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Studies of Higgs couplings with the ATLAS experiment and with quantum computing
DrChen (辰) Zhou (周)
(PKU & Wisconsin)
Online (Cloud)
meeting ID: 390-597-013 pwd:446459
The ATLAS and CMS experiments perform measurements of Higgs boson coupling properties to provide stringent test of the Standard Model. This seminar will discuss recent Higgs coupling results in the H->diphoton channel, the H->dimuon channel, and the combination of various channels from the ATLAS experiment.
Furthermore, quantum machine learning could possibly become another powerful tool for high energy physics. This seminar will also discuss a recent proof-of-principle study that applies quantum machine learning to LHC Higgs physics analyses.
Dr. Chen Zhou received his Bachelor degree from the physics school at Peking University in 2010 and his PhD degree from the physics department at Duke University in 2016. From June 2016 to Sep 2021, he was a postdoctoral research associate and an assistant scientist in the physics department at University of Wisconsin, working on the ATLAS experiment. He made contributions to ATLAS physics analyses (including ttH production, Higgs->di-muon decay, Higgs coupling properties, di-Higgs production, Dark Matter and high-mass resonance), ATLAS phase II pixel detector upgrade, and application of quantum machine learning to high energy physics analysis. He was a convener of the ATLAS Higgs-Gamma sub-group.
Dr. Chen Zhou recently joined the CMS group at Peking University as an assistant professor.