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Recent result of quarkonium from Belle and Belle2

10 Aug 2022, 10:40
Oral report 强子物理与味物理 Parallel Session IV (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics


Dr Junhao YIN (高能所)


The Belle experiment at the KEKB energy-asymmetric e+-e- collider accumulated dataset with integrated luminosity of 1/ab, including Upsilon(nS) on resonances, off-resonances, and Upsilon(5S) scan data. And the Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility, with much higher instantaneous luminosity and will accumulate 50/ab of data. Belle II has already accumulated about 400/fb of dataset, as well as the Y(10750) scan data at four energy points with the luminosity of 19.22/fb. With these datasets, Belle and Belle II would be able to search for new states on charmonium, bottomonium, and baryons spectroscopies, and measure their properties. In this presentation, we will review the latest quarkonium results from Belle and Belle II.

Primary author

Dr Junhao YIN (高能所)

Presentation materials