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Recent developments in nuclear lattice effective field theory
Lattice effective field theory, a lattice Monte Carlo algorithm, has shown great advantages in simulating atomic nuclei from first principles. By combining a coarse lattice with the idea of effective theories, we can solve the nuclear many-body problem with moderate computational cost. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to the method and an overview on recent important progress. Specifically, I will focus on the newly developed pinhole-trace algorithm for simulating the nuclear thermodynamics, which can be as large as one thousand times faster than conventional algorithms based on the grand-canonical ensemble.
Dr. Bing-Nan Lu is currently a researcher in the Graduate School of China Academy of Enginnering Physics since 2020/09. Before that he is a post-doc researcher in Julich Research Center (Germany) and Michigan State Universtiy (US). He obtained his PhD in 2012/07 at the Institute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interest is ab initio methods in nuclear physics, more generally, designing and implementing advanced algorithms for numerically solving the quantum many-body problems.