On-line seminar series III on “RHIC Beam Energy Scan: Theory and Experiment” 2021


Hydro & flow in heavy-ion collisions

Speaker: Jean-Yves Ollitrault (Saclay, Service de Physique Théorique)

Time: Oct. 12(Tuesday)  6:00am (San Fransisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 6:30pm(New Delhi), 9:00pm (Beijing), 10:00pm (Tokyo)

Abstract:  Relativistic hydrodynamics describes the expansion of the quark-gluon plasma formed in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. I discuss what experimental observables tell us about the quark-gluon plasma. At LHC energies, the mean transverse momentum of outgoing hadrons is proportional to its temperature. This provides an experimental measure of the equation of state, which is in agreement with lattice QCD calculations. The viscous damping of elliptic and triangular flows is determined by effective viscosities, which I define in terms of the temperature-dependent shear and bulk viscosities. I then briefly review some of the successes of the hydrodynamic picture in describing event-by-event fluctuations, in particular for proton-nucleus collisions. I conclude by listing some open problems.


Chair:   Jiangyong Jia (SBU/BNL)

ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Tuesday by group email. By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.

Material: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/15282/material/slides/0.pdf


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