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Collective flow in small system

Speaker: Bjoern Schenke (Brookhaven National Laboratory) 

Time: Oct. 19(Tuesday)  6:00am (San Fransisco), 9:00am (New York), 3:00pm (Frankfurt), 6:30pm(New Delhi), 9:00pm (Beijing), 10:00pm (Tokyo)

Abstract:    I will discuss what we have learned from small system collisions at RHIC and LHC with focus on the initial state. I will first present results from boost invariant calculations in a hybrid model consisting of the IP-Glasma initial state, MUSIC hydrodynamics, and UrQMD. I will address both the initial geometry, specifically effects of the fluctuating proton shape, as well as the role of the initial momentum anisotropy, present in the color glass condensate initial state. I will then discuss where the assumption of boost invariance is bad, and how to improve the existing calculations. This has consequences for interpreting the RHIC small system scan results, as well as for the potential importance of the initial momentum anisotropy. Finally, I will move to fully 3+1D simulations of small system collisions at energies accessed in the RHIC beam energy scan. These use a new dynamical initial state that provides fluctuating initial conditions for both energy momentum tensor and net-baryon density. With that we obtain for example rapidity dependent flow coefficients in small systems at BES energies.

Chair:   Huichao Song (Peking University)

ZOOM link: Please register here, the ZOOM link will be send in the comming Tuesday by group email. By attending this event you agree to the seminar and discussion being recorded and posted on the seminar web site.

Material: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/15283/material/slides/0.pdf

