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CEPC Snowmass Progress Meeting


ZOOM Meeting ID: 82742289411

ZOOM Meeting URL: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/82742289411?pwd=UnFlejVHdmVlNmEvQ2M4dCtDcEU2UT09

Password: 242532

    • News & Updates
    • Individual Talks
      • 1
        Study of Electroweak Phase Transition in Exotic Higgs Decays with CEPC Detector Simulation
        Speaker: Mr Zhen Wang (SJTU)
      • 2
        SUSY Global fits with future colliders using GAMBIT
        Speaker: Dr Yang Zhang (Zhengzhou University)
      • 3
        Long-lived ALP Searches with Far Detectors at the Electron Positron Collider (FADEPC)
        Speaker: Kechen (科臣) WANG (王) (Wuhan University of Technology (武汉理工大学))
      • 4
        Probing Relatively Heavier Selectron at the CEPC, FCCee, and ILC in the GmSUGRA
        Speaker: Shabbar Raza (F)
      • 5
        Hunting for light heavy neutrinos at future Z-factories
        Speaker: 胤发 沈 (西南大学)
    • Discussion