension of this approach to
strangeness $S=-3$ and $S=-4$ baryon-baryon systems where empirical information is
rather scarce. Specifically we address the question in how far measurements of two-body
correlation functions in heavy-ion collisions and/or in high energetic proton-proton
scattering can be used to pin down the interaction in channels like
$\Xi\Lambda$ or $\Xi\Xi$, at least on a semi-quantitative level.
Primary author
Johann Haidenbauer
(Forschungszentrum Juelich GmbH)
Ulf-G. Meissner
(Univ. Bonn & FZ Juelich)