0.5m超导四极磁体QD0短样机制造 (in session "CIPC")
65nm ASIC FEE R&D for TPC (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
$b \to s \tau \tau$ at a Tera-Z (in session "Flavor")
A Nu scalar in the early universe and g-2 (in session "Beyond SM")
AFB measurement at hadron colliders & weak mixing angle at CEPC (in session "Electro-Weak")
ALICE TPC (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
An unambiguous test of positivity at lepton colliders (in session "Beyond SM")
Analysis of CEPC coherent beam-beam instability with longitudinal impedance (in session "Accelerator")
Anomalous HZZ, HWW couplings (in session "Higgs & tt")
ArborPFA in CEPCSW (in session "Software & Offline")
Architectures & technologies for a detector aimed for the "photon factory" (in session "Silicon Detector")
Auxiliary mass flow and Feynman integrals (in session "Computational Methods")
Back to the Formula -- LHC Edition (in session "Computational Methods")
Beam-beam simulations and measurements at SuperKEKB (in session "Accelerator")
CCT磁体的制造及进展 (in session "CIPC")
CEPC 650MHz High-Efficiency Klystrons and MBKs (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC accelerator beam dynamics key issues (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC booster and damping ring (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC booster magnets R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC collider ring magnets R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC collider ring optimization design (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC collider ring orbit corrections (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC collider ring vacuum system R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Collider 环磁铁支架 (in session "CIPC")
CEPC Control system status and challenges (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC cryogenic system design in view of energy saving (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC dump systems and radiation safety issues (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC electromagnet separators and power sources R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Higgs Physics Opportunities after the HL-LHC (in session "Plenary")
CEPC Impedance and collective instatbilities (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC injection/extract line and timing (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Injection/Extraction including kicker technologie (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Installation and allignment strategies and technologies (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC instrumentation R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC IP region HOM mode and wakefiels (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC linac beam dynamics (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC linac injector status and R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Low Level RF R&D (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC MDI (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
CEPC MDI远程真空连接装置 (in session "CIPC")
CEPC mechanical systems and supporting structures, (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC site choice and related technical challenges(1 Qinhuangdao) (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC site choice and related technical challenges(2 Huzhou) (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC site choice and related technical challenges(3 Changsha) (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC synchrotron radiation applications (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC Z-pole polarization (in session "Accelerator")
CEPC工程项目过程仿真算法研究 (in session "CIPC")
CEPC高效率速调管研制情况 (in session "CIPC")
Collider searches of scalar singlets across lifetimes (in session "Higgs & tt")
Complementarity between collider and gravitational wave searches for new physics (in session "Plenary")
CP-violating Higgs Di-tau Decays: Baryogenesis and Higgs Factories (in session "Higgs & tt")
DAQ at Belle2 (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Detector Description and Reconstruction Performance of Silicon Tracker (in session "Software & Offline")
Detector Mechanics & Integration (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
Development of large area uRWELL technology (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Development of SRF cavity and coupler at HE Racing (in session "CIPC")
Drift chamber for 4th Detector concept (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Dual-readout fiber prototypes: status and perspectives (in session "Calorimeter")
Electroweak precision pseudo-observables at the e+e− Z-resonance peak (in session "Electro-Weak")
Error corrections studies in CEPC booster (in session "Accelerator")
Event shape observables and the determination of the QCD running coupling from LEP to CEPC (in session "QCD")
Exploring the structure of hadronic showers and the hadronic energy reconstruction with highly granular calorimeters (in session "Calorimeter")
FCC-ee machine error correction (in session "Accelerator")
FCC-ee MDI IP quads (in session "Accelerator")
Flavor/CPV prospects and opportunities at a Tera-Z (in session "Flavor")
Forward-backward asymmetries of the heavy quark pair production in e^+e^- collisions at O(alpha_s^2) (in session "QCD")
global fit with operators in Z-pole and 4-fermion (in session "Electro-Weak")
Global measurement for Higgs (in session "Higgs & tt")
GPU acceleration in HEP (in session "Computational Methods")
Graph neural networks for jet tagging (in session "Computational Methods")
H125 coupling measurement: what to expect and what can we do with it (in session "Higgs & tt")
H->4b study at ILD (in session "Beyond SM")
H->LLP (in session "Higgs & tt")
Heavy neutrino search & corresponding performance requirement (in session "Performance Studies")
Higgs bosons below 125 GeV at CEPC (in session "Higgs & tt")
High Granularity Crystal Calorimetry R&D for CEPC (in session "Calorimeter")
High time presion MRPC (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Highlights of the accelerator R&D (in session "Plenary")
Highlights of the detector R&D (in session "Plenary")
IDEA drift chamber (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Identification of tau and its decay modes using Machine learning (in session "Performance Studies")
IJCLab accelerator activities, Iryna Chaikovska (in session "Accelerator")
ILC and CLIC as future Higgs factories (Accelerator) (in session "Plenary")
ILC and CLIC as future Higgs factories (Physics & Detector) (in session "Plenary")
ILC SRF technology development at KEK (in session "Accelerator")
Impact of open source CPU on future Online systems (RISC-V) (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Implications of new evidence for lepton-universality violation in b->sll decays (in session "Plenary")
Integration of a high-EM-resolution crystal calorimeter within the IDEA DR calorimeter (in session "Calorimeter")
Intelligence on Detector (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Intelligent Processing (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Jet Charge Reconstruction based on leading jet charged particle (in session "Performance Studies")
Jet performance at the circular electron-positron collider (in session "QCD")
Korea accelerator projects and technology R&D (in session "Accelerator")
Laser plasma accelerator for proton (in session "Accelerator")
Latest from ARCADIA (in session "Silicon Detector")
Lepton collisions in MadGraph5 aMC@NLO (in session "Electro-Weak")
Lepton identification and backgrounds for flavor studies at the CEPC (in session "Flavor")
Lepton portal DM, Gravitational waves and collider phenomenology (in session "Beyond SM")
Lessons and experiences from HL-LHC calorimetry projects (in session "Calorimeter")
LFU violation and implications for Future Lepton Colliders (in session "Beyond SM")
LFV Z decays at a Tera-Z factory (in session "Flavor")
LumiCal (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
Luminosity tuning at SuperKEKB (in session "Accelerator")
Machine Learning for Collider Event Reconstruction and Analysis (in session "Plenary")
MEG2 drift chamber (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Multileptonic search of right-handed neutrinos in Higgs rare decays at CEPC (in session "Beyond SM")
Muon detector (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Next-to-leading-order corrections to the Higgs strahlung process from electron-positron collisions in extended Higgs models (in session "Higgs & tt")
NICA status (in session "Accelerator")
NLO QCD correction to J/psi(Bc) pair production in photon-photon collision (in session "QCD")
On PWFA with FLASHForward (in session "Accelerator")
On the "bendable" ALPIDE-inspired MAPS in 65 nm technology (in session "Silicon Detector")
Ongoing development on LGAD (in session "Silicon Detector")
Ongoing developments in France (in session "Silicon Detector")
Ongoing ILC related studies (in session "Silicon Detector")
Online computing challenges: detector & readout requirements for future e+e- colliders (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Overview of the CEPC (in session "Plenary")
Particle ID & 3D reconstruction with the Dual-readout calorimeter simulation (in session "Calorimeter")
Physics analyses and detector optimization study based on Benchmark study of H->bb, cc, gg (in session "Performance Studies")
Physics analyses and detector requirement study from Benchmark study of B0/Bs->2 pi0 (in session "Performance Studies")
Physics requirement and Impact of the Particle identification at Z/Higgs factory (in session "Performance Studies")
Pi-0 reconstruction at Crystal & Dual readout calorimeter (in session "Performance Studies")
Pixel TPC technology (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Positron Acceleration in a Hollow Channel Plasma Wakefield Accelerator (in session "Accelerator")
Precision calculations for the photon-pion form factor in QCD (in session "QCD")
Probing Extended Scalar Sectors with Precision e+e->Zh and Higgs Diphoton (in session "Higgs & tt")
Probing New Physics with off Z-pole Fermion-pair Production at CEPC (in session "Electro-Weak")
Probing Relatively Heavier Selectron at the CEPC, FCC_{ee}, and ILC in the GmSUGRA (in session "Beyond SM")
Progress in CEPCSW Simulation and Validation (in session "Software & Offline")
Progress of photocathde RF gun development at Tsinghua University (in session "Accelerator")
Progress on CEPC SCRF system design and validation plans (in session "Accelerator")
Prospects for $B_c \to \tau \nu$ (in session "Flavor")
Prospects for supersymmetric searches at CEPC (in session "Beyond SM")
Prospects of Measuring Rb/Rc with template method at the CEPC (in session "QCD")
Prospects of Measuring Rb/Rc/Ruds with ParticleNet/ParticleFlow methods at the CEPC (in session "QCD")
PySecDec and integration challenges at NNLO-EW and N3LO-EW (in session "Computational Methods")
R&D Highlights of CALICE ECAL Prototypes (in session "Calorimeter")
R&D Highlights of CALICE HCAL Prototypes (in session "Calorimeter")
REBCO高温超导带材产研进展 (in session "CIPC")
Recent Developments in ACTS (in session "Software & Offline")
Recent Developments in QuickPIC Open Source (in session "Accelerator")
Recent progress in assess of CEPC site at Changsha (in session "Accelerator")
Recent progress on CEPC plasma injector (in session "Accelerator")
Report from the ATLASPix3 collaboration (in session "Silicon Detector")
Report on dual-readout calorimeter 2021 beam tests (in session "Calorimeter")
Review of jet physics at e+e- colliders (in session "QCD")
Search for Asymmetric DM model at CEPC by displaced lepton jets (in session "Beyond SM")
Search for Long-Lived Particles at Future Lepton Colliders (in session "Beyond SM")
Searches for Heavy neutrinos at Future Lepton Colliders (in session "Beyond SM")
Searching for axion-like particles at future electron -positron colliders (in session "Beyond SM")
Simulation of Detector Response in the Drift Chamber (in session "Software & Offline")
Software Development for the Drift Chamber (in session "Software & Offline")
Solenoid modeling for the FCC-ee IR (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
SppC high field SC magnet (in session "Accelerator")
SppC status (in session "Accelerator")
SR collimation following the experience in LEP (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
SRF activities and Instruments at Huadong Polytechnic Institute (in session "CIPC")
Status and challenges of Super Tau-charm factory in Novosibirsk (in session "Accelerator")
Status and Perspectives of the FCC (in session "Plenary")
Status and Plan of Key4Hep (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Status of CEPC Computing (in session "Software & Offline")
Status of CEPC RF power delivery systems (solid state sources for the CEPC booster) (in session "Accelerator")
Status of CEPC Software (in session "Software & Offline")
Status of the CEPC accelerator R&D (in session "Plenary")
Status of the CEPC detector R&D (in session "Plenary")
Status of the CEPC HOM coupler development (in session "Accelerator")
Status of the high Q R&D for CEPC SCRF cavities (in session "Accelerator")
Status report about the Chinese project(s) on MAPS for vertexing at CEPC (in session "Silicon Detector")
Status report on SOI (Japanese + Chinese contribution) (in session "Silicon Detector")
Storage rings to detect gravitational waves (in session "Accelerator")
Strange jet tagging (in session "Flavor")
Strong first order electroweak phase transition in 2HDM confronting future Z & Higgs factories (in session "Higgs & tt")
Study of the hadronic decay of Higgs at CEPC with Machine learning (postpone to the end of Higgs && tt II) (in session "Higgs & tt")
Superconducting Magnets (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
SuperKEKB beam background (in session "MDI, Magnet & Integration")
SUSY Global fits with future colliders using GAMBIT (in session "Beyond SM")
Symmetry preserving networks (in session "Computational Methods")
Tests of lepton flavor universality at high-energy e+e- colliders (in session "Flavor")
Theory precision for CEPC Higgs measurements (in session "Higgs & tt")
TMCI instability influence on SuperKEKB luminosity (in session "Accelerator")
ToF reconstruction with Calorimeter Cluster (in session "Performance Studies")
Top property measurements at 360 GeV (in session "Higgs & tt")
Top yukawa couplings and related EFT at 360 GeV (in session "Higgs & tt")
Towards complete two-loop EW e+e- to ZH (in session "Electro-Weak")
TPC prototype update R&D (in session "Gaseous & Other Detector")
Track Configuration optimization w.r.t. Jet energy & track momentum reconstruction (in session "Performance Studies")
Tracking algorithm for Drift Chamber of IDEA (in session "Software & Offline")
Trigger-less readout at LHCb (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Update on Detector Constraints on the Readout (in session "TDAQ & Online")
Use machine learning to study aQGCs (in session "Electro-Weak")
Vertex detector at Belle II: present & future (in session "Silicon Detector")
Welcome (in session "Plenary")
Z-mass measurement at CEPC (in session "Electro-Weak")
万瑞与低温 (in session "CIPC")
做核科学家的忠实朋友 (in session "CIPC")
基于大冷量斯特林制冷机的超导磁体降温方法及系统研究(Superconducting magnet cooling method and system based on large cooling capacity Stirling Cryocooler) (in session "CIPC")
感恩20年-与中国加速器学界携手前行 (in session "CIPC")
拼块式屏蔽体 (in session "CIPC")
摄影测量研究与应用 (in session "CIPC")
智能辐射防护系统在大科学装置应用 (in session "CIPC")
本年度磁铁项目介绍 (in session "CIPC")
气动全金属超高真空插板阀 (in session "CIPC")
沈科仪承担的大科学工程项目介绍 (in session "CIPC")
移动操作机器人在大科学装置中的应用 (in session "CIPC")
聚科技之力 创未来之能——合肥聚能参与加速器领域大装置建设纪实 (in session "CIPC")
超导线缆及制备工艺研究 (in session "CIPC")
超高真空手动全金属角阀项目介绍 (in session "CIPC")
超高真空设备研制 (in session "CIPC")
隧道磁铁、支架等设备运输车辆 (in session "CIPC")
高能正负电子束静电分离器样机研制 (in session "CIPC")
Include materials from selected contributions