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PKU HEP Seminar and Workshop (北京大学高能物理组)

Dark matter candidates from U(1) hidden sectors

by Prof. Wanzhe Feng (Tianjin University)



A variety of supergravity and string based models contain hidden sectors with gauge groups including U(1) which can play important roles in particle physics phenomena and in cosmology. These hidden sectors with U(1) gauge groups can interact feebly with the visible sector and interact feebly or with normal strength with each other. I will discuss in general the U(1) extension of the Standard Model with different types of dark matter candidates. 报告人简介: 冯万哲副教授,于北京大学获物理学学士学位,于美国东北大学获理论物理博士学位。先后在香港科技大学物理系与高等研究院、德国马克思·普朗克理论物理研究所、德国慕尼黑大学索末菲理论物理中心任博士后研究员,在美国东北大学任访问科学家。2018年11月起在天津大学理学院任长聘副教授。 Tecent Meeting: https://meeting.tencent.com/dm/z381oSStsSmD Meeting ID:525-545-478