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Triple crossing, spectrahedron and positivity bounds

by Prof. 周双勇 (中国科学技术大学)



报告摘要:Consistencies of its UV completion such as unitary, analyticity and crossing symmetry imply an effective field theory (EFT) must satisfy a series of constraints, known as positivity bounds. Recent years have seen rapid advances in developing the formalism of positivity bounds and their applications in various EFTs in particle physics and cosmology. We introduce progress along two orthogonal directions in extracting the most constraining positivity bounds: (1) methods to extract the most constraining positivity bounds for the s^2 Wilson coefficients, which significantly constrain the parameter space of the SMEFT and can be used to help infer the UV physics from the EFT (following a line of enquiry in collaboration with Cen Zhang); (2) method to find the most constraining positivity bounds using full crossing symmetry and partial wave expansion, which can be used to prove that the Wilson coefficients being order O(1) is not merely a naturalness argument but a rigorous theorem from S-matrix theory/quantum field theory. We also discuss a few applications of these new positivity bounds. 个人简介:周双勇,中国科学技术大学教授。他于2012年获得英国诺丁汉大学博士学位,先后在意大利SISSA,美国凯斯西储大学和英国帝国理工学院从事博士后研究,致力于有效场论,引力及数值相对论等方面的研究,近期研究重点为有效场论中的正定性约束。 腾讯会议:917 8905 3861