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August 8 , 2022 (Monday)





















TeV 物理实验进展综述





Afternoon Plenary-I






格点 QCD 研究进展





Afternoon Plenary-II











August 9 , 2022 (Tuesday)




未来对撞机研究进展(包括 CEPC STCF
















Afternoon Plenary-I




Afternoon Plenary-II

Chair TBA





August 10 , 2022 (Wednesday)





August 11 , 2022 (Thursday)   



Afternoon Plenary (大会闭幕式)




















878 7825 9514



下午)会议号: 87878259514




下午)会议号: 84776531113

会议密码: 662923

会议号: 85340063042

会议密码: 219593

会议号: 84356016853

会议密码: 577587



下午)会议号: 89608403352

会议密码: 625234

会议号: 85904391430

会议密码: 375223

会议号: 86095488848

会议密码: 988365



下午)会议号: 88487196212

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会议号: 85480547626

会议密码: 652789

会议号: 88623093704

会议密码: 371231



下午)会议号: 85268353255

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下午)会议号: 87096632702

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会议号: 89898110557

会议密码: 492184




下午)会议号: 83277253505

会议密码: 371743



会议号:878 7825 9514

时间:2022年8月8日、9日、11日 08:00 上午

Zoom 会议链接:





会议号: 84776531113

开始时间: 2022-08-09T13:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 662923



会议号: 89608403352

开始时间: 2022-08-09T13:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 625234



会议号: 88487196212

开始时间: 2022-08-09T13:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 986245



会议号: 85268353255

开始时间: 2022-08-09T13:00:00

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会议密码: 531259



会议号: 87096632702

开始时间: 2022-08-09T13:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 183776



会议号: 85340063042

开始时间: 2022-08-10T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 219593



会议号: 85904391430

开始时间: 2022-08-10T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 375223



会议号: 85480547626

开始时间: 2022-08-10T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 652789



会议号: 87672892060

开始时间: 2022-08-10T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 834462



会议号: 88974009618

开始时间: 2022-08-10T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 676932



会议号: 84356016853

开始时间: 2022-08-11T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 577587



会议号: 86095488848

开始时间: 2022-08-11T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 988365



会议号: 88623093704

开始时间: 2022-08-11T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 371231



会议号: 85745040226

开始时间: 2022-08-11T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 487957



会议号: 89898110557

开始时间: 2022-08-11T08:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 492184



会议号: 83277253505

开始时间: 2022-08-10T14:00:00

Zoom 会议链接:


会议密码: 371743














       1. 线下参会人员:高能物理分会第十届和第十一届委员会全体常委和委员、本次学术年会大会报告特邀报告人、各分会召集人;

       2. 线上参会人员:其他参会人员。会议将继续开放线上参会注册。
















1. TeV物理和超出标准模型新物理(召集人: 张昊 zhanghao@ihep.ac.cn肖朦,黄燕萍,于江浩)

2. 强子物理与味物理(召集人: 杨振伟 yangzw@pku.edu.cn郭奉坤,马滟青,刘北江)

3. 重离子物理(召集人: 秦广友 guangyou.qin@mail.ccnu.edu.cn徐庆华,唐泽波,宋慧超)

4. 中微子物理、粒子天体物理与宇宙学(召集人: 查敏 zham@ihep.ac.cn,郭宗宽,于泽源,孟月)

5. 粒子物理实验技术(召集人: 钱森 qians@ihep.ac.cn,赵雷,张亮,韩柯)




       1. 申请人是从事高能物理(包括粒子物理理论和实验、中高能核物理、宇宙线和高能天体物理等)科研工作的35岁以下尚未获得高级科教职称的青年科研人员(即不接受已经获得教授、副教授以及同等职称的研究人员参评)。

       2. 申报论文必须是申请截止日期以前,已正式发表的论文或已接受发表的论文。

       3. 申请人应为申报论文的主要贡献者,且申请人及申报论文的第一单位为国内单位。

       4. 参评论文正式发表时间为上次“晨光杯”评选活动截止(2020年3月31日)后正式发表的论文。

申请于2022年4月30日截止(以电子邮件接收时间为准)。符合条件的申请人将申报论文、《申请—推荐表》及所需之两位《专家评阅意见表》(已正式发表的论文不必填写此表)的电子版文件(表格下载地址: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/16065/overview),在截止日期前发送至学会秘书处(邱雯:qiuw@ihep.ac.cn)。学会秘书处将对申请人和所申报的论文进行资格审查,并根据申报论文的专业内容,组织专家初评。初评入围论文作者将在本届全国高能物理大会上报告论文成果,经终评评委无记名投票遴选出“晨光杯”青年优秀论文获奖者。






1. 会议时间:2022年8月8日-8月11日,8月7日报到。

2. 会议地点:大连国际会议中心。

3. 住宿酒店:大连富丽华大酒店及周边经济型酒店。


4. 会议注册:注册费为教师1800元/人,学生和博士后1200元/人。会议协助安排食宿,费用自理。可为参会家属提供会议用餐,收费标准为800元/人。大会对部分退休人员有一定的资助名额(免注册费),名额有限,以申请审核为准。


5. 地方会务组联系人:

郭禹辰(会务协调人)电话: 155 0411 8985, Email: ycguo@lnnu.edu.cn

李春花(会务协调人)电话: 159 0985 6053, Email: chunhua@lnnu.edu.cn

杨冀翀(会务协调人)电话: 139 2007 5831, Email: yangjichong@lnnu.edu.cn

杨  硕(会务协调人)电话: 158 4060 6978, Email: shuoyang@lnnu.edu.cn

赵振华(会务协调人)电话: 151 6402 3728, Email: zhaozhenhua@lnnu.edu.cn

周兴玉(会务协调人)电话: 188 1045 7601, Email: zhouxy@lnnu.edu.cn

6. 分会秘书处联系人:

邱  雯(分会秘书)  电话:010-88235843(办公室), Email:qiuw@ihep.ac.cn

赵  强(分会秘书长)电话:010-88236578(办公室), Email:zhaoq@ihep.ac.cn

7. 致谢:本次会议受到国家自然科学基金委和中国高等科学技术中心的资助。






  • Ai Chao Wang
  • Aiqiang GUO
  • Anke Lei
  • Antonio De Maria
  • Bai-Cian Ke
  • Bao-Dong Sun
  • Baochi Fu
  • Baohua Qi
  • Baoyi Chen
  • Ben-Wei Zhang
  • Bijun Fan
  • Bin Yan
  • Bin Yan
  • bin zhu
  • Bingbing Li
  • Bingfang Yang
  • binghao sun
  • Bo Feng
  • Bo Gao
  • Bo Wang
  • Cai-Dian Lu
  • cailian Jiang
  • Caimei Liu
  • Chang Gong
  • changfeng li
  • Changqiao LI
  • Changzheng YUAN
  • Chao Li
  • Chen Zhou
  • Chenfeng Lu
  • cheng chen
  • Cheng Li
  • Cheng-Yang Lee
  • chengguang zhu
  • Chengping Shen
  • Chengrong Deng
  • Chong-Sheng Li
  • Chu-Wen Xiao
  • Chuangxin Lin
  • Chuanya Cao
  • Chunhua Li
  • ChunXiu Liu ChunXiu
  • Dacheng Xu
  • daihui wei
  • Danning Liu
  • Dayong Wang
  • Defu Hou
  • Dejing Du
  • Desheng Li
  • Dong Liu
  • Dong Wang
  • Donghai Zhang
  • Donglian Xu
  • dongshuo du
  • DongWan Li
  • duan she
  • Duanqing Liu
  • Fa Peng Huang
  • Fan Si
  • Fanrong Xu
  • Fanrui Zeng
  • Fei Gao
  • Fei Huang
  • Fei Sun
  • Fei Wang
  • Fei Yan
  • Fei Yao
  • Feng LYU
  • Feng-Kun Guo
  • Fuyudi Zhang
  • Fábio Alves
  • Gang Chen
  • Gang Yang
  • Gang Yu
  • Gangcheng Lu
  • Gaoguo Yan
  • Gaosong Li
  • Guang-You Qin
  • guangrui liao
  • Guangshun Huang
  • Guihong Huang
  • Guo-Liang Ma
  • Guo-yun SHAO
  • guodong zhang
  • Guofa XU
  • Guofu Cao
  • guohe yang
  • Guoming CHEN
  • Guorui Li
  • Haibin Chen
  • Haifeng Li
  • Haijun Yang
  • Haiming HU
  • haiping peng
  • HaiQing Zhou
  • Haitao Li
  • haiyun teng
  • Han Gao
  • Hansheng Wang
  • Hao Ma
  • Hao Wei
  • Haojie Xu
  • Haoran Bao
  • Haoyu SHI
  • He Li
  • heming li
  • Heng-Tong Ding
  • Hengne Li
  • Hengying Zhang
  • hong xu
  • Hong-Hao Zhang
  • Hongbang Liu
  • Hongbin Liu
  • Hongbo Zhu
  • Honglei LI
  • Hongrong Qi
  • hongsheng zhang
  • Hongwei Ke
  • Hongxi Xing
  • Hongxia Huang
  • Hongyu ZHANG
  • Hongyue Duyang
  • hu shuangshuang
  • Huanguo Li
  • Huanhuan PI
  • HuaXing Zhu
  • Huayong Han
  • Huicai Li
  • Huijing Li
  • Huiling Li
  • Huirong Qi
  • Jia Liu
  • Jia-Rui Sun
  • Jia-Yi Wu
  • Jiajia Qin
  • Jiajun Liao
  • Jiajun Qin
  • Jiajun Wu
  • jiale ren
  • Jian Deng
  • jian ping Dai
  • Jian Tang
  • Jian Wang
  • Jianbin Jiao
  • Jiang-Hao Yu
  • Jiangchuan Chen
  • Jianglai Liu
  • Jianhui Zhu
  • Jianyu Zhang
  • Jiarong Yuan
  • Jiawen ZHANG
  • Jiayin Gu
  • Jiayuan Tian
  • Jibo(吉波) HE(何)
  • Jie Cheng
  • Jie Pu
  • Jieke Wang
  • Jielei ZHANG
  • Jifeng Hu
  • Jilei Xu
  • Jin Wu
  • Jin-Huan(金环) Sheng(盛)
  • Jin-Wen Kang
  • Jin-Xin Hou
  • Jing Chen
  • Jing Wang
  • Jing Zhou
  • Jingshu Li
  • Jingwei Lian
  • Jingya ZHU
  • JingZhao Qi
  • jinjia zhao
  • Jinjing Li
  • Jinmian Li
  • Jinnan (金楠) Zhang (张)
  • Jinyu Hu
  • Jorgivan Dias
  • Jun Guo
  • Junfeng Sun
  • Junhao YIN
  • Junhong Liu
  • Junquan (军全) TAO (陶)
  • Junting Huang
  • Junyi Han
  • Kai Chen
  • Kai Liu
  • Kai Wang
  • Kai Yi
  • Kai Zhu
  • Kaifeng Shen
  • Kaili Zhang
  • kang jia
  • Kexin 可欣 Liu 刘
  • Kim Siang Khaw
  • Kuiyong Liu
  • Kun Jiang
  • Kun Liu
  • Kun Xu
  • Lailin Xu
  • Lei DANG
  • Lei Wang
  • Lei Xia
  • Lei Yin
  • Li Gong
  • Li Tianyin
  • Liang Sun
  • Liang Tianyu
  • Liang YAN
  • Liang Zhan
  • Lianyou shanly@ihep.ac.cn
  • Liaoyuan Dong
  • Lijia Jiang
  • Lilin Yang
  • Liming Song
  • Lin Qiu
  • Lin Zhu
  • Lingyin Luo
  • Lining Mao
  • Linjian Li
  • Linqin Huang
  • Lintao Peng
  • Linxuan Zhu
  • Lishuang MA
  • liu 刘术林
  • Lixin Xu
  • Lixin Yang
  • Lizhu Chen
  • Long Chen
  • Long-Jian Wang
  • Lu-Meng Liu
  • Luyan Tao
  • maojun yan
  • Mayuan Liu
  • Mei Zhao
  • meng lu
  • Meng Lv
  • Meng Wang
  • Mengchuan Du
  • Mengjiao Guo
  • mengmeng wu
  • Mengquan Yang
  • Mengxin Wang
  • mengxue Zhang
  • Mengzhao LI
  • Miao Yu
  • Min An
  • Min Li
  • Min Zha
  • Ming-Qiu Huang
  • Minggang Zhao
  • Mingmei Xu
  • mingming xia
  • Mingshui CHEN
  • Mingtao Zhang
  • Mingxin Wang
  • Mingxu He
  • Mingyi Dong
  • Minhao Gu
  • Mustafa Anaam
  • Nan Lu
  • Ning Cao
  • Ning Li
  • Ning-Bo Chang
  • Pan-Pan Shi
  • Pei-Rong Li
  • Peiwen Wu
  • Peng Hu
  • Pengfei Zhuang
  • Pengxiang Ma
  • Pengxuan Zhu
  • pingyuan Chen
  • pingyuan Chen
  • Qi jingjuan
  • Qi Shi
  • Qi Wu
  • qi zhou
  • Qiang Li
  • QiangJin Xu
  • Qianqian Du
  • Qibin Liu
  • qicai li
  • Qin Qin
  • Qing Chen
  • Qing Lin
  • Qing Wang
  • Qing-Hong Cao
  • Qingfei Han
  • Qingjin XU
  • Qiyuan Pan
  • Quanbu Quan-Bu Gou
  • Quanyin Li
  • ranyu zhang
  • Ren-You Zhang
  • Renjie Wang
  • Rong-Gang Ping
  • Ruhui Li
  • Ruiting Ma
  • Ruiwen Hou
  • Ruixiang Shi
  • Runqiu Ma
  • Sa WANG
  • Sai(赛) WANG(王)
  • SangKwan CHOI
  • Sen Qian
  • Shan Cheng
  • Shan-liang Zhang
  • Shanjin Wu
  • Shanshan Wang
  • Shanzhen Chen
  • Shao-Feng (韶锋) Ge (葛)
  • Shao-Jiang Wang
  • Sheng Dong
  • Sheng-Tai Li
  • Shenghui Zhang
  • Shenjian Chen
  • Shi chunyang
  • Shi Pu
  • Shi-Lin ZHU
  • Shi-Yuan LI
  • Shicong hu
  • shiyong chen
  • Shu Li
  • Shu Lin
  • Shu-yi Wei
  • Shuaiyi 刘帅毅
  • Shuang-Yi Li
  • Shuang-Yong Zhou
  • Shuangshi Fang
  • Shujun Zhao
  • Shuo Fang
  • Shuo Yang
  • shuo zhang
  • Shuopin Wen
  • Shuqi Li
  • Shuqi Sheng
  • Shusu Shi
  • shuwan shen
  • shuxiang ma
  • Shuyun Yang
  • Si-Hong Zhou
  • Sichun Sun
  • Simin Wu
  • Siwen Li
  • Song He
  • Suyu Xiao
  • Tao Luo
  • Tao Yang
  • Taotao Qiu
  • Teng Ji
  • Teng Xiang
  • Tian-lu CHEN
  • Tianbo Liu
  • Tianqi Hu
  • Tianqi Li
  • Tianyang Wang
  • Tianzi Song
  • Tingting Han
  • Tong Li
  • tong liu
  • Wei Chao
  • Wei Chen
  • Wei Dai
  • Wei GAO
  • Wei Jiang
  • Wei Li
  • Wei Shan
  • Wei WANG
  • wei wang
  • Wei Wang
  • Wei WEI
  • Wei-Ping Huang
  • Wei-Tian Deng
  • Wei-Xi Kong
  • Weiguo Lu
  • Weihao Wu
  • Weihua Yang
  • Weijie Li
  • weimin Liu
  • Weimin Song
  • Weiping Wang
  • wen 邱雯
  • Wen-Ya Tian
  • Wenbiao Yan
  • wenbin chang
  • Wenbin QIAN
  • Wencheng Yan
  • Wenda Guo
  • Wenhan Shen
  • Wenhui Shao
  • Wenjing Zhu
  • Wenli Zheng
  • Wenming Zhang
  • Wenqin Yang
  • Wenyi Wang
  • Xian Gao
  • Xiang-Yu Wu
  • Xianggao Wang
  • xiangli qian
  • Xiao Wang
  • Xiao-Fang Han
  • Xiaobing Li
  • Xiaofeng Luo
  • Xiaohu SUN
  • Xiaohui Liu
  • Xiaohui Liu
  • XiaoJie Jiang
  • Xiaojun Bi
  • Xiaoli Luo
  • Xiaolin Bian
  • Xiaolin Kang
  • Xiaolin Wang
  • Xiaoling LI
  • XiaoLong Wang
  • Xiaomin Wei
  • Xiaoming Zhang
  • Xiaoping Wang
  • Xiaorong Zhou
  • Xiaoshen KANG
  • Xiaoshuai Qin
  • Xiaoting Chen
  • Xiaoxuan Ding
  • Xiaoyan Shen
  • Xiaoying Lu
  • Xiaoyu Zhang
  • Xiaoyuan Huang
  • Xiaozhi Bai
  • Xilei Sun
  • Xin Chen
  • Xin Liu
  • Xin Shi
  • Xin Wang
  • Xin Wang
  • Xin-Li Zhao
  • Xinbai Li
  • Xinchou LOU
  • Xingyu Guo
  • Xinhui Huang
  • Xinyan Liu
  • xinyang wang
  • xinye peng
  • Xiongfei Wang
  • Xiujun Li
  • Xu Cao
  • Xu Dong
  • Xu Feng
  • xu wang
  • Xu-Guang Huang
  • Xuai Zhuang
  • Xuan Wang
  • Xuan YANG
  • Xuelong Qin
  • Xuewen Liu
  • Xuhong Li
  • Yandong Liu
  • Yang Li
  • Yang Liu
  • Yang ZHOU
  • Yangheng Zheng
  • Yangu Li
  • Yanhuan Bai
  • Yanping Huang
  • yansheng tu
  • Yanxi zhang
  • yanyan hu
  • Yao Li
  • Yao Zhang
  • Yao Zhu
  • Yao-Bei Liu
  • Yaoguang WANG
  • Yaosong Cheng
  • Yaping Wang
  • Yaquan FANG Yaquan
  • Yaru Wu
  • Yaxian Mao
  • Yayun He
  • Ye Cao
  • Ye YUAN
  • Ye-Ling Zhou
  • Yebo Chen
  • Yi Liao
  • Yibei Li
  • Yichi Xu
  • Yifei Zhang
  • Yifeng Sun
  • Yifeng Sun
  • Yifeng Wei
  • Yige Huang
  • Yin Cheng
  • yin hongjie
  • Ying An
  • Ying An
  • Ying Li
  • Ying ZHANG
  • Ying-Hao Wang
  • Yingao Tang
  • Yixiong Zhou
  • yiying chan
  • Yong Ban
  • Yong Liu
  • Yong-Wei DONG
  • Yongchao Zhang
  • Yongcheng Wu
  • Yonghao Zeng
  • yonghong wang
  • Yonghua Zhan
  • Yongzhao Sun
  • Yu Feng
  • Yu Gao
  • Yu Lu
  • Yu Lu
  • YU Shunjing
  • Yu-Feng Zhou
  • Yu-kun Song
  • Yu-Ming Wang
  • Yu-Xiao Liu
  • Yuan Feng
  • Yuanfang Wu
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Yuanyuan Hu
  • Yuchen Cai
  • Yue Meng
  • yue xu
  • Yuehong Xie
  • Yuehuan Wei
  • Yuekai Song
  • Yufeng Wang
  • Yugen Lin
  • Yuhui Li
  • Yuichiro Nakai
  • Yujing Huang
  • YuLei Ye
  • Yun Guo
  • Yun-Long Zhang
  • Yunhe Lu
  • Yunlong Zhang
  • Yunpeng LU
  • Yuntao Wu
  • Yunxuan Song
  • Yusheng Wu
  • Yuzi Yang
  • Yvming Tian
  • Ze-Fang Jiang
  • Zebo Tang
  • Zeyu Zhai
  • Zhan Li
  • Zhang Shoushan
  • Zhaoshen Xu
  • Zhaoyang Yuan
  • Zhaoyuan,Peng 彭昭缘
  • Zhe DUAN
  • Zhehao Hua
  • zhen lin
  • Zhen Liu
  • Zhen Wang
  • Zhen Xu
  • Zhen-Hua Zhang
  • Zheng Sun
  • Zhengyun You
  • Zhenhong Wu
  • Zhenwei Yang
  • ZhenYang(振洋) Wang(王)
  • Zhenyu Wei
  • ZHi Xiao
  • Zhi-Hui Guo
  • zhi-hui Wang
  • zhi-tian zou
  • Zhi-Wen Wang
  • Zhi-zhong XING
  • Zhigang WANG
  • Zhihong Ye
  • Zhijun Li
  • Zhimin WANG
  • Zhiqing Liu
  • Zhiyu Zhao
  • zhong yang
  • Zhong-Juan Yang
  • Zhongbao Yin
  • ZhongJun Yang
  • Zhoujian Cao
  • Zhuoni Qian
  • Ziheng Yang
  • Zike Wang
  • Ziwen Zhang
  • Ziyang Li
  • Ziyi Wang
  • Zong-Kuan GUO
  • 一凡 沈
  • 一可 许
  • 一超 党
  • 一雨 周
  • 一鸣 李
  • 世园 符
  • 世源 武
  • 东栋 胡
  • 丰泽 张
  • 丰鹏 安
  • 丹丹 沈
  • 丹昊 张
  • 丽 袁
  • 丽婷 王
  • 丽桃 杨
  • 丽清 秦
  • 义仁 陈
  • 九昭 李
  • 书磊(Shu-Lei) 张(Zhang)
  • 乾达 沈
  • 云云 樊
  • 云阳 罗
  • 亚男 王
  • 亚睿 卫
  • 亮 张
  • 亮 郑
  • 亮亮 刘
  • 亮亮 韩
  • 亮辉 张
  • 仕奇 陆
  • 代翠 周
  • 以周 蔡
  • 伊 尹
  • 会超 包
  • 伟 何
  • 伟 苏
  • 伟东 白
  • 伟伟 许
  • 伟刚 殷
  • 伟志 熊
  • 伯冰 吴
  • 作堂 梁
  • 佳 伊
  • 佳 周
  • 佳 张
  • 佳会 陈
  • 佳俊 刘
  • 佳宁 张
  • 佳惠 冯
  • 佳杰 江
  • 佳辉 乔
  • 侃 陈
  • 俊 华
  • 俊静 王
  • 候兵 姜
  • 倩 刘
  • 倩 王
  • 倩倩 郭
  • 健荣 周
  • 健锋 马
  • 健飞 王
  • 元涛 顾
  • 光 罗
  • 光漫 项
  • 光豹 孙
  • 克让 宋
  • 兢一 徐
  • 全 邹
  • 兴华 杨
  • 兴博 袁
  • 兴玉 周
  • 兴隆 贾
  • 军 蒋
  • 冬 李
  • 冰 李
  • 冰松 邹
  • 凌云 戴
  • 凯 孙
  • 凯 崔
  • 刘 婷婷
  • 刘 昊昱
  • 刚 李
  • 刚 李
  • 利华 董
  • 利华 董
  • 利苹 王
  • 剑桥 邓
  • 剑波 程
  • 力 赵
  • 力强 朱
  • 加伦 平
  • 加宣 罗
  • 加琪 惠
  • 勇杰 孙
  • 勋 陈
  • 勖林 董勖林
  • 北江 刘
  • 华兴 彭
  • 华桥 张
  • 华莹 张
  • 博 喻
  • 博 赵
  • 博轩 施
  • 印达 郭
  • 召赛 贾
  • 吉 徐
  • 吉鹏 王
  • 向明 孙
  • 君霞 陈
  • 启 高
  • 启隆 郭
  • 周 详
  • 周 雅瑾
  • 哲 宁
  • 哲 张
  • 喆飞 田
  • 嘉璇 曹
  • 园园 王
  • 国利 王
  • 圆宏 郭
  • 土琛 黄
  • 坤 胡
  • 培志 鹿
  • 基伟 李
  • 堃 胡
  • 声权 王
  • 夏卿 李
  • 大为 付
  • 大宇 彭
  • 天一 杨
  • 天涯 吴
  • 天鸿 王
  • 太傅 冯
  • 奕 千
  • 奕 陶
  • 奕力 王
  • 妍 邵
  • 妍钰 李
  • 姜 赛赛
  • 威 刘
  • 娇娇 宋
  • 娟 吴
  • 婧 高
  • 婧赢 田
  • 婷婷 潘
  • 子毓 王
  • 子航 贾
  • 存峰 冯
  • 孙 晓晨
  • 宁 周
  • 宁 陈
  • 宇 张
  • 宇 张
  • 宇 高
  • 宇哲 赵
  • 宇慧 周
  • 宇昕 肖
  • 宇航 郭
  • 安 邸
  • 安平 陈
  • 宏邦 刘
  • 宗国 司
  • 宗炜 张
  • 宜新 张
  • 宜萱 金
  • 宜龙 谢
  • 宝鑫 刘
  • 家宁 董
  • 家琳 李
  • 宾 王
  • 小康 都
  • 小玉 王
  • 少博 王
  • 少敏 陈
  • 少杰 王
  • 少章 赵
  • 岑 莫
  • 峰磊 刘
  • 峻熙 崔
  • 崭 孙
  • 帅 周
  • 帅 杨
  • 帅 欧阳
  • 帅杰 李
  • 帆 杨
  • 希俊 王
  • 帮祥 陈
  • 庆华 徐
  • 度 王
  • 康 刘
  • 康康 赵
  • 建 庄
  • 建北 刘
  • 建华 高
  • 建新 卢
  • 建明 申
  • 建立 张
  • 开宝 陈
  • 开燚 吴
  • 弘安 曾
  • 张 伟燕
  • 张 涛
  • 张银鸿 ZHANG Yinhong
  • 强 李
  • 强 赵
  • 强进 徐
  • 彤彤 王
  • 彦清 赵
  • 彬 唐
  • 德民 李
  • 心宇 脱
  • 心晴 谢
  • 志嘉 孙
  • 志均 梁
  • 志峰 刘
  • 志成 刘
  • 志成 唐
  • 志扬 包
  • 志方 田
  • 志永 张
  • 志源 陈
  • 志鹏 邢
  • 思天 钱
  • 思宇 汤
  • 思浩 吴
  • 思瑶 宋
  • 性涛 黄
  • 恩 王
  • 悦 孙
  • 悦杨 康
  • 悦琪 王
  • 惠芳 吕
  • 慎 汪
  • 慧超 宋
  • 成坡 陈
  • 成成 韩
  • 成明 刘
  • 振军 肖
  • 振华 赵
  • 振宇 张
  • 挺 林
  • 擎 付
  • 文 陈
  • 文佳 王
  • 文博 董
  • 文博 马
  • 文昌 向
  • 文松 曹
  • 文韬 吕
  • 文韬 王
  • 文颖 韩
  • 斌婷 张
  • 斯 马
  • 斯为 戴
  • 新锴 (Sing-Kai) 文 (Bhung)
  • 方 涛
  • 旭东 余
  • 旷洁 任
  • 昊 Zhang
  • 昊 孙
  • 昊琳 王
  • 昌樵 李
  • 明宇 张
  • 明萱 薛
  • 易 许
  • 昕 李
  • 昕海 谢
  • 星导 郭
  • 春贵 段
  • 昱昊 王
  • 晓 初
  • 晓 赵
  • 晓云 王
  • 晓凤 王
  • 晓婷 常
  • 晓川 王
  • 晓晗 谭
  • 晓浩 游
  • 晓海 刘
  • 晓燕 赵
  • 晓睿 吕
  • 晓程 宋
  • 晓雯 李
  • 晖 李
  • 晗 妙
  • 晗 张
  • 晗 王
  • 晨 吴
  • 晨 高
  • 晴 曹
  • 晶 靖
  • 智 杨
  • 智 邓
  • 智豪 许
  • 曦若 张
  • 曼 解
  • 朝峰 刘
  • 朦 肖
  • 朱 嘉利
  • 权宜 胡
  • 杉杉 曹
  • 李 怀繁
  • 李昂 张
  • 杨 何
  • 杨 傅
  • 杨 刘
  • 杨乐 贺
  • 杨康 刘
  • 杨捷 粟
  • 杰 唐
  • 杰 易
  • 杰 朱
  • 杰妙 王
  • 柏林 黄
  • 柯 韩
  • 柳 何
  • 栋 刘
  • 栋林 王
  • 树彬 刘
  • 栩 黎
  • 栩量 朱
  • 桂珍 吴
  • 桂荣 梁
  • 桢 王
  • 梅 黄
  • 梓林 袁
  • 梦怡 卜
  • 森 贾
  • 楚翘 蒋
  • 楠 张
  • 楠 李
  • 槟榕 郁
  • 欣力 盛
  • 欣宇 赵
  • 欣洋 李
  • 正华 安
  • 殿斗 徐
  • 毅 于
  • 永录 刘
  • 永杰 邓
  • 永波 黄
  • 永聪 徐
  • 汇鑫 于
  • 汉中 张
  • 江 闫
  • 沛成 蒋
  • 治明 李
  • 治浪 王
  • 泓鉴 王
  • 法宇 姜
  • 波 冯
  • 波 刘
  • 波 李
  • 波 郑
  • 波涛 郭
  • 泽军 李
  • 泽同 孙
  • 泽嘉 卢
  • 泽坤 杨
  • 泽坤 贾
  • 泽源 于
  • 泽群 孙
  • 洁晟 俞
  • 洪勋 杨
  • 洪瑶 金
  • 洲润 朱
  • 济东 都
  • 济航 张
  • 浩 仇
  • 浩 蔡
  • 浩奇 路
  • 浩浩 彭
  • 浩磊 陈
  • 海军 王
  • 海棠 杨
  • 海波 (Hai-Bo Li)李
  • 海荣 董
  • 海钰 王
  • 海龙 马
  • 涛 朱
  • 涛亚 高
  • 涵 李
  • 涵宇 宫
  • 深伸 杨
  • 清 张
  • 清峰 程
  • 清平 姬
  • 源旭 王
  • 满 袁
  • 滨龙 王
  • 潇平 覃
  • 瀚非 叶
  • 热依木阿吉 亚克甫
  • 焱 丁
  • 燕兵 蔡
  • 猷全 綦
  • 玉林 王
  • 玉玺 高
  • 玉莹 贺
  • 玉超 顾
  • 玉鑫 刘
  • 王 璐瑶
  • 王妹 查
  • 玥 苏
  • 现伟 康
  • 珊珊 胡
  • 琪 安
  • 琪镔 付
  • 琳 司
  • 瑜 石
  • 瑞 胡
  • 瑞林 朱
  • 瑞珈 张
  • 瑞睿 樊
  • 甫鹏 李
  • 田 玮
  • 皓琼 王
  • 盛 柏
  • 相坤 董
  • 石其 张
  • 石磊 陶
  • 硕 林
  • 磊 张
  • 磊 王
  • 磊 王
  • 磊 蔡
  • 祖豪 李
  • 祥仪 崔
  • 祥祥 任
  • 福升 于
  • 禹坤 石
  • 禹辰 郭
  • 秀梅 咸
  • 秋和 彭
  • 秋岩 张
  • 秋红 王
  • 科盛 孙
  • 立升 耿
  • 立叶 肖
  • 立武 刘
  • 立诚 章
  • 竹君 方
  • 笙琴 冯
  • 红玉 史
  • 红生 侯
  • 纪锋 韩
  • 纳倩 张
  • 绍龙 陈
  • 维琪 范
  • 维虎 马
  • 罕涛 敬
  • 美儒 安
  • 美君 梁
  • 翔 肖
  • 翔 董
  • 翠 钟
  • 耀东 程
  • 聚军 谢
  • 聪 张
  • 聪 易
  • 聪 郭
  • 胜 曾
  • 胜辉 曾
  • 胤发 沈
  • 能昌 韦
  • 致廷 卢
  • 舟 王
  • 航 周
  • 航 尹
  • 艳凤 王
  • 艳婷 范
  • 艳艳 都
  • 艳蕾 潘
  • 艺霖 王
  • 芃 茹
  • 苟 兴瑞
  • 若平 赵
  • 英慧 葛
  • 茂林 张
  • 茂武 聂
  • 荣佳 杨
  • 莉华 蔡
  • 莞悦 汪
  • 莹 高
  • 莹 齐
  • 莹莹 王
  • 萌 韩
  • 萌非 赵
  • 蔚 陈
  • 蕾 孟
  • 行 许
  • 衍文 刘
  • 裕富 林
  • 裴 苏岩
  • 警 武
  • 诚 张
  • 豪 陈
  • 豫斌 赵
  • 贇 蒋
  • 贤文 包
  • 贺霞 张
  • 赵 润泽
  • 超嵩 高
  • 越 张
  • 越恺 胡
  • 轩豪 张
  • 轶亮 尹
  • 轶旻 车
  • 辉 张
  • 达 徐
  • 迪 张
  • 迪 王
  • 迪泫 肖
  • 选贺 王
  • 通 陈
  • 逸凡 朱
  • 郁博 李
  • 鄢 芬
  • 金林 傅
  • 金标 魏
  • 金龙 张
  • 鑫 关
  • 鑫 吴
  • 鑫 李
  • 钒 冯
  • 钦 常
  • 钰 郭
  • 钰瑶 吉
  • 钱 杨
  • 铭泽 李
  • 锐 陈
  • 锦 王
  • 锦波 黎
  • 锦涛 邹
  • 长裕 李
  • 阳 张
  • 阳 韩
  • 阳 高
  • 阿布都克力木 阿布都沙拉木
  • 雅迪 王
  • 雨 孟
  • 雨丝 潘
  • 雪佳 程
  • 雪莹 韩
  • 雪莹 韩
  • 雯捷 宋
  • 雯露 韦
  • 雷 常
  • 雷 杨
  • 雷 武
  • 雷 赵
  • 雷(Lei) 张(Zhang)
  • 震 张
  • 震 胡
  • 震宇 陈
  • 靖 彭
  • 靖皓 单
  • 靖靖 杨
  • 静 董
  • 静 赵
  • 韦成 龙
  • 韵 管
  • 颖 魏
  • 飞 李
  • 飞 黄
  • 馨 张
  • 马 滟青
  • 驰 杨
  • 骁 王
  • 鸾 程
  • 鸿灿 李
  • 鹏 孙
  • 鹏 张
  • 鹏程 艾
  • 鹏程 路
  • 鹏辉 胡
  • 鹏飞 王
  • 鹤 徐
  • 鼎煜 邵
  • 龙 马
  • 龙刚 庞
  • 龙成 桂
    • 8:30 AM 10:00 AM
      Plenary SessionⅠ


      Convener: Zhengguo Zhao (USTC)
    • 10:00 AM 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break 30m
    • 10:30 AM 12:15 PM
      Plenary Session II


      Convener: Yuanning Gao (Peking University)
      • 10:30 AM
        LHAASO研究进展报告 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Zhen Cao (高能所)
      • 11:05 AM
        TeV 物理实验进展综述 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Qiang Li (School of physics, Peking University)

        Full version:  https://disk.pku.edu.cn:443/link/5B17829AB579043AD3B63506915A6631

      • 11:40 AM
        微扰QCD和精确计算研究进展 35m
        Speaker: Dr HuaXing Zhu (Zhejiang University)
    • 12:15 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 45m
    • 2:00 PM 3:45 PM
      Plenary Session III


      Convener: Bingsong ZOU (ITP, CAS)
      • 2:00 PM
        振幅计算和有效场论研究进展 35m
        Speaker: Gang Yang (Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS)
      • 2:35 PM
        格点 QCD 研究进展 35m
        Speaker: Prof. Heng-Tong Ding (Central China Normal University)
      • 3:10 PM
        高能重离子碰撞物理综述 35m
        Speaker: Xu-Guang Huang (Fudan University)
    • 3:45 PM 4:05 PM
      Coffee Break 20m
    • 4:05 PM 5:50 PM
      Plenary Session IV


      Convener: Xiaoyan Shen (IHEP)
    • 8:30 AM 10:15 AM
      Plenary Session V


      Convener: 崇兴 岳 (辽宁师范大学)
    • 10:15 AM 10:30 AM
      Coffee Break 15m
    • 10:30 AM 12:15 PM
      Plenary Session VI


      Convener: Xiao-Gang He (SJTU/NCTS)
    • 12:20 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 1h 40m
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session I (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: Yusheng Wu (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 2:00 PM
        A detailed map of Higgs boson interactions by the ATLAS experiment ten years after the discovery 15m
        Speaker: UNKNOWN 鲁港成
      • 2:15 PM
        Combined measurement of Higgs properties 15m
        Speaker: Jin Wang (IHEP)
      • 2:30 PM
        Resummation of large logarithms in cross sections at subleading power 15m


        Speaker: Jian Wang (Shandong University)
      • 2:45 PM
        H→γγ fiducial and differential cross-section in diphoton channel with full Run2 dataset at ATLAS 15m
        Speaker: Fabio Alves (Nanjing University)
      • 3:00 PM
        Recent Higgs measurements in diboson channels at the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Dongshuo Du (USTC)
      • 3:15 PM
        Higgs properties measurements in ZZ and diphoton channels: cross sections, mass at CMS 15m
        Speaker: Junquan (军全) TAO (陶) (IHEP/CAS (中科院高能所))
      • 3:30 PM
        Measurement of the Higgs boson width in ZZ final states at CMS 15m
        Speaker: Li Yuan (Beihang University)
      • 3:45 PM
        How arbitrary are perturbative calculations of the electroweak phase transition? 15m

        We investigate the extent to which perturbative calculations of the electroweak phase transition are arbitrary and uncertain, owing to their gauge, renormalization scale and scheme dependence, as well as treatments of the Goldstone catastrophe and daisy diagrams. Using the complete parameter space of the Standard Model extended by a real scalar singlet with a Z2 symmetry as a test, we explore the properties of the electroweak phase transition in general Rxi and covariant gauges, OS and MSbar renormalization schemes, and common treatments of the Goldstone catastrophe and daisy diagrams. Reassuringly, we find that different renormalization schemes and different treatments of the Goldstone catastrophe and daisy diagrams typically lead to only small changes in predictions for the critical temperature and strength of the phase transition. On the other hand, the gauge and renormalization scale dependence may be significant, and often impact the existence of the phase transition altogether.

        Speaker: Dr Yang Zhang (Zhengzhou University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session I (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: Wenbin QIAN (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 2:00 PM
        LHCb上奇特态的产生研究 20m


        Speaker: 兢一 徐 (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 2:20 PM
        Double J/psi at CMS 20m

        Double J/psi at CMS

        Speaker: 震 胡
      • 2:40 PM
        Double J/psi at ATLAS 20m

        Double J/psi at ATLAS

        Speaker: Mrs Yue Xu (清华大学)
      • 3:00 PM
        Observation of a resonant structure near the Ds+Ds- threshold at LHCb 15m

        A near-threshold peaking structure, dubbed X(3960), is observed in the Ds+Ds- mass spectrum with significance greater than 12 standard deviations, using proton-proton collision data collected with the LHCb detector at centre-of-mass energies of 7, 8 and 13 TeV. Its quantum numbers is measured to be J^{PC}=0^{++} with the amplitude analysis. It may be a candidate with the quark content: c cbar s sbar candidate.

        Speaker: Mr Hongrong Qi (Tsinghua University)
      • 3:15 PM
        Search for pentaquarks in B-meson decays at LHCb 15m

        The first discovery of pentaquarks at LHCb in 2015, opens new window to study QCD. The LHCb experiment has the large dataset and excellent detector performance in such searches. In this talk, the latest results on pentaquark study in B-meson decays from LHCb will be discussed.

        Speaker: Jianyu Zhang
      • 3:30 PM
        Study of the pentaquark states 15m
        Inspired by the observations of the pentaquark-like states found by LHCb, we investigated these heavy pentaquark states with the coupled channel unitary approach, taking into account the heavy quark spin symmetry and local hidden gauge symmetry. We dynamically reproduced three $P_c$ states and $P_{cs} (4459)$ in the interactions of the channels $\bar{D}^{(*)} \Sigma_c^{(*)}$ and $\bar{D}^{(*)} \Xi_c^{(*,')}$ with their coupled channels, respectively. Furthermore, we also show the results on the two-poles structure of the $\Lambda(1405)$ state in the interactions of $\bar{K}N$ and $\pi\Sigma$ with their coupled channels. Thus, one concluded that these resonances were molecular states.
        Speaker: Chu-Wen Xiao (Central South University)
      • 3:45 PM
        Lattice calculation of the $\eta_c\eta_c$ and $J/\psi J/\psi$ scattering length 15m

        We calculate the s-wave scattering length in the $0^+$ sector of $\eta_c\eta_c$ and the $2^+$ sector of $J/\psi J/\psi$ using three $N_f=2$ twisted mass gauge ensembles
        with the lattice spacing $a=0.0667,0.085,0.098$ fm, respectively.
        The scattering lengths are extracted using the conventional L{\"u}scher finite size method. We observe significant discretization effects and therefore perform a continuum extrapolation. Finally, we obtain the results as $a^{0^+}_{\eta_c\eta_c}=-0.104(09)$ fm and $a^{2^+}_{J/\psi J/\psi}=-0.165(16)$ fm, where the errors are statistical errors with the uncertainties of lattice spacing taken into account. Both scattering lengths are negative, indicating that the interaction between the two charmonia are repulsive in nature in both channels being studied.

        Speaker: Dr Yu Meng (Zhengzhou University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session I (3):Heavy Ion Physics: Jet I
      Convener: Prof. Ben-Wei Zhang (Central China Normal University)
      • 2:00 PM
        喷注物理实验综述 25m
        The energy loss of jets (jet quenching) is one of the most important signatures of the deconfined state of quarks and gluons (Quark-Gluon Plasma) created in Pb--Pb collisions at the LHC. The measurement of jets recoiling from a trigger hadron uniquely enables the exploration of medium-induced modification of jet production. Jet deflection via multiple soft scatterings with the medium constituents may result in a broadening of the overall azimuthal correlation between the trigger hadron and the recoiling jet. In addition, the tail of this azimuthal correlation is sensitive to single-hard Moli\`ere scatterings off quasi-particles in the medium. The overall yield and R-dependence of the recoil jets of also offers important information about jet energy loss and intra-jet broadening. This contribution presents a measurement of charged jets recoiling from a trigger hadron in pp and Pb--Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$ = 5.02 TeV. Techniques are employed which allow for a precise data-driven subtraction of the large uncorrelated background contaminating the measurement in Pb--Pb collisions, enabling the exploration of medium-induced modification of jet production and acoplanarity over a wide phase space, including the low jet $p_\mathrm{T}$ region for large jet resolution parameter $R$.
        Speaker: Yaxian Mao (Central China Normal University)
      • 2:25 PM
        Unraveling Gluon Jet Quenching through $J/\psi$ Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions 15m
        Jet quenching has long been regarded as one of the most important signatures for the discovery of Quark-Gluon Plasma created in heavy-ion collisions. Despite significant efforts, separate identification of quark and gluon jet quenching has remained as a challenge. We illustrate for the first time that energetic $J/\psi$ production can be served as a unique probe to the gluon jet quenching mechanism. Within the framework of leading power NRQCD factorization formalism for the baseline of proton-proton collisions, we identify that gluon fragmentation dominates the production of $J/\psi$ in high transverse momentum region. We then implement the linear Boltzmann transport model for the simulation of medium modification, the obtained results of nuclear modification factor $R_{AA}$ and elliptic flow $v_2$ agree with the experimental data, which demonstrates the significance of gluon jet quenching in $J/\psi$ production in nucleus-nucleus collisions. We further verify such effect by performing a fully data-driven analysis of the experimental data with Bayesian technique, which allows us to extract quantitatively the gluon jet quenching in high energy heavy-ion collisions.
        Speaker: Dr Shan-liang Zhang (SCNU)
      • 2:40 PM
        Exposing the dead-cone effect of jet quenching in QCD medium 15m
        When an energetic parton traverses the hot QCD medium, it may suffer multiple scattering and energy losses. The medium-induced gluon radiation for a massive quark will be suppressed relative to that of a light quark due to the dead-cone effect. The development of new declustering techniques of jet evolution makes a direct study of the dead-cone effect in the QCD medium possible for the first time. In this work, we compute the emission angle distribution of the charm-quark initiated splittings in $\rm D^0$ meson tagged jet and that of the light parton initiated splittings in inclusive jets in p+p and Pb+Pb at $5.02$~TeV by utilizing the declustering techniques of jet evolution. The heavy quark propagation and indued energy loss in the QCD medium are simulated with the SHELL model based on the Langevin equation. When comparing the jet number normalized emission angle distributions of the charm-quark initiated splittings and that of the light parton initiated splittings by directly taking their ratios at the same energy intervals of the initial parton, one can find the charm-quark initiated splittings will be suppressed at smaller emission angle corresponding to the dead-cone effect. The dead-cone effect of the jet quenching can be directly observed. We further investigate the case of the emission angle distributions normalized to the number of splittings in jets and find that the dead-cone effect will broaden the emission angle of the splitting and reduce the possibility of such splitting occurring, leading to the massive parton losing less energy.
        Speaker: Prof. Wei Dai (China University of Geosciences (Wuhan))
      • 2:55 PM
        $p_{T}$ dispersion of inclusive jets in high-energy nuclear collisions 15m
        In this work, we study the impact of jet quenching on $p_{T}$ dispersion($p_{T}D$) of inclusive jets ($R=0.2$) in Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$~TeV. The partonic spectrum in the initial hard scattering of elementary collisions are obtained by an event generator POWHEG+PYTHIA, which matches the next-to-leading (NLO) matrix elements with parton showering, and energy loss of fast parton traversing in hot/dense QCD medium is calculated by Monte Carlo simulation within Higher-Twist formalism of jet quenching in heavy-ion collisions. We present the model calculations of normalized $p_{T}D$ distributions for inclusive jets in p+p and Pb+Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s}=2.76$~TeV, which give nice descriptions of ALICE measurements. It is shown that the $p_{T}D$ distributions of inclusive jets in Pb+Pb significantly shifts to higher $p_{T}D$ region relative to that in p+p. Thus the nuclear modification ratio of $p_{T}D$ distributions for inclusive jets is smaller than unity at small $p_{T}D$ region, while larger than one at large $p_{T}D$ region. This behavior results from more uneven $p_T$ distribution of jet constituents as well as the fraction alteration of quark/gluon initiated jets in heavy-ion collisions. The difference of $p_{T}D$ distributions between groomed and ungroomed jets in Pb+Pb collisions are also discussed.
        Speakers: Ms jun Yan (Central China Normal University) , Dr shiyong chen (Central China Normal University)
      • 3:10 PM
        Jet-like correlations with $V^0$ triggered particles in p-p and pb-pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV 15m

        Two-particle correlations with $V^{0}$ $(K^{0}_{S}, \Lambda/\bar\Lambda)$ and charged hadrons as trigger particles of transverse momentum
        $8 < p_\mathrm{T,trig}< 16$ GeV/c, and associated charged particles of $1 < p_\mathrm{T,assoc}< 8$ GeV/c, are studied at mid-rapidity in pp and most central Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC.
        After contributions of the flow background is subtracted, the per-trigger yields are extracted, and the nuclear modification factor, $I_\mathrm{AA}$, is calculated on both near and away side.
        The results of $I_\mathrm{AA}$ show strongly suppression on away-side and enhancement at low $p_\mathrm{T}$ on both near- and away-side consistence with previous ALICE measurement of neutral pion ($\pi^{0}$-h) and charged hadrons (h-h) in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$ = 2.76 TeV. In addition, the data are described within uncertainties by AMPT and HIJING event generators.

        Speaker: Mustafa Anaam (PhD)
      • 3:25 PM
        Parton splitting scales of reclustered large-radius jets in high-energy nuclear collisions 15m
        We carry out the first theoretical investigation on yields and the hardest parton splitting of large-radius jets reclustered from small radius (R = 0.2) anti-kt jets in Pb + Pb collisions, and confront them with the recent ATLAS measurements. The Linear Boltzmann Transport (LBT) model is employed for jet propagation and jet-induced medium excitation in the hot-dense medium. We demonstrate that, with their complex structures, the medium suppression of the reclustered large radius jets at R = 1 is larger than that of inclusive R = 0.4 jets defined conventionally. The large radius jet constituents are reclustered with the kt algorithm to obtain the splitting scale √d12, which characterizes the transverse momentum scale for the hardest splitting in the jet. The large radius jet production as a function of the splitting scale √d12 of the hardest parton splitting is overall suppressed in Pb + Pb relative to p + p collisions due to the reduction of jets yields. A detailed analyses show that the alterations of jet substructures in Pb + Pb also make significant contribution to the splitting scale √d12 dependence of the nuclear modification factor RAA. Numerical results for the medium modifications of the jet splitting angle R12 and the splitting fraction z are also presented
        Speaker: Ms Mengquan Yang (CCNU)
      • 3:40 PM
        Forward Single Inclusive Jet Production in pA Collisions at Next-to-leading Order with Threshold Resummation 15m
        My talk is baesed on our work of presenting the first complete next-to-leading-order (NLO) prediction for the single inclusive jet production in pA collisions at forward rapidities within the color glass condensate (CGC) effective theory. Our prediction is fully differential over the final state physical kinematics, which allows the implementation of the full jet clustering algorithm in our calculation, as well as any other infra-red safe observables. The NLO calculation is setup with the aid of the observable originated power counting framework we proposed which gives rise to the novel soft contributions in the CGC factorization. We achieve the fully-differential calculation by constructing suitable subtraction terms to handle the singularities in the real corrections. The subtraction contributions can be exactly integrated analytically. The NLO calculation demonstrates explicitly the validity of the CGC factorization theorem to the jet production. Furthermore, as a byproduct of the subtraction method, we also derive the fully analytic cross section for the forward jet production in the small-R limit. We show that in the small-R limit, the forward jet cross section can be factorized to a semi-hard cross section that produces a parton and the semi-inclusive jet function (siJF),just like the jet production in the central region where exactly the same siJF shows up. We argue this feature holds for generic jet productions in the CGC framework. Last, we show numerical predictions of the jet transverse momentum and energy distributions. Like the forward hadron production, the obtained NLO result also exhibits the negative cross section in the large jet transverse regime, this talk also contains our solution to this which is the threshold resummation.
        Speaker: Hao-yu Liu (Beijing Normal University)
      • 3:55 PM
        Higher twist transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions in the MIT bag model 15m
        We study the transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDs) up to twist-4 in the MIT bag model. Besides the TMDs defined from the quark-quark correlator, we have also calculated those defined via quark-$j$-gluon-quark correlators and four-quark correlators for the first time. All the T-even and T-odd TMDs are computed to the $\alpha_{s}^{1}$ level. Furthermore, we quantitatively evaluate the azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS resulted from those TMDs. The numerical results show that twist-4 contributions can provide 20 percent corrections to the leading twist correction for the $\langle \sin(\phi-\phi_{S})\rangle_{UT}$ and $\langle \cos(\phi-\phi_{S})\rangle_{LT}$ asymmetries and the twist-3 effects varies between a few percent and 20 percent at low-$Q^{2}$.
        Speaker: 哲 张 (Shandong University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session I (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology

      Chair: 查敏

      Convener: Min Zha (高能所)
      • 2:00 PM
        LHAASO-KM2A status 15m
        Speaker: Dr Li Cong (IHEP)
      • 2:15 PM
        LHAASO-WCDA data analysis and sky survey of VHE gamma ray sources 15m
        Speaker: Mr Hu Shicong
      • 2:30 PM
        A real-time monitor for TeV Blazar with LHAASO-WCDA 15m
        Speaker: Mr Xiang Guangman
      • 2:45 PM
        Measuring VHE diffuse gamma-ray emission from Galactic Plane with LHAASO-WCDA 15m
        Speaker: Dr Li Huicai
      • 3:00 PM
        PeV宇宙射线大尺度各向异性测量 15m
        Speaker: Ms Cao Qing
      • 3:15 PM
        Horizontal air showers and electron neutrino search with LHAASO-KM2A 15m
        Speaker: Dr Gou Quanbu
      • 3:30 PM
        AMS高能宇宙线正电子流强的最新结果 15m
        Speaker: Dr Zhang Chengcheng (IHEP)
      • 3:45 PM
        AMS低能正电子时变流强测量 15m
        Speaker: 泽同 孙
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session I (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: Sen Qian (高能所)
      • 2:00 PM
        新一代高能量粒子对撞机超导磁体技术研究进展 15m
        中科院高能物理研究所联合国内相关实验室,正在开展针对下一代高能量粒子对撞机的先进超导磁体技术预研:国内提议建设的正负电子对撞机-超级质子对撞机CEPC-SPPC,以及欧洲CERN提出的未来环形对撞机FCC,均对超导磁体技术提出了新的高要求。CEPC粒子探测器需要在厚度150mm范围内提供一个3特斯拉(T)的大孔径螺线管磁场,SPPC为达到75-150 TeV的质心对撞能量,需要在周长100 km的地下隧道内安装数千台场强20 T的超导二极及四极磁体。高能所超导磁体团队正在开展针对性的预研,并已取得重要进展:国产化铝基卢瑟福电缆研制成功,国产化二极磁体样机达到12 T。SPPC高场超导磁体拟以全新的铁基超导技术为首选路线:原材料成本低、制作工艺简单且具有优良的强场下电磁及机械性能。在后续十年,超导磁体团队将联合国内相关实验室,完成实用化铁基超导线材的性能进一步提升、长线产业化及铁基高场超导磁体样机的研制,同时稳步推进基于Nb3Sn及ReBCO等超导材料的高场超导磁体技术研究。性能大幅度提升的新一代高场超导磁体技术,不仅在粒子加速器领域,在其它大科学工程领域(核聚变装置等)及民用领域(核磁谱仪等),也有着广泛的应用前景。本文将对相关研究目标、近期进展及未来计划做简要介绍。
        Speaker: Dr Qingjin XU (高能所)
      • 2:15 PM
        CSNS高能质子测试束实验终端的物理设计 15m
        敬罕涛、樊瑞睿、董明义、钱森、梁志均、易晗、韩艳良、谭志新、李志平、周凯、陈佳鑫、王平、史欣、刘勇、孙志嘉、陈元柏 中国散裂中子源(CSNS)是一个多学科应用的科学研究平台。它的强流质子加速器可以提供稳定的1.6GeV的高能质子束流。在CSNS二期中将进一步提升质子束流功率到500 kW。于此同时,利用散射方式将1.6GeV引到高能质子实验大厅,提供专用的极弱高能质子测试束,用于新型先进粒子探测器的研发测试。另外,高流强也可以提供辐照效应等相关的研究。质子能量通过降能器可以在0.8-1.6 GeV之间调节。实验厅内规划了两个实验终端,分时利用束流。终端内配备了快触发探测头、高位置精度的望远镜测量设备、束流剖面等测量设备。终端建成后,将是国际上为数不多的专用高能质子测试束实验终端,为我国先进粒子探测器研发提供测试条件。
        Speaker: Mr 罕涛 敬 (高能所)
      • 2:30 PM
        The status of Cryogenics for the PandaX-4T and future PandaX-30T 15m
        PandaX-4T is a xenon dual-phase detector with about six tons of liquid xenon as target for dark matter search, it runs for 2 years. The next generation is the PandaX-30T with about 50 tons of xenon. In this report, the performance of Pandax-4T cryogenics for the commission run (RUN1) and RUN2 are reported. Two coldheads (total: 3 coldheads) are enough, the static heat load is around 90W, outer vacuum is less than 2.4E-4Pa; the fluctuation of xenon pressure is less than 0.5%; the precision of xenon temperature is less than 0.1K. The average speed of online purifying xenon is around 100slpm (mainly LOOP1), maximum electron lifetime is around 2200 us (RUN2). Total radon level of PandaX-4T is less than that of XENON1T, however, the contribution of LOOPs is almost half. At last, the cryogenics design of PandaX-30T is introduced too.
        Speaker: Dr Li Zhao (Shanghai JiaoTong University)
      • 2:45 PM
        中国散裂中子源探测器研制进展 15m
        Speaker: Dr 健荣 周 (中国科学院高能物理研究所/散裂中子源科学中心)
      • 3:00 PM
        CSNS白光中子束线探测器系统综述 15m
        中国散裂中子源(CSNS)白光中子束线是国内为数不多的宽能谱高能中子束线。其能量范围覆盖从热中子到200 MeV,通量最高可以达到10$^7$ n/cm$^2$s。这条束线主要从事核数据测量、核物理等实验,同时也是高能中子探测器标定的重要装置。从2018年运行以来,白光中子束线已经进行了五十余种核素的中子俘获截面、裂变截面、全截面、带电粒子截面等多种截面测量实验。同时为了配合各类实验的不同需求,合作组研制了包括带电粒子探测器阵列、BaF$_2$探测器阵列、多用途时间投影室、裂变电离室等多种探测器系统。 本报告将对这些探测器的研制和实验结果进行总结,并介绍探测器的未来发展计划,对未来白光中子束线上的探测器设备进行展望。
        Speaker: Dr Ruirui Fan (IHEP)
      • 3:15 PM
        Dark SHINE——Dark Photon fixed-target search experiment at SHINE Facility 15m

        This talk will present the R&D; study of the prospect and feasibility to deploy the fixed-target experiment utilizing the high rate single electron beam from the SHINE facility under construction. The project is officially sponsored by NSFC Original Exploration Project 2021 and Shanghai pilot program for basic research.

        Speaker: yufeng wang (Tsung-Dao Lee Institute)
      • 3:30 PM
        Design and Prototype Test of the Homogeneous Crystal Calorimeter for STCF 15m
        The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is the next generation high luminosity $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider concentrating on the tau-charm physics. STCF will reach a luminosity over $0.5\times10^{34} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ at 4 GeV, which brings high event rate and high beam background to the detector system. The background count rate over 1 MHz per module places new demands on the electromagnetic calorimeter (EMC): maintaining good energy and position resolution under severe pileup condition. Meanwhile, the development of event timing and particle identification capability is also an important aspect of calorimeter R&D, where a time resolution of better than hundreds of picoseconds is expected. In this talk, the simulation and optimization of the calorimeter system, the prototype manufacture and test results on the prototype are summarized. The STCF EMC is based on fast pure $CsI$ crystal and read out by avalanche photodiodes (APD). By considering the effect of crystal and electronics response, as well as the pileup condition, a full chain of simulation and reconstruction is implemented into the Offline Software of Super Tau-Charm Facility (OSCAR). The architecture and module geometry of EMC are constructed by optimizing physics performance under OSCAR. Based on the module design, a novel wavelength shifter (WLS) enhanced prototype is manufactured, which highlights fast time response and good signal to noise ratio under a reasonable cost. The comprehensive test results on the prototype, especially on the radiation hardness of the prototype, the uniformity of light collection and the timing performance of the electronics, will also be presented.
        Speaker: 泽坤 贾 (USTC)
      • 3:45 PM
        R&D progress of high granularity HCAL for CEPC 15m
        Based on the particle-flow paradigm, a novel hadronic calorimeter (HCAL) with high granularity is proposed to address major challenges from precision measurements of jets at future lepton collider experiments, such as the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Two technical options have been considered for the HCAL design: one is the digital readout scheme (DHCAL), which uses either glass resistive plate chambers (GRPC) or thick gas electron multiplier detectors (THGEM) as the active medium; the other is the analog readout scheme (AHCAL), which uses either plastic scintillators or glass scintillators as the active medium. Among all these designs, the glass scintillator HCAL design aims for further significant improvements of the hadronic energy resolution as well as the particle-flow performance, especially in the low energy region (typically below 10 GeV for major jet components), with a notable increase of the energy sampling fraction due to its high density. A great number of efforts have been devoted to the HCAL design, including the construction and standalone simulation of HCAL prototypes as well as the full simulation in the CEPC software framework. Physics benchmark potentials with jets in the final state are also being evaluated using a Particle-Flow Algorithm (PFA), named "ArborPFA". In this contribution, the latest R&D progress of high granularity HCAL, especially the glass scintillator scheme, will be introduced
        Speaker: Dr Peng Hu (Institute of High Energy Physics)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session I (6):高能物理分会换届会议


      Convener: Qing Wang (TsingHua University)
    • 4:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Coffee Break 10m
    • 4:10 PM 6:10 PM
      Parallel Session II (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: Dingyu Shao (Fudan University)
      • 4:10 PM
        Probing the Zbb anomalous couplings 15m

        To resolve the long-standing discrepancy between the precision measurement of bottom quark forward-backward asymmetry at LEP/SLC and the Standard Model prediction, 
        we propose four different novel methods to probe the $Zbb$ couplings by measuring $gg\to Zh$ production, Z boson exclusive decay at the LHC and (average jet charge weighted) single-spin asymmetry at the HERA and EIC. We demonstrate that $gg\to Zh$ cross section, the branching ratio of $Z\to \Upsilon(ns)+\gamma$, 
        and jet charge weighted single-spin asymmetry are sensitive to the axial-vector component of the $Zbb$ coupling, while the single-spin asymmetry is sensitive to the vector component. The apparent degeneracy of the $Zbb$ couplings implied by the LEP precision electroweak measurements could be resolved by the current 13 TeV LHC $Zh$ data. 
        We also show the potential to verify or exclude the LEP data and resolve the AFB puzzle through those methods.

        Speaker: Dr Bin Yan (IHEP)
      • 4:25 PM
        Complementary constraints on Zbb couplings at the LHC 15m

        As one of those long-standing experimental anomalies from the LEP era, albeit mild, the discrepancy to the standard model prediction in the $Zb\bar b$ coupling keeps drawing attention over the years as the LHC accumulates data. So far, differential data and studies from electroweak production of the bb pair and other potentially sensitive channels at the LHC and LHCb are yet to become competitive with the existing $Z$-pole measure from LEP. We propose in this study to look at another LHC signal, the $b\bar b +Z/\gamma (\to \ell\ell)$ associated production, both on and off-Z-mass-shell region. The varying dependence on the concerned couplings through interplay of Z and photon interference pattern in the $b\bar b\ell\ell$ final states offer distinct constraint power.

        Speaker: Zhuoni Qian (IBS)
      • 4:40 PM
        Search for a new gauge boson Z' in 4μ events with the ATLAS experiment 15m
        Speaker: Bing Li (Shandong University)
      • 4:55 PM
        Long-lived neutral scalar searches at FASER 15m

        The ForwArd Search ExpeRiment (FASER), is a recently proposed experiment at the LHC that can detect light, long-lived particles. In this work we study the prospect of detecting light CP-even and CP-odd scalars at the FASER. We develop the general formalism for the scalar production and decay from mesons at LHC, given modified couplings of the scalars to the SM particles, as well as summarizing the relevant GeV-scale experiment constraints. We then analyze the light scalars in the large $\tan\beta$ region of the Type-I 2HDM, in which a light scalar with relatively long life time could be accommodated.

        Speaker: Dr Wei Su (KIAS)
      • 5:10 PM
        Search for scalar leptoquarks in the bττ final state in pp collisions at √s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Hanfei Ye (Nanjing University)
      • 5:25 PM
        An possible explanation for three generations of leptons and quarks and the asymmetry of number of baryons and antibaryons based on the SU(5) grand unified model with hadrons as nontopological solitons 15m

        The three generations of leptons and quarkons have been discovered. The left-right asymmetry in the weak interaction of leptons and quarks has been confirmed. Astronomical observations have showed that the number of baryons and antibaryons is asymmetrical in the observabale cosmos. This paper shows that there is the same origin of the left-right asymmetry and the asymmetry of number of baryons and antibaryons. The three generations of leptons and quarkons and the two sorts of asymmetry are explained in this paper based on the SU(5) grand unified model with hadrons as nontopological solitons.

        Speaker: Prof. Shi-Hao Chen (Northeast Normal University)
      • 5:40 PM
        Is FCNC current hiding out with Higgs? 15m
        Speaker: mingming xia
      • 5:55 PM
        Search for resonances decaying to three W bosons in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13TeV at CMS 15m
        Speakers: 启隆 郭 (Peking University) , 旭东 吕 (Peking University)
    • 4:10 PM 6:00 PM
      Parallel Session II (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: Ju-Jun 谢 (IMP@CAS)
      • 4:10 PM
        Observation of a double charged tetraquark state and its neutral partner at LHCb 20m
        The discoveries of meson-like exotic states have been attracting huge interest from the hadron physics community. A doubly charged tetraquark, T_csbar^a(2900)^++, and its neutral partner, T_csbar^a(2900)^0, are observed in the combined anplitude analysis of B+ -> D- Ds+ pi+ and B0 -> D0bar Ds+ pi- decays, based on the totally 9 fb^-1 pp collision datasets collected by LHCb Collaboration. They are the manifestly tetraquark candidates, with the minimum quark contents [c\bar{s}u\bar{d}] and [c\bar{s}\bar{u}d]. It's the first observation of a doubly charged meson and its isospin partner, which belong to the same isospin triplet. The masses, widths and spin-parity numbers of new exotic resonances are measured in the analysis. The measured masses of them are similar with the X0(2900) ([cs\bar{u}\bar{d}]) previously observed in LHCb, but the width and flavor contents are different.
        Speaker: Ruiting Ma (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS))
      • 4:30 PM
        Molecular tetraquarks and pentaquarks in chiral effective field theory 20m
        We generalize the framework of chiral effective field theory to study the interactions of the isovector $D^\ast\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$ and $B^\ast\bar{B}^{(\ast)}$ systems up to the next-to-leading order, in which the long-, mid-, and short-range force contributions as well as the $S$-$D$ wave mixing are incorporated. Based on the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, we fit the invariant mass distributions of the elastic channels measured by the BESIII and Belle Collaborations. Our results indicate that the four charged charmoniumlike and bottomoniumlike states $Z_c(3900)$, $Z_c(4020)$ and $Z_b(10610)$, $Z_b(10650)$ can be well identified as the $D\bar{D}^{\ast},D^\ast\bar{D}^{\ast}$ and $B\bar{B}^{\ast},B^\ast\bar{B}^{\ast}$ molecular resonances. The bound state explanations are vetoed in our framework. Our study favors the $Z_c$ and $Z_b$ states are the twin partners under the heavy quark symmetry. The newly observed $P_c(4312)$, $P_c(4440)$ and $P_c(4457)$ at the LHCb experiment are very close to the $\Sigma_c\bar{D}$ and $\Sigma_c\bar{D}^\ast$ thresholds. In this work, we perform a systematic study and give a complete picture on the interactions between the $\Sigma_c^{(\ast)}$ and $\bar{D}^{(\ast)}$ systems in the framework of heavy hadron chiral effective field theory, where the short-range contact interaction, long-range one-pion-exchange contribution, and intermediate-range two-pion-exchange loop diagrams are all considered.
        Speaker: Dr Bo Wang (Hebei University)
      • 4:50 PM
        Heavy flavor molecules 15m
        We proposed a unified framework to describe the interactions of the observed $T_{cc}$, $P_c$, and $P_{cs}$ within a quark level interaction. We predict the possible $D^{(*)}_{(s)}D^{(*)}_{(s)}$ molecular states in the SU(3) limit with the masses of the $P_c$ states as the inputs. We also investigate the baryon-meson and baryon-baryon systems. We suggest that for a specific heavy flavor meson-meson, baryon-meson, or baryon-baryon system, the interactions for the states with the same flavor and spin matrix elements can be related by a generalized flavor-spin symmetry.
        Speaker: Dr Kan Chen (Peking University)
      • 5:05 PM
        Double-charm tetraquark under the complex scaling method 15m

        We investigate the $T_{cc}^{+}$ as a $DD^{*}$ molecule with $J^{P}=1^{+}$ in the framework of the one-boson-exchange potential model. The isospin breaking effect and $S-D$ wave coupling are taken into account carefully. We adopt the complex scaling method to study the $DD^{*}$ system and obtain a quasibound state corresponding to the $T_{cc}^{+}$.

        Summary: The binding energy of $DD^*$ system relative to the $D^{0}D^{*+}$ and width are $-354$ keV and $61$ keV respectively. The isospin breaking effect is found to be enormous, and the $S-$wave $D^{0}D^{*+}$ and $D^{+}D^{*0}$ components give dominant contributions with the probabilities of $72.1\%$ and $27.1\%$ respectively. In addition, we do not find any resonances in the $DD^{*}$ system. As a by-product, we study the $X(3872)$ as a $(D\bar{D}^*-D^*\bar{D})/\sqrt{2}$ molecule with $J^{PC}=1^{++}$. We also find a quasibound state corresponding to the $X(3872)$. Its binding energy relative to the $D^{0}\bar{D}^{*0}$ threshold and width are $-111$ keV and $26$ keV respectively. The $S-$wave $(D^{0}\bar{D}^{*0}-D^{*0}\bar{D}^{0})/\sqrt{2}$ component dominates this state with the probability of $92.7\%$.

        Speaker: 剑波 程 (Peking University)
      • 5:20 PM
        Triangle Singularity in the Production of Tcc(3875) and a Soft Pion 15m
        The double-charm tetraquark meson $T_{cc}^+​(3875)$ can be produced in high-energy proton-proton collisions by the creation of the charm mesons $D^{*+} D^0$ at short distances followed by their binding into $T_{cc}^+​$. The $T_{cc}^+​$ can also be produced by the creation of $D^{*+} D^{*+}$ at short distances followed by their rescattering into $T_{cc}^+ ​π^+$. A charm-meson triangle singularity produces a narrow peak in the $T_{cc}^+ ​π^+$ invariant mass distribution 6.1 MeV above the threshold with a width of about 1 MeV. Well beyond the peak, the differential cross section decreases with the invariant kinetic energy E of $T_{cc}^+ ​π^+$ as $E^{-1/2}$. The fraction of T_{cc}^+​ that are accompanied by $π^+$ with $E< m_π​$ is estimated to be roughly 3%. The fraction of $T_{cc}^+$ events with $T_{cc}^+​ π^+$ in the narrow peak from the triangle singularity could be comparable.
        Speaker: Dr Jun Jiang (Shandong University)
      • 5:35 PM
        The Zcs states and the mixture of hadronic molecule and diquark-anti-diquark components within effective field theory 15m
        In this work, we construct the Lagrangian describing meson-diquark interaction, such that the diquark-anti-diquark component as well as the molecular component is introduced when studying the $Z_{cs}$ states. In this way, the problem is solved that if only considering the $\bar{D}^{(*)}D_s^{(*)}$ components, the potentials are suppressed by OZI rule. Through solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation, we find that the $Z_{cs}(4000)^+$ can be explained as the mixture of $\bar{D}^{*0}D_s^+$ and $\bar{A}_{cs}S_{cu}$ components. Besides, for the $\bar{D}^{*0}D_s^{*+}/\bar{A}_{cs}A_{cu}$ system, the pole of $4208\pm 13i$ MeV on the second Riemann sheet is predicted, whose mass is close to that of $Z_{cs}(4220)^+$ while the width is much smaller than $Z_{cs}(4220)^+$. Due to the large error of the $Z_{cs}(4220)^+$'s width, further measurements are expected. In addition, several other poles of different spins are predicted.
        Speaker: 伟 何 (L)
    • 4:10 PM 6:05 PM
      Parallel Session II (3):Heavy Ion Physics: Flow
      Convener: Li Yi (Shandong University)
      • 4:20 PM
        集体流测量新进展——从小系统到大系统 25m
        Speaker: 震宇 陈 (山东大学)
      • 4:45 PM
        The recent results of collective flow from Beam Energy Scan II at RHIC-STAR 15m
        Collective flow is a notable probe of studying the properties of the medium created in heavy ion collisions. Directed and elliptic flow, $v_1$ and $v_2$, are sensitive to the dynamics at the early stage of the system evolution and equation of state of the medium. The triangular flow $v_3$ provides complementary information on the initial geometry fluctuations and transport properties of the medium. The hadronic interaction cross sections of multi-strange hadrons and φ mesons are expected to be small and their freeze- out temperatures are close to the transition temperature between quark and hadronic matter. Hence, these hadrons may provide information primarily from the early stage of the high energy collisions. From the measurements based on the first phase of RHIC beam energy scan (BES-I), we observed that $v_1$ slopes ($dv_1/dy$) at mid-rapidity region for net-proton and net-Λ show a minimum value around $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 10 - 20 GeV. The v2 of φ mesons seems to be lower at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7.7 and 11.5 GeV compared to other charged hadrons. In this talk, with the much-enhanced statistics from the second phase of RHIC beam energy scan (BES-II) dataset, we present precision measurements of $v_1$, $v_2$, and $v_3$ for (multi-)strange hadrons at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 3 - 19.6 GeV with both fixed-target and collider modes at STAR. Implications of these measurements on the QCD phase structure at high $μ_B$ region are discussed.
        Speaker: 梳苏 施 (Central China Normal University)
      • 5:00 PM
        Longitudinal flow decorrelation in $^{96}$Zr+$^{96}$Zr and $^{96}$Ru+$^{96}$Ru collisions within a multiphase transport model 15m
        Longitudinal fluctuation which is the initial geometry fluctuates along pseudorapidity $\eta$, is found to be significantly important in understanding the full space time evolution of the fireball. Recent studies show that anisotropic flow coefficients are also sensitive to the shape of the nuclei, owing to the intrinsic deformation, while the deformation effect on the longitudinal physics is not studied in those deformed collision systems. With a multiphase transport model, we conduct the systematic study on longitudinal flow decorrelation in the deformed Zr+Zr and Ru+Ru collisions. The results suggest the strength of flow decorrelation can be suppressed via the hadronic transport process. The longitudinal flow decorrelation also show sensitivity on the shape of the nuclei, with a $\beta_{2,Ru} \gg \beta_{2,Zr}$ and $\beta_{3,Ru} \ll \beta_{3,Zr}$, clear difference is observed in $r_2$ in mid-central collisions and $r_3$ in central collisions between the two collision systems. Our results suggest longitudinal flow decorrelation can provide new constrains on the nuclear structure study in heavy-ion collisions.
        Speaker: Maowu Nie (Shandong University)
      • 5:15 PM
        Probing initial longitudinal geometry and electromagnetic field with directed flows of soft and heavy flavor hadrons 15m
        Relativistic heavy-ion collisions provide a unique opportunity to investigate properties of nuclear matter under extremely strong electromagnetic field. Using a heavy quark transport model that includes both collisional and radiative energy loss of heavy quarks, coupled to a (3+1)-dimensional viscous hydrodynamic model CLVisc, we study the initial longitudinal energy density distribution and the time evolution of electromagnetic field via both soft and heavy flavor hadron observables. With a systematic comparison between three different initial energy density profiles – Bozėk-Wyskiel, CCNU [( Phys.Rev.C 104 (2021) 6, 064903)][1] and Shen-Alzhrani, we find a counter-clockwise tilt of the initial geometry in the reaction plane is crucial for understanding the rapidity dependence of directed flow (v1) of both soft hadrons and D mesons at RHIC and LHC [(Phys.Rev.C 105 (2022) 3, 034901)][2]. Meanwhile, the difference of v1 between D and Dbar is shown to be sensitive to the time evolution behavior of the electromagnetic field that generates opposite forces on c and cbar. This time evolution behavior is shown to be further constrained by the elliptic flow (v2) of soft hadrons due to the force density (squeezing effect) induced by the magnetic field inside the paramagnetic QGP medium. Therefore, a simultaneous description of soft and heavy flavor hadron v1 and v2 is required for a stringent constraint on the properties of electromagnetic field produced in high-energy nuclear collisions. Additional observables, such as the v1 (and $\Delta v_{1}$) of heavy flavor decayed leptons are predicted, which can be tested by experimental measurements in the near future[(submit to PRC)][3]. [1]: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1959636 [2]: https://inspirehep.net/literature/1983557 [3]: https://inspirehep.net/literature/2039351
        Speaker: Dr 泽方 江 (HBEU/CCNU)
      • 5:30 PM
        Probing the nuclear deformation with three-particle asymmetric cumulant in isobar collisions at RHIC 15m
        Isobar collisions at RHIC provide unique opportunities to study the geometry and fluctuations raised from the deformation of the colliding nuclei. Using iEBE-VISHNU hybrid model, we predict $ac_2\{3\}$ ratios between these two collision systems and demonstrate that the ratios of $ac_2\{3\}$, as well as the ratios of the involving flow harmonics and event-plane correlations, are sensitive to quadrupole and octupole deformations, which provides strong constrain on the shape differences between Ru and Zr.
        Speaker: Mr Shujun Zhao (Peking University)
      • 5:45 PM
        RHIC-STAR能量扫描II中直接流的实验研究进展 15m
        RHIC-STAR的主要物理目标是研究夸克胶子等离子体(QGP)的性质及QCD相结构。格点QCD预言从强子到QGP相的相变存在一级相边界,而一级相边界终点是QCD临界点。定位一级相边界以及寻找相变临界点是当前STAR能量扫描实验的主要物理动机。集体流是研究QCD相结构的重要探针,本报告聚焦直接流v1,它是末态粒子在动量空间相对于反应平面方位角分布傅里叶展开式中的一阶系数,它描述重离子碰撞中产生粒子的侧向运动,携带碰撞早期的信息。由于QGP和强子相表现出不同的集体行为,因此直接流敏感于碰撞产生核物质的状态方程。 STAR已经完成了对撞能量$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 7.7-200 GeV的一期能量扫描计划(BES-I)。其中在$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 10-20 GeV观察到净质子和净$\Lambda$超子的直接流斜率($dv_{1}/dy$)在中快度区有极小值。含有一级相变的流体力学计算表明,净重子直接流斜率的最小值被认为是强子相与QGP相之间相变的一个信号。BES-Ⅱ聚焦$\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 3-19.6 GeV的重离子碰撞,本报告将讨论BES-II中π, K, p, $\Lambda$ ($\overline{\Lambda}$)和 $\phi$的直接流测量的最新结果。在3 GeV的重离子碰撞中,我们观察到粒子的直接流与高能重离子碰撞的显著不同,表明该能量下强子相互作用占据主导地位。
        Speakers: Bijun Fan (Central China Normal University) , 梳苏 施 (Central China Normal University)
    • 4:10 PM 6:25 PM
      Parallel Session II (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology


      Convener: 祖豪 李
      • 4:10 PM
        AMS高能宇宙线电子流强的最新结果 15m
        Speaker: 伟伟 许 ((Shangdong university))
      • 4:25 PM
        AMS反质子能谱最新结果 15m
        Speaker: Dr 志成 唐 (IHEP)
      • 4:40 PM
        AMS反质子时变流强测量 15m
        Speaker: FengZe Zhang (IHEP)
      • 4:55 PM
        AMS宇宙线电子与质子时变流强的测量结果与物理解释 15m
        Speaker: 彤 苏 (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
      • 5:10 PM
        AMS实验初级宇宙线的最新结果 15m
        Speaker: Dr Zhaomin Wang (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
      • 5:25 PM
        AMS实验次级宇宙线的最新结果 15m
        Speaker: 美君 梁 (IHEP)
      • 5:40 PM
        AMS关于第三类宇宙线的实验结果 15m
        Speaker: Yao Chen (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
      • 5:55 PM
        AMS原子核同位素测量的最新结果 15m
        Speaker: Wei Jiahui (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
      • 6:10 PM
        AMS实验伽马射线顶点重建算法与伽马射线极化研究 15m
        Speaker: Dr Zhaoyi QU (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
    • 4:10 PM 6:25 PM
      Parallel Session II (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: Hongbo Zhu (Zhejiang University)
      • 4:10 PM
        Development of SOI pixel sensor for the CEPC vertex detector 15m
        高空间分辨率的像素传感器是未来环形正负电子对撞机CEPC顶点探测器的核心技术。为了在r(phi)平面达到5微米的次级顶点重建精度(impact parameter resolution),要求像素传感器本身的空间分辨率达到3微米。在低功耗和快速读出的设计约束下,采用Binary读出的像素pitch需要缩小到16~18微米才有可能满足高空间分辨率的要求。但是每个像素的模拟前端和数字逻辑电路所需的版图面积限制了像素pitch从目前主流的25~30微米进一步缩小。最新的3D-SOI技术在常规200nm SOI像素传感器的基础上,增加了垂直堆叠的upper电路层和高密度微球(micro-bump)阵列连接。这为保持像素电路功能的前提下,缩小像素pitch提供了技术条件。 本报告从CEPC顶点探测器的设计挑战出发,介绍主要的设计指标对像素传感器设计方案的约束,并讨论空间分辨率与像素pitch的依赖关系。结合CPV(Compact Pixel for Vertex)系列像素芯片的研发工作,给出高空间分辨率的实现方法,尤其是采用3D-SOI设计的CPV-4芯片整体方案。目前该芯片的Lower tier和Upper tier已经分别完成了功能验证,正在进行3D集成的后道工艺处理。这项工作为实现极高空间分辨的像素传感器提供了一种可行的技术路线。相比于采用新一代65 nm或更小CMOS工艺,通过缩小晶体管尺寸来缩小像素pitch的另一种技术路线,具有耗尽层厚,信噪比高的优点,有望满足CEPC顶点探测器高空间分辨率,低功耗和快速读出的综合指标要求。
        Speaker: Yunpeng LU (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS)
      • 4:25 PM
        基于外延层硅传感器的辐照损伤机理研究 15m
        硅探测器的抗辐照研究是高能物理实验中的一个很重要的课题。基于外延层的硅传感器将是未来高能物理探测器的一个重要候选技术,然而其辐照损伤机理并未像高阻硅衬底传感器那样已被深入研究。本研究将对基于外延层的肖特基管进行各项测试,提取出IV、CV特性曲线以及电荷收集效率等参数在辐照前与不同剂量辐照后的变化,以建立基于外延层硅传感器的辐照损伤模型,适用中子辐照通量最高可至$10^{16}\ n_{eq}/cm^{2}$。本报告将对此研究的阶段性结果进行介绍。 The study of radiation resistance of silicon sensor is an important subject in high energy physics experiments. Silicon sensor with epitaxial layer will be a candidate technology for particle detector for future experiments. However, the mechanism of its bulk radiation damage is not as well studied as the sensors with high resistivity silicon substrate. In this study, dedicated Schottky diodes fabricated on epitaxial wafers will be tested, and the important properties such as IV and CV characteristic curves and charge collection efficiencies before and after neutron irradiation will be extracted, so as to build the bulk radiation damage model suitable up to the $10^{16}\ n_{eq}/cm^{2}$.
        Speaker: Yebo Chen (高能所)
      • 4:40 PM
        The ATLAS Inner Tracker Strip Detector System 15m
        The Upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider to the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) is scheduled to start around 2028 and will result in the delivery of ten times more integrated luminosity to the experiments. To withstand the much harsher radiation and occupancy conditions of the HL-LHC, the inner tracker of the ATLAS detector must be redesigned and rebuilt completely. The design of the ATLAS Upgrade inner tracker (ITk) has already been defined. It consists of several layers of silicon particle detectors. The innermost layers will be composed of silicon pixel sensors, and the outer layers will consist of silicon microstrip sensors. This talk will focus on the latest research and development activities performed by the China ITk strips group with respect to the assembly and test of the strip modules towards the on-going site qualifications.
        Speaker: Xin Shi (IHEP)
      • 4:55 PM
        AMS L0 硅径迹室的升级 15m

        中科院高能所将负责完成L0 硅径迹室的全部硅探测器的研制,并参加其总体集成和空间环境模拟试验。AMS实验的其它国际合作者将负责读出电子学、机械结构、冷却、供电、空间验证和安装等,NASA已基本同意中国科学家以这种方式参加升级项目。探测器整体精度要求10微米,是一项前所未有的挑战。本文将向大会介绍AMS L0 硅径迹室升级的建造方案,并汇报进展情况。

        Speakers: Dr Feng Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) , Dr 静 董 (高能所)
      • 5:10 PM
        NTD-Ge thermistor fabrication for cryogenic bolometer application 15m
        Neutron Transmutation Doped Germanium have a very uniform distribution of dopants and can work as thermistor at ultra-low (10 mK) temperature when using Bolometric detection technique. NTD-Ge have played a critical role in many rare events searching experiments. We produced a batch of NTD-Ge samples by thermal neutron irradiation and fabricated several NTD-Ge thermistors. We did some fundamental studies such as annealing of radiation defects produced by fast reactor neutrons and carrier concentration using variable temperature Hall-effect to determine the properties of NTD-Ge. The resistance-temperature relationship measurements are to be carried out to characterize the NTD-Ge thermistor in the near future.
        Speaker: Kangkang Zhao (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 5:25 PM
        Monopix:高抗辐射、高速单片集成式CMOS像素探测器 15m
        全耗尽型单片集成CMOS像素探测器相比于传统的CMOS像素探测器能够实现更快的电荷收集,从而大幅提升探测器的时间分辨能力以及强辐射后的电荷收集效率。Monopix探测器芯片主要是面向未来强子对撞实验的强辐射环境而研发的全耗尽型单片集成CMOS像素探测器芯片,包含了LF-Monopix与TJ-Monopix两个系列,二者分别通过两种不同的技术路线实现了探测器敏感层的全耗尽,目前均已完成接近全尺寸的原型片设计制造以及主要性能指标的测试。 LF-Monopix系列芯片采用了高阻P型硅衬底(>2 kΩ.cm)的150nm商用CMOS工艺设计制造,配合高压偏置(> 300 V)可以轻易达到超过200µm的全耗尽探测敏感层。读出电路部分采用了高速读出构架,能够达到25 ns的时间分辨以及应对100MHz/cm^2以上的粒子击中率。束流测试显示该探测器芯片在经过1×10^15 neq/cm^2的辐照后仍可以实现99%的总探测效率,其中接近97%的粒子可以在25ns的时间窗内得到探测与前端电学信号处理。LF-Monopix的传感器部分已经证实在经过1×10^16 neq/cm^2的辐照后仍能维持99%的探测效率。此外,芯片在经过100Mrad的X射线辐射后电学性能没有出现明显衰减。 TJ-Monopix采用180nm商用CMOS工艺,其在传统CMOS像素工艺的基础上进行了改进,使得探测器在保持了小传感器电容(< 5fF)的基础上实现了全耗尽的探测层。小的传感器电容保证了前放电路的低功耗以及低噪声。读出电路的设计针对25ns的时间分辨进行优化设计,并且像素阵列读出采用了与LF-Monopix相同的数字构架。实验室测量得到芯片噪声水平为15 – 20 e-,阈值的不均匀性为~10 e-。束流测试表明探测效率达到~99%。
        Speaker: 天阳 王 (张江实验室)
      • 5:40 PM
        The Upstream Tracker at LHCb 15m
        The Upstream Tracker is a key component of the upgraded LHCb detector. Based on silicon strip sensors, the UT will ensure efficient and high-speed track reconstruction. The design and installation progress of the UT detector will be introduced.
        Speaker: 刘帅毅
      • 5:55 PM
        JadePix-3 Monolithic Pixel Sensor Telescope: The DAQ system Developments and Recent Measurement 15m
        JadePix-3是一款基于TowerJazz CIS 180nm 工艺设计的全功能大尺寸的探测器芯片。环形正负电子对撞机(CEPC)对顶点探测器性能有极高的技术要求,JadePix-3着重对空间分辨率、功耗等对CEPC顶点探测器性能有重要影响的参数展开研究。束流望远镜是对探测器的探测效率、位置分辨率等参数测试和刻度的重要测试工具,对高性能探测器研发具有重要意义,同时它也是一个高精度粒子径迹探测系统。粒子物理实验不断增加的规模和复杂度对探测器精度要求越来越高,目前国内外束流望远镜系统已无法满足日益增长的性能需求。 JadePix-3的功耗和位置分辨率等指标都达到领域内领先水平。本报告将介绍基于JadePix-3设计的束流望远镜系统。不同于单个芯片读出测试,束流望远镜的数据获取系统(DAQ)、触发系统(Trigger)、数据在线/离线分析/径迹重建、实时监控(Online-Monitor)等功能的实现都有较大挑战。报告将对相关内容进行介绍,同时展示JadePix-3束流望远镜基于宇宙线和放射源等性能测试结果。
        Speaker: Sheng Dong (高能所)
      • 6:10 PM
        MIP timing detector at the CMS experiment 15m
        The HL-LHC will run with 5 times higher instantaneous luminosity than the LHC. Severe pileup effect significantly degrades the physics sensitivities. MIP timing detector (MTD) is designed to provide precise measurement of the timing of MIPs to the level of 30 ps, and can bring remarkable identification performance of pileup vertices, which keeps the HL-LHC physics programs attractive. This talk will introduce the design of MTD, particularly for the barrel, and will report the current status of the Chinese participation in this upgrade program.
        Speaker: Prof. Xiaohu SUN (Peking University)
    • 4:30 PM 6:00 PM
      Parallel Session II (6):高能物理分会第十一届委员会第一次会议
    • 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
      Parallel Session III (3): Heavy Ion Physics: Jet II
      Convener: Prof. 汉中 张 (Central China Normal University)
      • 8:30 AM
        Does quark-gluon plasma feature an extended hydrodynamic regime? 25m
        Speaker: Yi Yin (IMP)
      • 8:55 AM
        Hard-soft tomography with event engineering in heavy-ion collisions 15m
        The azimuthal anisotropy of parton energy loss in non-central heavy-ion collisions can lead to jet anisotropy, which can provide insight into the path-length dependence of jet quenching. Jet anisotropy flow in this study is investigated within the Linear Boltzmann Transport model, in which the dynamical evolution of the QGP is simulated with fully fluctuating event-by-event initial conditions. We quantify the colliding energy, centrality, jet transverse momentum dependence of the jet anisotropy flow coefficient $v^\mathrm{jet}_{2}$ and $v^\mathrm{jet}_{3}$, with emphasis on their event-by-event correlations with the flow coefficients of the soft bulk hadrons. We find that the correlation between jet and bulk anisotropy is approximately linear, and that the effect of the bulk $v_n$ fluctuation on the event-averaged jet $v^\mathrm{jet}_n$ is negligible. Other effects such as medium excitation with different jet cone sizes and viscosity of the QGP on jet anisotropy are investigated as well.
        Speaker: Dr Yayun He (South China Normal University)
      • 9:10 AM
        Deep learning jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions 15m
        Jet interactions with the hot QCD medium created in heavy-ion collisions are conventionally assessed by measuring the modification of the distributions of jet observables with respect to a proton-proton baseline. However, the steeply falling production spectrum introduces a strong bias toward small energy losses that obfuscates a direct interpretation of the impact of medium effects in the measured jet ensemble. To tackle this issue, we employ a convolutional neural network, trained on jet images from the hybrid strong/weak coupling model, in order to extract the “original” or “initial’” transverse momentum of a given jet. Relying on the time scale separation between highly-virtual vacuum like processes and medium induced ones, one can define this “initial” energy as the energy of a jet within a cone of R as determined by the early times vacuum-like evolution, before medium effects become relevant. Despite many sources of fluctuations, we achieve good performance. Furthermore, by making use of alternative setups of networks and inputs, we are able to discuss the interpretability of our results. With a well-predicted energy loss ratio, we study a set of jet substructure observables to estimate their sensitivity to selection bias effects and reveal their medium modifications when compared to a more equivalent jet population, i.e. a set of jets with similar initial energy. We show how this new technique provides unique access to the initial configuration of jets over the transverse plane of the nuclear collision, both with respect to their production points and initial orientations. As a relevant example, we demonstrate the capability of our method to locate with precision the production point of a dijet pair in the nuclear overlap region, in what constitutes an important step forward towards the long term quest of using jets as tomographic probes of the quark-gluon plasma. Finally, we also discuss the classification task of quark- versus gluon-initiated jets in heavy ion collisions with deep learning. [1] Yi-Lun Du, Daniel Pablos, Konrad Tywoniuk, Deep learning jet modifications in heavy-ion collisions, arXiv:2012.07797 [hep-ph], JHEP. 2021, 206 (2021) [2] Yi-Lun Du, Daniel Pablos, Konrad Tywoniuk, Jet tomography in heavy ion collisions with deep learning, arXiv:2106.11271 [hep-ph], Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 012301 (2022) [3] Yi-Lun Du, Daniel Pablos, Konrad Tywoniuk, Classification of quark and gluon jets in hot QCD medium with deep learning, arXiv: 2112.00681 [hep-ph], PoS(PANIC2021)224
        Speaker: Dr YILUN DU (Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
      • 9:25 AM
        Global constraint on the jet transport coefficient via jet quenching observables in heavy-ion collisions 15m
        The suppression of large transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) hadrons and the yield of dihadrons and $\gamma$-hadrons in relativistic heavy-ion collisions is a direct consequence of the parton energy loss induced by parton-medium interactions, whose strength is described by the jet transport coefficient $\hat{q}$ of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Because dihadrons and $\gamma$-hadrons have different geometric bias than single-hadron suppression, they probe different regions of the QGP and are sensitive to $\hat{q}(T)$ in different temperature ($T$) regimes. We carry out the first global Bayesian constraint on the jet transport coefficient using a next-to-leading order pQCD parton model with higher-twist parton energy loss, combining experimental data of single-hadron, dihadron and $\gamma$-hadron suppression at both RHIC and LHC energies with a wide range of centralities.
        Speaker: Ms Man Xie (South China Normal University)
      • 9:40 AM
        A systematic study for the qualitative connection between hadrons and the quark components in the nuclear modification factor 15m
        We propose a method qualitatively connecting the hadron nuclear modification factor to its quark component nuclear modification factor. We give a systematic study of the connection in the frame of the numerical Monte-Carlo model PACIAE. It turns out that the hadron nuclear modification factor is usually smaller than that of its quark component. The flavor (mass) ordering of the nuclear modification factor is also studied.
        Speaker: Mr An-Ke Lei (Key Laboratory of Quark and Lepton Physics (MOE) and Institute of Particle Physics, Central China Normal University)
      • 9:55 AM
        Probing the valence quark region of nucleons with Z bosons at LHCb 15m
        The unique forward coverage of the LHCb spectrometer allows the valence quark distributions of protons and nuclei to be probed with unprecedented precision. In this high-x region, both the flavour content and structure of the nucleon's parton distribution functions remain relatively poorly known. New LHCb measurements of Z+charm jet production could be indicative of a valence-like intrinsic-charm component in the proton wavefunction, and measurements of Z production in pPb collisions provide new constraints on the partonic structure of nucleons bound inside nuclei. Here we will discuss these new LHCb measurements and comparisons with state-of-the-art parton distribution function calculations.
        Speaker: Mrs Tianqi Li (South China Normal University)
      • 10:10 AM
        Search for the chiral magnetic effect in collisions between two isobars with nuclear structures 15m
        Under the assumption of same background but different magnetic fields, isobaric collisions are believed to be an effective way to measure the anomalous chiral effects. The isobaric program at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) has been done by colliding $_{44}^{96}\rm{Ru}+_{44}^{96}\rm{Ru}$ and $_{40}^{96}\rm{Zr}+_{40}^{96}\rm{Zr}$, however, it reveals that the chiral magnetic effect (CME) background is different between the two species of isobaric collisions and the predefined CME signatures have not been observed in the blind experimental analysis [1]. We test eighteen cases of Woods-Saxon parameter settings which consider either nuclear deformation or nuclear neutron-skin effect for $\rm Ru+Ru$ and $\rm Zr+Zr$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}=$200 GeV, using the AMPT model. Only seven of the eighteen cases (Case 3, Case 4, Case 5, Case 7, Case 9, Case 10, and halo-type case) can reasonably reproduce the experimental ratios of charged-particle multiplicity distribution, average number of charged particles and elliptic flow, which demonstrates that the nuclear deformation and structure information have a non-negligible impact. Isobar collisions can serve for further research of nuclear deformation or nuclear neutron-skin structure, which currently has important implications for both nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. Utilizing the chi-square test $\chi^{2}$, we choose the halo-type case to study the CME using the AMPT model with different strengths of the CME [2]. The measured $\Delta\delta$, $\Delta\gamma$, $\Delta\delta$ ratio, and $\Delta\gamma$ ratio can be reproduced by the AMPT model without the CME or with a small strength of the CME. On the other hand, they can not be described by the AMPT model with a stronger strength of the CME. This indicates that the initial CME signal in isobar collisions is absent or small in isobar collisions. It could be due to the fact that the final state interactions significantly weaken the initial CME signal, resulting in the non-linear sensitivity of the CME observables. Therefore, more sensitive observables are required for searching for the possible small CME signal in isobar collisions. [1] M. Abdallah et al. [STAR], Phys. Rev. C 105.014901 (2022). [2] X. L. Zhao and G. L. Ma, [arXiv:2203.15214 [nucl-th]].
        Speaker: Xin-Li Zhao (Fudan University)
    • 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
      Parallel Session III (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: Li Yuan (Beihang University)
      • 8:30 AM
        Measuring CP properties of Higgs boson interactions with τ leptons with the ATLAS detector 15m

        This poster will present a measurement of the charge conjugation and parity ($CP$) properties in the Higgs boson interaction with $\tau$ leptons. The Yukawa interaction is generalized with a single mixing angle parameter $\phi_{\tau}$ to describe $CP$-odd interactions between the Higgs boson and $\tau$ leptons. The study is based on a measurement of $CP$-sensitive angular observables defined by the visible decay products of $\tau$ lepton decays, performed using a data sample corresponding to 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton–proton collisions recorded at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s}$= 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider.
        Without assuming Standard Model hypothesis for the $H\rightarrow\tau\tau$ signal strength,
        the mixing angle $\phi_{\tau}$ is measured to be $9 \pm 16^{\circ}$, with an expected value of $0 \pm 28^{\circ}$ at the 68\% confidence level.
        The pure $CP$-odd hypothesis is disfavoured at 3.4 standard deviations.
        The results are compatible with the predictions for the Higgs boson in the Standard Model as well as $CP$-violating scenarios.

        Speaker: Huanguo Li (Nanjing University)
      • 8:45 AM
        The study of the aQGC and nTGC 15m

        In the SM effective field theory (SMEFT), the gauge interactions can be extended by dimension-8 operators contributing to anomalous triple gauge couplings (aTGCs) and anomalous quartic gauge couplings (aQGCs). The VBS processes at hadron colliders and the tri-boson production at lepton-colliders are suitable for probing aQGCs, and the di-boson production at lepton-colliders is suitable for studying nTGCs. We discuss the event selection strategies for measuring aQGCs or nTGCs, and give constraints on the anomalous gauge couplings. The validity of SMEFT has been taken into account in our works.

        Speaker: Yu-Chen Guo (Liaoning Normal University)
      • 9:00 AM
        Search for the direct production of charginos and neutralinos in final states with tau leptons in 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: UNKNOWN 蔡雨辰
      • 9:15 AM
        CP violation in ttH and tH in multilepton channels (includes combination) at CMS 15m
        Speaker: Chaochen Yuan (IHEP)
      • 9:30 AM
        Measurement of top-Yukawa CP and Higgs EFT in ZZ and tautau final states at CMS 15m
        Speaker: 悦凯 宋 (zju)
      • 9:45 AM
        Study of the CP property of the Higgs to vector-boson coupling in the VBF H → γγ channel with the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Bo Liu (IHEP)
      • 10:00 AM
        格点规范场论模拟早期宇宙一阶相变 15m


        Speaker: 立功 边 (重庆大学)
      • 10:15 AM
        从在壳振幅到高维算符——构建有效场论中任意维数的算符基 15m
        Speaker: 哲 任 (ITP)
    • 8:30 AM 10:35 AM
      Parallel Session III (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: 振军 肖 (Nanjing Normal University)
      • 8:30 AM
        (Semi-)leptonic D decays at BESIII 20m

        BESIII has collected 2.93 and 6.32 fb^-1 of e+e- collision data samples at 3.773 and 4.178-4.226 GeV, respectively. We will report precision measurements of fDs, |Vcs| and test of lepton flavor universality by studying the leptonic decays of Ds -> l+nu with tau+ -> rho+nu, pi+nu, and e+nunu. We will also report the studies of Ds -> pi0pi0e+nu and KSKSe+nu, inclusive Ds semileptonic decay, updates of D-> Ke nu with a new method.

        Speakers: Dr Shu-Lei Zhang (Hunan University) , Shu-Lei Zhang (IHEP)
      • 8:50 AM
        Hadronic charm hadron decays at BESIII 20m

        BESIII has collected 2.93 and 6.32 fb^-1 of e+e- collision data samples at 3.773 and 4.178-4.226 GeV, respectively. We will report the observation of a new a0 resonance and amplitude analyses of Ds -> KSK+pi0, KSKSpi+, pi+pi0eta', KK3pi, Kpipipi0, and pi+pi0pi0. We will also report the transverse polarization determination in D0 -> omega phi, the KS/KL asymmetry studies in D0 -> KLX (X=eta, eta', omega and phi), observation of the new decay mode D^*0 to D^0 e^+e^-, and the measurements of the branching fractions of some D0(+) CF and DCS decays will also presented. In addition, BESIII has collected 4.5 fb^-1 of e+e- collision data between 4.6000 and 4.6999 GeV. This unique data offers ideal opportunity to determine absolute branching fractions of Lambda_c+ decays. We will report the first observation of Lambda_c+ -> npi+.

        Speaker: Yu Lu (IHEP_EPC)
      • 9:10 AM
        Searches for rare decays and new physics at LHCb 20m

        We will report selected recent results of new physics searches at LHCb via the study of b-hadrons decays that are rare or forbidden in the standard model of particle physics.

        Speaker: 辣 王 (湖南大学)
      • 9:30 AM
        Search for invisible decays and rare decays at BESIII 15m

        BESIII has collected 2.5 B $\psi(2S)$ events and 10 B $J/\psi$ events. The huge data sample provide an excellent chance to search for new physics in charmonium decays. We report the search for the decay $J/\psi\to\gamma + invisible$ and a potential light Higgs A0 in radiative J/psi decay. We also search for the J/psi rare weak decay to $D^-e^+\nu_e +c.c.$, and present the most stringent constraints of $10^{-6}$ at 90\% confidence level. The huge J/psi data set also produce lots of hyperon events at BESIII, which allow us to search for the rare decay of hyperon, such as the invisible decay of Lambda, \Xi semi-leptonic decay. The FCNC process for D0->pi0 vv is also search with the near threshold D0 events at BESIII.

        Speakers: 静舒 李 (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University) , 静舒 李 (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) Universityzhong)
      • 9:45 AM
        Factorization for weak annihilation B-meson decays 20m

        We accomplish the analytical computation of the pure weak annihilation non-leptonic $B$-meson decay amplitudes at leading power in the heavy quark expansion. The novel observation regarding such fundamental hadronic quantities is that adding the missing hard-collinear contribution on top of the hard gluon exchange effect eliminates rapidity divergences entering the convolution integrals of factorization formulae.
        Subsequently we identify the perturbative enhancement mechanism due to the penguin contractions of the current-current operators from the weak effective Hamiltonian,
        which yields the significant impacts on the CP violating observables.

        Speaker: Prof. Yu-Ming Wang (Nankai University)
      • 10:05 AM
        Deciphering the long-distance penguin contribution to B → γγ decays 15m

        We compute for the first time the long-distance penguin contribution to the double radiative $B$-meson decays
        due to the purely hadronic operators acting with the electromagnetic current in the background soft-gluon field
        from first field-theoretical principles by introducing a novel subleading $B$-meson distribution amplitude.
        The numerically dominant penguin amplitude arises from the soft-gluon radiation off the light up-quark loop rather than the counterpart charm-loop effect on account of the peculiar analytical behaviour of the short-distance hard-collinear function. Importantly the long-distance up-quark penguin contribution brings about the substantial cancellation of the known factorizable power correction possessing the same multiplication CKM parameters, thus enabling $B_{d, \, s} \to \gamma \gamma$ to become new benchmark probes of physics beyond the Standard Model.

        Speaker: Dr Qin Qin (华中科技大学(HUST))
      • 10:20 AM
        Explaining the b->s l l anomalies in Z' scenarios with top-FC/FCNC couplings and its implications for the W-boson mass shift 15m

        在文章arXiv:2112.14215(李新强,沈萌,王东洋,杨亚东,袁兴博)和arXiv:2205.02205(李新强,谢泽俊,杨亚东,袁兴博)中,我们分别研究了用具有顶夸克味改变和味守恒中性流的$Z^\prime$模型来解释$b\to s \ell^+ \ell^-$反常。在后一工作中,我们还考虑了额外解释最近CDF观测到的W玻色子质量的可能性。

        Speaker: 兴博 袁 (Central China Normal University)
    • 8:30 AM 10:40 AM
      Parallel Session III (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology


      Convener: Liming Song (IHEP,CAS)
      • 8:30 AM
        Orbit performance and latest result of the DArk Matter Particle Explorer 15m
        Speaker: Dr Yifeng Wei (USTC)
      • 8:45 AM
        HERD科学研究介绍 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Xiaojun Bi (IHEP)
      • 9:00 AM
        大型超高能伽马源立体跟踪观测设备(LACT)计划介绍 15m
        Speaker: Dr Shoushang Zhang (IHEP)
      • 9:15 AM
        Cosmic rays propagation with slow disk 15m
        Speaker: Prof. Xiaojun Bi (IHEP)
      • 9:30 AM
        Fast Termination Shock Acceleration on Solar Flare Jet 15m
        Speaker: Dr Xin Wang (Xingjiang Astronomical Observatory)
      • 9:45 AM
        A study of Force-field Approach from the time-dependent spectrum of AMS02 and PAMELA. 15m
        Speaker: Mr Weicheng Long (China university of Geoscience)
      • 10:00 AM
        南海中微子望远镜 -- 海铃计划 18m
        Speaker: Donglian Xu (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 10:18 AM
        超大规模中微子望远镜的模拟进展 18m
        Speaker: 王子珂
    • 8:30 AM 10:30 AM
      Parallel Session III (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: Wei Wang (Sun Yat-Sen University)
      • 8:30 AM
        The Potential to Probe Solar Neutrino Physics with LiCl Water Solution 15m

        Lithium chloride water solution is a good option for solar neutrino detection. The $\nu_{e}$ charged-current (CC) interaction cross-section on ${}^{7}\mathrm{Li}$ is evaluated with new B(GT) experimental measurements. The total CC interaction cross-section weighted by the solar ${}^{8}\mathrm{B}$ electron neutrino spectrum is $3.759\times10^{−42}~\mathrm{cm}^{2}$, which is about $60$ times that of the neutrino-electron elastic scattering process. The final state effective kinetic energy after the CC interaction on ${}^{7}\mathrm{Li}$ directly reflects the neutrino energy, which stands in sharp contrast to the plateau structure of recoil electrons of the elastic scattering. With the high solubility of LiCl of $74.5 ~\mathrm{g}/100 ~\mathrm{g}$ water at $10{}^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$ and the high natural abundance of $92.41\%$, the molarity of ${}^{7}\mathrm{Li}$ in water can reach $11 \mathrm{mol/L}$ for safe operation at room temperature. The CC event rate of $\nu_{e}$ on ${}^{7}\mathrm{Li}$ in the LiCl water solution is comparable to that of neutrino-electron elastic scattering. In addition, the $\nu_{e}$ CC interaction with the contained ${}^{37}\mathrm{Cl}$ also contributes a few percent of the total CC event rate. The contained ${}^{35}\mathrm{Cl}$ and ${}^{6}\mathrm{Li}$ also make a delay-coincidence detection for electron antineutrinos possible. The recrystallization method is found to be applicable for LiCl sample purification. The measured attenuation length of $11\pm1$ m at $430 \mathrm{nm}$ shows that the LiCl solution is practicable for a $10\mathrm{-m}$ diameter detector for solar neutrino detection. Clear advantages are found in studying the upturn effect of solar neutrino oscillation, light sterile neutrinos, and Earth matter effect. The sensitivities in discovering solar neutrino upturn and light sterile neutrinos are shown. More details of the work can be found in arxiv:$2203.01860$.

        Speakers: Dr Zhe Wang (Tsinghua University) , 文辉 邵 (清华大学)
      • 8:45 AM
        低温超导探测器在低能粒子探测方面的应用探索 15m


        Speaker: shuo zhang
      • 9:00 AM
        Cherenkov PID detector for super tau-cham facility 15m
        The Super tau-Charm facility (STCF) project, which is an electron-positron collider at the center-of-mass 2~7 GeV, is under exploring and will play crucial role in the high density frontier of elementary particle physics. The PID detector in STCF serves an excellent PID capability for charged hadrons. The effective PID is required to reach a statistical separation power better than 3 sigma to fulfill the desired physics goals. In the conceptual design, Cherenkov detector is one suitable technology for PID. In this report the two kinds of Cherenkov detector is described: Ring Image Cherenkov detector for the barrel, and the Dirt-like TOF for the end-cap.
        Speaker: 倩 刘 (University of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 9:15 AM
        塑料闪烁体反应堆中微子探测器 15m

        Nuclear reactor safeguard, based on detection of electron antineutrino flux and energy
        spectrum, is of great interests to both administrative agencies such as International Atomic Energy
        Agency (IAEA) and neutrino community. A dominant reaction channel of such detection is inverse
        beta decay (IBD), for which discrimination of gamma against neutron is critical. In this study, pulse
        shape discrimination (PSD) is used over plastic scintillator, for its ease of detector assembly, no risk
        of leakage, and high chemical stability. Using 22Na and 137Cs radioactive sources to calibrate the
        energy response of the whole system (data acquisition and materials), EJ200 and EJ426 scintillator
        combination is used as the discrimination setup. The figure of merit (FOM) can reach 9.13 ± 0.01,
        and could be adopted to build a reactor neutrino safeguard detector. In addition, the PSD of two
        kinds of plastic scintillators were compared. The FOM of the EJ276 plastic scintillator can reach
        1.35 ± 0.01 at the energy threshold of 1 MeV gamma equivalent in comparison to 0.96 ± 0.01 of
        UPS-113NG at the same energy threshold.

        Speakers: Prof. Yuen-Keung Hor (Sun Yat-sen University) , Mr guang luo (Sun Yat-sen University) , Mr peizhi lu (Sun Yat-sen University)
      • 9:30 AM
        Research Progress of The Glass Scintillator 15m

        The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a large international scientific facility proposed by the Chinese particle physics community. The proposal of silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) coupling with the glass scintillator as the detection unit HCAL is a new solution for the next generation calorimeter. In order to achieve the goal of high density and high light yield of the glasses. Glass Scintillators R&D; Group has prepared and researched a large number of scintillating glasses. Among them, the highest light yield can reach 1600 photons/MeV, and the best energy resolution is 19.64%@662keV.Further improvements in light yield and exploration of high-density glass systems are the next phase of the plan.

        Speakers: Dr Yao Zhu (Harbin Engineering University) , 华哲浩
      • 9:45 AM
        R&D of a novel high-granularity crystal calorimeter 15m
        In order to measure the Higgs boson, electroweak physics and the top quark with unprecedented precision, a sophisticated calorimetry system is vital for future electron-positron collider experiments. Based on the particle-flow paradigm, a novel highly granular crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) is proposed to address major challenges from jet reconstruction and to achieve the optimal EM energy resolution of around $2-3~\%/\sqrt{E(GeV)}$. This talk reviews R&D progress on a high granularity crystal ECAL readout with silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) as it is being developed to fully exploit the physics potential of a lepton collider. The requirements on crystal candidates, SiPMs as well as readout electronics are parameterized and quantified in Geant4 full simulation. Experiments including characterizations of crystals and SiPMs have been followed to validate and improve the simulation. Recent results from development of small-scale detector modules are being presented. Physics performance of the crystal ECAL has been studied with the particle-flow algorithm "ArborPFA" which is being optimized. A dedicated reconstruction software is also being developed for a detector layout with long crystal bars arranged to be orthogonal to each other in every two neighbouring longitudinal layers.
        Speaker: Mr Baohua Qi (IHEP)
      • 10:00 AM
        江门中微子实验2万吨液闪进展 15m
        Speaker: Mr 希磊 孙 (IHEP)
    • 10:25 AM 12:10 PM
      Parallel Session IV (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: 柯 韩 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 10:40 AM
        R&D of High pressure gaseous TPC for double beta decay 15m
        The PandaX-III experiment (particle and astrophysical xenon experiment III) aims to search for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νββ) of 136Xe using a high pressure gaseous time projection chamber (TPC). The TPCs use Micro-pattern gas detectors (Micromegas) as the charge readout, registering both the energy and the track information of an event. A prototype detector with thermal-bonding Micromegas has been successfully built and commissioned. Detector performance at different pressure up to 10 bar was studied with several gamma calibration sources. We report the operating conditions and detector performance such as gain, gain stability, and energy resolutions in this presentation.
        Speaker: Mr Wenming Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
      • 10:55 AM
        热压接Micromegas探测器技术及其应用 15m
        Speaker: 志永 张 (中科大)
      • 11:10 AM
        无中微子双贝塔衰变实验NvDEx 15m
        Speaker: Hao Qiu 仇浩
      • 11:25 AM
        面向正负电子对撞机物理的时间投影室径迹探测技术(TPC)研究进展 15m

        研究基本粒子性质及相互作用是当今物理学发展的前沿领域之一。近年来,国际上提出直线对撞及环形对撞等多种方案,如ILC(Internationale Linear Collider),FCC-ee(Future Circular Collider-ee) 等正负电子对撞机项目。国内高能物理界提出可研究Higgs物理和Z物理的环形正负电子对撞机(Circular Electron Positron Collider, CEPC)概念设计,物理目标对径迹探测器的设计和优化提出了严格的要求,不断提高的物理需求对径迹探测器性能提出更高的技术需求,时间投影室(Time Projection Chamber, TPC)是核心径迹探测器的一个重要选项。目前国内外已经开展了面向100微米($\sigma$)精度需求的探测器模块相关研究,在解决高分辨及正离子反馈问题的同时,需要实现相关参量的原型机实验研究,基于以上物理问题,通过时间投影室模块、原型机的实验研究,分析解决关键的技术和物理问题。

        本报告面向正负电子对撞机物理的时间投影室径迹探测技术(TPC)研究进展,以目前时间投影室研究中的热点问题为切入点,对正离子反馈引起的空间电荷效应、空间位置畸变、长径迹动学空间下的粒子鉴别能力、探测器畸变校正等问题进行了研究。研究首先利用了Mokka 和Comsol 分析研究了在不同亮度和反馈离子数下,空间电荷效应对于空间位置的影响。结合相关的实验研究,得出读出模块保证正离子反馈的定量关系。为了实现正负电子对撞机物理的时间投影室径迹探测物理目标,研究利用266nm激光研究了实验投影室原型机的激光径迹重建、空间点及径迹位置分辨率,分析了电离能损分辨率和漂移速度测量及电场畸变修正方法。并通过全尺寸TPC 电离能损分析测试结果得出:对应于一个最小电离粒子测量,该220个空间点的全尺寸时间投影室的𝑑𝐸/𝑑𝑥 分辨率可以达到3.6%,并且位置分辨率可以达到$\mathcal{O}$(<100$\mu$m) (2T);为面向更高对撞亮度的物理需求,以及粒子鉴别(Particle Identification Detection, PID)的物理需求,同时与LCTPC(International Linear Collider Time Projection Chamber Collaboration)国际合作组,本报告也给出像素型读出时间投影室径迹探测技术(TPC)实验研究进展现状。

        Speaker: 常悦
      • 11:40 AM
        R&D on thin-gap RPC towards production for ATLAS Phase-2 upgrade 15m
        New type of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) will be installed in the ATLAS detector during the Phase-II Upgrade. Chinese cluster (USTC-SDU-SJTU) has made important contribution in producing, testing and improving this new type of RPC. To match the requirement of the upgrade, the width of RPC gas gaps reduced from 2 mm to 1 mm and faster Front-End Electronics were applied. Simultaneously, many R&D efforts have been performed by simulations together with experimental measurements. Towards the mass construction, the production technology and QC method will also be discussed in this talk.
        Speaker: Quanyin Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 11:55 AM
        大面积陶瓷GEM中子探测器研究 15m
        Speaker: 朱林
    • 10:30 AM 10:40 AM
      Coffee Break 10m
    • 10:35 AM 12:00 PM
      Parallel Session IV (3):Heavy Ion Physics: QCD Phase Structrue I
      Convener: Qiye Shou (Fudan University)
      • 10:35 AM
        高温高密QCD物质中守恒荷涨落性质的研究 25m
        Speaker: Dr Guo-Liang Ma (Fudan University)
      • 11:00 AM
        Overview of intermittency analysis in heavy-ion collisions 15m
        Local density fluctuation near the QCD critical point has been suggested to exhibit a power-law behavior which can be probed by an intermittency analysis on scaled factorial moment in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. In this talk, I will review recent work on the search for power-law fluctuations with fractality and intermittency analysis in heavy-ion collisions. Experimental measurement from STAR, NA49 and NA61 collaborations[1-3] on self-similar correlations and fluctuations with respect to the size of phase space volume in various high energy collisions are presented, with special emphasis on background subtraction and efficiency correction of the measurement. Phenomenological modelling and theoretical work on the subject are discussed[4-7]. Finally, I will highlight possible directions for future research[8]. [1]T. Anticic et al. (NA49 Coll.), Eur. Phys. J. C 75, 587 (2015). [2]M. Pawlowska et al. (NA61/SHINE Coll.), Nucl. Phys. A 1005, 121753 (2021). [3]Jin Wu (for the STAR Coll.), arXiv: 2110.09794 (2021). [4]Jin Wu, Yufu Lin, Yuanfang Wu, Zhiming Li∗, Phys. Lett. B 801, 135186 (2020). [5]Jin Wu, Yufu Lin, Zhiming Li∗ Xiaofeng Luo∗, and Yuanfang Wu∗, Phys. Rev. C 104, 034902 (2021). [6]P. Li et al., Phys. Lett. B 818, 136393 (2021). [7]S. Gope and B. Bhattacharjee, Eur. Phys. J. A 57, 44 (2021). [8]Zhiming Li∗, arXiv: 2203.01490 (2022).
        Speaker: 治明 李 (华中师范大学粒子物理研究所)
      • 11:15 AM
        Fluctuations of conserved charges in strong magnetic fields 15m
        strong magnetic fields are created at the early stage of non-central heavy-ion collisions. However, whether the magnetic fields survive in the late stage of heavy-ion collisions and experimental measurements of various observables are reminiscent of the initially-created magnetic fields still remains elusive. In this talk we show that fluctuations of and correlations among net baryon number, strangeness and electrical charge can be useful to probe the imprint of the magnetic field in heavy-ion collisions. This is based on the fact that 1) these fluctuations and correlations have been shown to be very useful in understanding the QCD phase structure in the vanishing magnetic fields and 2) our very recent lattice QCD studies on these quantities in magnetic fields. We will show the first lattice QCD results of the second-order fluctuations of and correlations among net baryon number, electric charge and strangeness in (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD in the presence of a background magnetic field. Lattice QCD simulations are performed on $32^3×N_{\tau}$ lattices using the highly improved staggered fermions in a fixed scale approach with $N_{\tau}$∈[8,96] [1,2]. We study these quantities from zero temperature up to ∼1.7 $T_{pc}$ with 15 values of the magnetic field strength eB∈[0,60 $m_{\pi}^2$] with pion mass $m_{\pi}^2$=220 MeV [1]. We also extend the above lattice QCD studies to the realistic case with physical pion mass $m_{\pi}^2$=135 MeV, and focus on a smaller temperature interval around the pseudo-critical temperature ranging from 0.9 $T_{pc}$ to 1.1 $T_{pc}$. To mimic the magnetic field strength produced in the early stage of heavy-ion collision experiments we now have 6 different values of the magnetic field strength up to ∼10$m_{\pi}^2$ with $m_{\pi}^2$=135 MeV [3]. We discuss the temperature and 𝑒𝐵 dependences of the second-order fluctuations of and correlations among net baryon number, electric charge and strangeness. We find that these second-order fluctuations and correlations are substantially affected by 𝑒𝐵. They even develop peak structures at sufficiently large 𝑒𝐵 which could be related to a possible critical end point in the 𝑇−𝑒𝐵 plane. We propose to investigate these quantities in experiments in different centrality classes and collision systems where 𝑒𝐵 could be different. [1] Eur. Phys. J. A 57 (2021) no.6, 202 [2] H.-T. Ding, S.-T. Li, A. Tomiya et al, Phys. Rev. D 104 (2021) 014505. [3] H.-T. Ding, S.-T. Li, J.-H. Liu and X.-D. Wang, work in progress.
        Speaker: Dr Jun-Hong Liu (Central China Normal University)
      • 11:30 AM
        “jet quenching at finite cheimical potentials and near the CEP ” 15m
        Jet quenching parameter $\hat{q}$ is an essential parameter that characterizes the interaction strength between jet partons and the QGP. Based on the quark-meson model, we conduct a first calculation on $\hat{q}$ at finite chemical potential up to the one-loop order, and find that the momentum broadening of jets is enhanced not only at high temperature, but also at high chemical potential. We further investigate the behavior of $\hat{q}$ near the critical end point (CEP) of the QCD phase diagram by coupling our calculation with a recently developed equation of state that includes a CEP in the universality class of the Ising model.
        Speaker: Mr jing wu (Lan Zhou University)
      • 11:45 AM
        Normalization of two-particle correlation observables 15m
        To account for the acceptance effect of two-particle correlations, a normalization is performed in pioneer work. We propose a normalization scheme based on an independent particle assumption to improve the background estimation. Choosing per-trigger yield calculated by CGC as an example, a comparison of the background proposed in this paper with that in pioneer work is made. The differences between the two backgrounds are demonstrated to be small. However, the resulting per- trigger yield normalized by the two backgrounds show qualitative differences, i.e. different trends as a function of ∆y. The one normalized by the background of this paper shows better agreements with data. The normalization does not affect the yield as a function of ∆φ and thus the agreement of the per-trigger yield as a function of ∆φ with the experimental data is maintained.
        Speaker: Mr Donghai Zhang (CCNU)
    • 10:40 AM 12:00 PM
      Parallel Session IV (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: Mingshui CHEN (IHEP)
      • 10:40 AM
        Search for Higgs boson decay to a charm quark-antiquark pair in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV at CMS 15m
        Speaker: Congqiao Li (Peking University)
      • 10:55 AM
        Study of charm Yukawa couplings at the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Tao Wang (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 11:10 AM
        Measurement of the Higgs boson mass in the H → ZZ* → 4l decay channel 15m
        Speaker: 涵 李 (山东大学前沿交叉科学青岛研究院)
      • 11:25 AM
        Measurement of boosted VH(bb) process at the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Yicong Huang (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 11:40 AM
        Precise Measurements of Z+photon final states and search for anomalous neutral gauge couplings with EFT at ATLAS 15m
        Speaker: Danning Liu
    • 10:40 AM 12:05 PM
      Parallel Session IV (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: Changzheng YUAN (IHEP, Beijing)
      • 10:40 AM
        Recent result of quarkonium from Belle and Belle2 20m
        The Belle experiment at the KEKB energy-asymmetric e+-e- collider accumulated dataset with integrated luminosity of 1/ab, including Upsilon(nS) on resonances, off-resonances, and Upsilon(5S) scan data. And the Belle II experiment is a substantial upgrade of the B factory facility, with much higher instantaneous luminosity and will accumulate 50/ab of data. Belle II has already accumulated about 400/fb of dataset, as well as the Y(10750) scan data at four energy points with the luminosity of 19.22/fb. With these datasets, Belle and Belle II would be able to search for new states on charmonium, bottomonium, and baryons spectroscopies, and measure their properties. In this presentation, we will review the latest quarkonium results from Belle and Belle II.
        Speaker: Dr Junhao YIN (高能所)
      • 11:00 AM
        The cross-section measurements of electron-positron annihilation above 4 GeV 20m

        To understand the nature of vector charmonium and charmonium-like states better, the measurements of the cross-section of e+ e- -> pi+ pi- J/psi, e+ e- -> K+ K- J/psi, e+ e- -> pi+ pi- psi2(3823), e+ e- -> D+ D- and e+ e- -> D*+ D- are performed at BESIII recently. This talk will include the new decay modes of the well-known resonance, such as Y(4230), and the new observed structures that strongly coupled to these channels.

        Speaker: 潇平 覃 (复旦大学)
      • 11:20 AM
        Studies of γγ-> γψ(2S) and e+e- ->ηϕ at Belle 15m

        Using 980 fb-1 of data on and around the Υ(nS)(n=1,2,3,4,5) resonances collected with the Belle detector at KEKB, the two-photon process γγ-> γψ(2S) is studied from √s = 3.7 GeV to 4.2 GeV for the first time. Two structures with resonance parameters being measured are seen in the invariant mass distribution of γψ(2S). And the cross section of e+e- ->ηϕ via initial-state radiation are measured from threshold to 3.95 GeV. The resonant parameters of ϕ(1680) and the branching fraction of ϕ(1680)→ηϕ are also measured in this work.

        Speaker: Mrs Wenjing Zhu (Fudan University)
      • 11:35 AM
        News of h_c and eta_c(2S) from BESIII 15m

        With the worldly largest psi(2S) samples collected at BEESIII, systematic studies of the decays of eta_c(2S) are performed. As an example, the observation of the decay eta_c(2S) -> 3 (pi+ pi-) will be reported in this talk. Based on the 450M psi(2S) samples, the mass and width of h_c are updated as well as the branching fraction of psi(2S) -> pi0 h_c. In this talk, search for new hadronic decays of h_c and observation of h_c -> proton anti-proton eta will be reported too. And the upper limit of h_c -> pi0 J/psi will be provided. This analysis utilizes the electron-positron collision data at the energy regions above 4 GeV.

        Speaker: 旷洁 任 (辽宁师范大学)
      • 11:50 AM
        Color-octet contributions for J/ψ inclusive production at B factories in soft gluon factorization 15m

        We have studied color-octet contributions for $J/\psi$ inclusive production at B factories, i.e., $e^+e^-\to J/\psi({^{3}\hspace{-0.6mm}P_{J}^{[8]}},{^{1}\hspace{-0.6mm}S_{0}^{[8]}}) + X_{\mathrm{non}-c\bar c}$, using the soft gluon factorization (SGF) approach, in which the $J/\psi$ energy spectrum is expressed in a form of perturbatively calculable short-distance hard parts convoluted with one-dimensional soft gluon distributions (SGDs). The series of velocity corrections originated from kinematic effect can be naturally resummed in this approach. Short-distance hard parts have been calculated analytically to next-to-leading order in $\alpha_s$. Renormalization group equations for SGDs have been derived and solved, which resums Sudakov logarithms originated from soft gluon emissions. Our final result gives a upper bound for color-octet matrix elements consistent with that extracted from hadron colliders. This may relieve the well-known universality problem in the NRQCD factorization.

        As a comparison, we also analytically calculated short-distance hard parts in the NRQCD factorization, with Sudakov logarithms resummed by using soft collinear effective theory. The comparison shows that velocity corrections from kinematic effect, which have been resummed in SGF, are significant for phenomenological study. Furthermore, it is found that Sudakov logarithms originated from soft gluon emissions are very important, while it is not the case for Sudakov logarithms originated from jet function. Therefore, the partial Sudakov resummation in SGF has already captured the main physics.

        Speaker: Dr An-Ping Chen (Jiangxi Normal University)
    • 10:40 AM 12:30 PM
      Parallel Session IV (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
      Convener: 泽源 Yu (中国科学院高能物理研究所)
      • 10:42 AM
        JUNO-TAO Status and Prospect 18m
        Speaker: 李茹慧
      • 11:00 AM
        Observation of the high-energy reactor neutrinos 15m
        Speaker: 赵润泽
      • 11:15 AM
        利用液氙探测器测量反应堆中微子的相干弹性散射 15m
        Speaker: Xiang Xiao (Sun Yat-Sen University)
      • 11:30 AM
        Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering and quenching factor 15m
        Speaker: Jiajun Liao (Sun Yat-Sen University)
      • 11:45 AM
        Reactor Neutrino Flux and Spectrum Evolution At Daya Bay 15m
        Speaker: 玉梓 杨 (Tsinghua University)
    • 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch 2h
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session III (6):晨光杯评选
      • 2:00 PM
        Explaining the Many Threshold Structures in the Heavy-Quark Hadron Spectrum 20m
      • 2:20 PM
        Lattice QCD calculation of the two-photon exchange contribution to the muonic-hydrogen Lamb shift 20m
      • 2:40 PM
        Next-to-Next-to-Leading-Order QCD Prediction for the Photon-Pion Form Factor 20m
      • 3:00 PM
        Measurement of the Absolute Branching Fraction of Ds +→ τ+ ντ via τ+ → e+ νeντ 20m
      • 3:20 PM
        Model-Independent Determination of the Spin of the Ω− and Its Polarization Alignment in ψ(3686) → Ω−Ω¯ + 20m
      • 3:40 PM
        Measurement of the Cross Section for e+ e− → Hadrons at Energies from 2.2324 to 3.6710 GeV 20m
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session V (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: 庄胥爱 ZHUANG Xuai (高能所)
      • 2:00 PM
        Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric particles with the ATLAS detector 15m
        Speaker: Da Xu (IHEP, Beijing)
      • 2:15 PM
        General Heavy WIMP Direct Detection 15m

        Weakly-Interacting-Massive-Particles (WIMPs) are a large class of viable dark matter candidates. We employ heavy particle effective field theory to compute general heavy electroweak multiplets and nucleon elastic scattering up to heavy mass $1/M$ order.

        For certain electroweak multiplets, leading order effective theory calculation shows a generic amplitude-level cancellation that yields a severe suppression of the cross section for WIMP-nucleon scattering,
        leaving them robust candidates surviving current direct detection experimental sensitivities.

        We here perform computation for arbitrary electroweak representations for
        all spin-0, spin-1/2, spin-1 and spin-3/2 heavy particles, combining contributions from perturbative QCD and nuclear effects
        by state-of-the-art chiral effective theory calculations, and obtain a comprehensive and model-independent WIMP-nucleon benchmark cross section and
        WIMP-nucleus direct detection event rate.

        Speaker: Qing Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 2:30 PM
        Gravitational waves from axion and related searches 15m

        We discuss the axion objects such as axion mini-clusters and axion clouds around spinning
        black holes, which induce parametric resonances of electromagnetic waves through the
        axion-photon interaction, as well as high frequency gravitational waves through gravitational Chern-Simons (CS) coupling. We also present some new detection schemes for axions and high frequency waves.

        Speaker: Sichun Sun (Beijing Institute of Technology)
      • 2:45 PM
        Probing heavy Majorana neutrinos and the Weinberg operator through vector boson fusion processes at the LHC CMS Experiment 15m
        Speaker: Jie Xiao (Peking University)
      • 3:00 PM
        Neutrino dipole portal at electron colliders 15m

        We propose to search for a heavy neutral lepton (HNL), that is also
        known as sterile neutrino, in electron colliders running
        with the center-of-mass energies at few GeV, including BESIII, Belle II,
        and the proposed Super Tau Charm Factory (STCF). We consider the HNL
        interacting with Standard Model neutrino and photon via a transition
        magnetic moment, the so-called dipole portal. We use the monophoton
        signature at electron colliders to probe the constraints on the
        active-sterile neutrino transition magnetic moments $d$ as the function of
        the HNL's mass $m_{N}$. It is found that BESIII, Belle II and STCF can
        probe the upper limits for $d$ down to $1.3 \times 10^{-5}\ \text{GeV}^{-1}$, $8 \times 10^{-6}\ \text{GeV}^{-1}$, and $1.3 \times 10^{-6}\ \text{GeV}^{-1}$ with $m_{N}$ around GeV scale, respectively, and
        have sensitivity to the previously unexplored parameter space for electron-
        ($d_{e}$) and tau-neutrino ($d_{\tau }$) dipole portal with $m_{N}$ from
        dozens to thousands MeV. On $d_{\mu }$ for HNL mixing
        with the $\mu$-neutrino, Belle II and STCF can also provide leading

        Speaker: Prof. 宇 张 (合肥工业大学)
      • 3:15 PM
        右手中微子的对撞机寻找与轻子生成机制 15m


        Speaker: Dr 威 刘 (南京理工大学)
      • 3:30 PM
        The analogy of LV fermion-gravity and fermion-photon couplings 15m

        By adopting a non-relativistic (NR) reduction method, we study the one-fermion matrix elements between the fermion-gravity and the fermion-photon interactions in the presence of the minimal Lorentz-violating (LV) fermion coefficients. We prescribed the Lense-Thirring (LT) metric with the test particle assumption, as this metric is essentially curved and may demonstrate some novel LV matter-gravity couplings beyond the conventional test of equivalence principle.
        With some bold but reasonable assumptions, we get a LV spin-gravity interaction Hamiltonian,
        from which we derive the LV corrected spin precession and gravitational acceleration.
        With some ad hoc assumptions, we get some very rough bounds on several LV
        coefficients, such as $|3\vec{\tilde{H}}-2\vec{b}|\leq1.46\times10^{-5}\mathrm{eV}$,
        from those spin-gravity measurements like the Gravity Probe B (GPB).

        Speaker: Prof. Zhi Xiao (Department of Mathematics and Physics, North China Electric Power University)
      • 3:45 PM
        Projected three-point energy correlator at NNLL 15m

        The energy correlators measure the pattern of the energy deposition in detectors. The collinear limit, where the angle between the detectors approaches zero, is of particular interest for describing the substructure of jets produced at colliders. By utilizing our factorization theorem and calculating the required ingredients, we perform the resummation of the logarithmically enhanced terms for the projected three-point energy correlator in the collinear limit through to NNLL by renormalization group evolution.

        The ratio between the projected three-point energy correlator and the two-point energy correlator is an observable advantageous in extracting the strong coupling constant at colliders. We present the NNLL+NNLO perturbative result for this ratio, and consider the effects from power-suppressed non-perturbative QCD corrections. Such an observable with high accuracy may also probe non-trivial information of the jet-substructure and improve our understanding of QCD dynamics.

        Speaker: Zhen Xu (Zhejiang University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session V (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: Yanxi zhang (PKU)
      • 2:00 PM
        LHCb上双重味重子研究 20m


        Speaker: Jibo HE (UCAS)
      • 2:20 PM
        Study of charmed baryons at Belle 20m

        Precision charmed hadron spectroscopy helps in understanding how the matter is made around us. The large data sample accumulated by the Belle experiment at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e− collider provides us a unique opportunity to perform these studies. We report recent results on charmed baryon spectroscopy from Belle, which include measured branching fraction of (newly discovered) decays of Lambda_c, Xi_c and Omega_c, the evidence of Lambda_c(2910), and the CPV studies in charmed baryon sector, etc.

        Speaker: Dr Yubo Li (复旦大学)
      • 2:40 PM
        Study of the B -> Lc Lcbar K decay at LHCb 20m

        A charmed baryon with strange quark, Xic(2930), was found in the B- -> Lc Lcbar K- decay at B-factories, yet the study of Lc K- pairs produced directly in pp collisions at LHCb finds two baryon states, Xic(2923) and Xic(2939), at this mass region. These two states are confirmed by a recent study of B- -> Lc Lcbar K- at LHCb using pp collision data at 13 TeV. Other features in the Lc K- mass spectrum are also studied. The relative branching fraction of the channel is reported with respect to B -> DDK

        Speaker: Yu Lu (IHEP_EPC)
      • 3:00 PM
        Recent results of Baryon electromagnetic form factors at BESIII 20m

        At BESIII, the electromagnetic form factors (EMFFs) and the pair production cross sections of various baryons have been studied. The proton EMFF ratio |GE/GM| is determined precisely and line-shape of |GE| is obtained for the first time. The recent results of neutron EMFFs at BESIII show great improvement comparing with previous experiments. Cross sections of various baryon pairs (Lambda, Sigma, Xi, Lambdac) are studied from their thresholds. Anomalous enhancement behavior on the Lambda and Lambdac pair are observed.

        Speaker: Mr Xingyu Zhou (Liaoning Normal University)
      • 3:20 PM
        Hyperon physics at BESIII 15m

        With the large datasets on 𝑒+𝑒−-annihilation at the 𝐽/𝜓 and 𝜓(3686) resonances collected at the BESIII experiment, multi-dimensional analyses making use of polarization and entanglement can shed new light on the production and decay properties hyperon-antihyperon pairs. In a series of recent studies performed at BESIII, significant transverse polarization of the (anti)hyperons has been observed in 𝐽/𝜓 or 𝜓(3686) to ΛΛ ̄ , ΣΣ ̄ , ΞΞ ̄, and Ω - anti- Ω + and the spin of Ω− has been determined model independently for the first time. The decay parameters for the most common hadronic weak decay modes were measured, and due to the non-zero polarization, the parameters of hyperon and antihyperon decays could be determined independently of each other for the first time. Comparing the hyperon and antihyperon decay parameters yields precise tests of direct, Δ𝑆 = 1 CP-violation that complement studies performed in the kaon sector.

        Speaker: He Li (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 3:35 PM
        Weak radiative hyperon decays in covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory 20m

        Weak radiative hyperon decays, important to test the strong interaction and relevant in searches for beyond the standard model physics, have remained puzzling both experimentally and theoretically for a long time. The recently updated branching fraction and first measurement of the asymmetry parameter of $\Lambda\to n\gamma$ by the BESIII Collaboration further exacerbate the issue, as none of the existing predictions can describe the data. We show in this letter that the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory, with constraints from the latest measurements of hyperon non-leptonic decays, can well describe the BESIII data. The predicted branching fraction and asymmetry parameter for $\Xi^-\to\Sigma^-\gamma$ are also in agreement with the experimental data. We note that a more precise measurement of the asymmetry parameter, which is strongly constrained by chiral symmetry and related with that of $\Sigma^+\to p\gamma$, is crucial to test Hara's theorem. We further predict the branching fraction and asymmetry parameter of $\Sigma^0\to n\gamma$, whose future measurement can serve as a highly nontrivial check on our understanding of weak radiative hyperon decay and on the covariant baryon chiral perturbation theory.

        Speakers: Dr Jun-Xu Lu (Beihang University) , Lisheng Geng, Dr Rui-Xiang Shi (Beihang University) , Mr Shuang-Yi Li (Beihang University)
      • 3:55 PM
        Spatial extent of $\Delta$(1232) with $\pi^0\pi^0$ momentum correlations using the high-resolution EM calorimeter BGOegg 15m

        Measuring the properties of hadrons in the non-perturbative QCD energy region is one of the powerful tools to understand the hadron structure and strong interaction. We propose to measure the spatial extent of intermediate baryon resonances and of hadron reaction volume in the non-perturbative QCD energy region. A new method is developed to measure the spatial extent of the $\Delta$(1232) resonance involved in the sequential decay process $γp→π^0 \Delta^{+}→π^0 π^0 p$. The information on the size is given by investigating the Bose-Einstein correlation of these two $\pi^0$s. The experiment is carried out at LEPS2 beam line in Spring-8 with the electromagnetic calorimeter BGOegg of nearly 4π coverage which enables an unprecedented high-resolution measurement, providing precise data for $\pi^0\pi^0$ relative momenta. In addition, s-channel resonance contributions coupling to $\pi^0\pi^0p$ are weak in the photon-beam energy region of 1.3-2.4 GeV, opening the possibility of selecting a clean sample for examining $\pi^0\pi^0$ correlations.

        Speaker: Qinghua He (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
    • 2:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Parallel Session V (3):Heavy Ion Physics: QCD Phase Structure II
      Convener: 伟杰 付 (大连理工大学)
      • 2:00 PM
        Finite size and interface effects on the QCD phase trasition 25m
        Speaker: Yuxin Liu (PKU)
      • 2:25 PM
        相对论重离子碰撞中QCD物质相图的实验研究 25m
        理解强相互作用物质的性质及其相结构可以增进我们对宇宙演化和可见物质结构的认识,具有重要的科学意义。在过去的二十年里,人们在高能重离子碰撞中观测到许多强相互作用的夸克-胶子等离子体(sQGP)的间接实验证据。因此,探索高重子密度下的QCD相结构,如绘制出一阶相变边界和寻找QCD临界点在相图中的位置,成为高能重离子碰撞的最重要目标之一。从2010到2021年,RHIC-STAR实验完成了两个阶段的重离子碰撞能量扫描计划, 采集了从质心能量200 GeV到3 GeV各种下Au+Au碰撞实验数据。本次报告中,将集中讨论最近在RHIC-STAR实验中探索QCD相结构、寻找QCD临界点的实验研究进展
        Speaker: Dr Xiaofeng Luo (Central China Normal University)
      • 2:50 PM
        Nonuniform-temperature effects on the phase transition 15m
        At RHIC, a fireball forms in the Au-Au collision and rapidly cools during expansion, inside which the QCD matter undergoes a phase transition from quark-gluon-plasma to the hadronic phase. The phase transition signals are expected to be observed via the measurement of fluctuations of conserved charges such as baryon numbers [1]. Indeed, both the dynamical evolution and the spatially-nonuniform-temperature (and chemical potential) distribution of the fireball affect the fluctuations of QCD phase transition. However, the current studies of the QCD phase transition mainly focus on the dynamical effects [2], and the nonuniform-temperature effects are overlooked. In this talk, we will present the spatially-nonuniform-temperature effects on the QCD phase transition temperature, the fluctuations, and the correlation length via a simplified Ising-like model [3]. Different from the dynamical effects, which delay the phase transition, we reveal that the nonuniform-temperature effects lead to higher phase transition temperature. Besides, the suppression of the critical fluctuation can be as stronger as the dynamical slowing down effects, and the nonzero-momentum modes of fluctuations play a crucial role. Our study presents a different perspective to understand the recent STAR data and lattice results [4], and can be further generalized to other temperature-nonuniform systems like the compact stars. [1] J. Adamet al. (STAR Collaboration), Phys. Rev. Lett.126,092301 (2021). [2] M. Stephanov and Y. Yin, Phys. Rev. D98, 036006 (2018). [3] Jun-Hui Zheng and Lijia Jiang, Phys. Rev. D 104, 016031 (2021). [4] A. Bazavovet al.(HotQCD Collaboration), Phys. Lett. B795,15 (2019).
        Speaker: Dr Lijia Jiang (Northwest University)
      • 3:05 PM
        Searching QCD critical point with light-nuclei productions 15m
        Searching QCD critical point is one of the fundamental goals of heavy-ion collisions. The observed non-monotonic behavior with the colliding energies[1,2] was declared to be related to the critical point of the QCD phase diagram[3,4]. To reveal the critical fluctuations effects on the light-nuclei productions, one should address the problem of scale separation and magnitude separation problems. Specifically, the scale or the magnitude related to the background effects on light-nuclei production are dramatically larger than the ones of critical fluctuations, which hinders the detection of critical signal in light-nuclei individually. In this talk, I will focus on this problem and study the possible effect. Within the coalescence model, we systematically study how does the background[5] and critical signal[6] play the role in the production of light nuclei. We find that the productions of light-nuclei with different number of constituent nucleons share the same structure up to second-order phase-space cumulants. Accordingly, we construct light-nuclei yield ratio which is directly proportional to the critical correction. The large scales related to light-nuclei are largely cancelled in the ratios and critical correlation length plays an important role. This reveals that the properly constructed yield ratios, not the yield individually, largely free from the scale and magnitude problems. In addition, we also predict a non-trivial behavior of the constructed light-nuclei yield ratios as the imprint the critical fluctuations and could be regarded as one of the candidates to probe the critical point. [1] H. Liu, D. Zhang, S. He, K.-j. Sun, N. Yu, and X. Luo, Phys. Lett. B 805, 135452 (2020). [2] D. Zhang (STAR), JPS Conf. Proc. 32, 010069 (2020). [3] E. Shuryak and J M.Torres-Rincon, Eur.Phys.J.A 56 (2020) 9,241. [4] K.-j. Sun, F.Li and C.M.Ko, Phys.Lett.B 816 (2021) 136258. [5] S.Wu, K.Murase, S.Tang and H.Song, arXiv:nucl-th/2205.14302. [6] S.Wu, K.Murase, S.Zhao and H.Song, to appear.
        Speaker: Shanjin Wu (Peking University)
      • 3:20 PM
        Probing QCD critical point and induced gravitational wave by black hole physics 15m
        The Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram involves the behaviors of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions and remains an important open problem. Based on the non-perturbative approach from the gauge/gravity duality, we construct a family of black holes that provide a dual description of the QCD phase diagram at finite chemical potential and temperature. The thermodynamic properties from the model are in good agreement with the state-of-the-art lattice simulations. We then predict the location of the critical endpoint and the first-order phase transition line. Moreover, we present the energy spectrum of the stochastic gravitational-wave background associated with the QCD first-order transition, which is found to be detected by IPTA and SKA, while by NANOGrav with less possibility.
        Speaker: Dr He Song (Jilin University)
      • 3:35 PM
        Chiral condensates and screening masses of neutral pseudoscalar mesons in thermomagnetic QCD medium 15m
        We point out that chiral condensates at nonzero temperature and magnetic fields are in strict connection to the space-time integral of corresponding two-point neutral meson correlation functions in the pseudoscalar channel via the Ward-Takahashi identity. Screening masses of neutral pseudoscalar mesons, which are defined as the exponential decay of the corresponding spatial correlation functions in the long distance, thus are intrinsically connected to (inverse) magnetic catalysis of chiral condensates. To study this we performed lattice simulations of $(2+1)$-flavor QCD on $32^3\times N_t$ lattices with pion mass $M_\pi\simeq 220$ MeV in a fixed scale approach having temperature $T\in[17, 281]$ MeV and magnetic field strength $eB\in[0, 2.5]$ GeV$^2$. We find that screening lengths, i.e. inverses of screening masses of $\pi^0$, $K^0$ and $\eta^0_{s\bar{s}}$, turn out to have the similar complex $eB$ and $T$ dependences of the corresponding chiral condensates. Although the transition temperature is found to always decrease as $eB$ grows, we show that the suppression due to magnetic fields becomes less significant for hadron screening length and chiral condensates with heavier quarks involved, and ceases to occur for $\eta^0_{s\bar{s}}$ and strange quark chiral condensate. The complex $eB$ and $T$ dependences of both screening masses and chiral condensates, reflecting the crossover nature of the QCD transition, are attributed to the competition between sea and valence quark effects. These findings could be useful to guide low-energy models and effective theories of QCD. This talk is based on [1]. [1] Phys.Rev.D 105 (2022) 3, 034514
        Speaker: Dr Sheng-Tai Li (CCNU)
      • 3:50 PM
        Criticality of QCD in correlated Dirac eigenvalues 15m
        We present a first study on the correlated Dirac eigenvalues in the vicinity of the chiral phase transition of $N_f$=2+1 QCD. We analyze the quark mass and temperature dependences of the first and second order quark mass derivatives of Dirac eigenvalue spectrum, i.e. $\partial \rho/\partial m_l$ and $\partial ^2\rho/\partial m_l^2$. This is done through the correlated Dirac eigenvalues based on a novel method [1]. Simulations are performed at temperatures from about 137 MeV to 176 MeV on $N_{\tau}=8$ lattices using the highly improved staggered quarks and the tree-level improved Symanzik gauge action. The strange quark mass is fixed to its physical value $m_s^{\text{phy}}$ and the light quark mass $m_l$ is set to $m_s^{\text{phy}}/20$, $m_s^{\text{phy}}/27$, $m_s^{\text{phy}}/40$, $m_s^{\text{phy}}/80$ that correspond to the Goldstone pion masses $m_{\pi}\approx 160, 140, 110, 80$ MeV, respectively [2]. In sharp contrast to our findings at high temperature of $1.6~T_c$ [1], $\rho$ is no longer proportional to $m_l^2$ in the vicinity of the chiral phase transition. Instead, we observe that $\partial \rho/\partial m_l/\chi_{\mathrm{disc}}$ and $\partial ^2\rho/\partial m_l^2/\chi_2$ are quark mass and temperature independent at $T\in [137,153]$ MeV, where $\chi_{\mathrm{disc}}$ is the disconnected chiral susceptibility and $\chi_2$ is part of quark mass derivative of $\chi_{\mathrm{disc}}$ that is related to $\partial ^2\rho/\partial m_l^2$. Based on this observation in the vicinity of the chiral phase transition temperature, we will discuss the connection between the criticality of chiral phase transition and Dirac eigenvalue spectrum as well as its quark mass derivatives. **References** [1] H. T. Ding, S. T. Li, S. Mukherjee, A. Tomiya, X. D. Wang and Y. Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, no.8, 082001 (2021) doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.126.082001 [arXiv:2010.14836 [hep-lat]]. [2] H. T. Ding, W. P. Huang, M. Lin, S. Mukherjee, P. Petreczky and Y. Zhang, PoS LATTICE2021, 591 (2022) doi:10.22323/1.396.0591 [arXiv:2112.00318 [hep-lat]].
        Speaker: Wei-Ping HUANG (Central China Normal University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session V (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
      Convener: Prof. Zhou-Jian Cao
      • 2:00 PM
        Probing QCD critical point and induced gravitational wave by black hole physics 15m
        Speaker: Song He (J)
      • 2:15 PM
        Primordial Black Hole Dark Matter in an era of Gravitational Wave Cosmology 15m
        Speaker: 赛 王 (高能所)
      • 2:30 PM
        Pulsar Timing Residuals induced by Wideband Ultralight Dark Matter 15m
        Speaker: Yun-long ZHANG
      • 2:45 PM
        Domain walls from spontaneous breaking of discrete symmetries 15m
        Speaker: Dr Ye-Ling Zhou (Hangzhou Institute for Advanced Study)
      • 3:00 PM
        Gravitational waves from phase transitions: recent progress on the bubble expansion 15m
        Speaker: Shao-Jiang Wang (I)
      • 3:15 PM
        Anisotropy of phase transition gravitational wave and its implication for primordial seeds of the Universe 15m
        Speaker: Fa Peng Huang (Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University)
      • 3:30 PM
        ADM formulation and Hamiltonian analysis of $f(Q)$ gravity 15m
        Speaker: 堃 胡 (Central China Normal University)
      • 3:45 PM
        Static and spherically symmetric solutions in $f(Q)$ gravity 15m
        Speaker: 汶艺 汪 (Central China Normal University)
    • 2:00 PM 4:00 PM
      Parallel Session V (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: Liang ZHANG (Shandong University, CHINA)
      • 2:00 PM
        中子伽马多模探测器性能研究 15m

        本文基于高速波形采样方法研究了CLYC、CLLB、塑料闪烁体等中子伽马多模探测器的性能。使用Cs137、Am-Be中子源和加速器单能中子源测试了其用于中子伽马识别、热中子注量探测、快中子能谱探测以及伽马能谱探测方面的性能,并实现了对中子、伽马注量率和能谱的同时探测。结果表明在0.1-10 MeV范围内,CLYC和CLLB均具有良好的线性并具有较好的能量分辨率,其中CLYC在662 keV的能量分辨率约为4%。CLYC探测器表现出了最优的综合性能,对于Am-Be中子源,CLYC识别中子、伽马的优值因子(FOM)达到2.5,对热中子的能量分辨率优于4%。CLYC探测器可通过35Cl(n,p)35S反应实现对快中子的探测,实验研究了CLYC在1.4 - 5.2 MeV单能中子入射时的响应,发现其具有良好的线性,可用于快中子的能谱探测,快中子峰的饱和因子(Quenching factor)为0.9,并表现出了良好的中子伽马识别能力,FOM值大于1.3。而CLLB晶体和塑料闪烁体在快中子输入下的FOM值为1.1和1.0,性能差于CLYC晶体。基于卷积神经网络方法,可实现对高计数率下复杂堆积信号类别的判断,结果表明神经网络算法对n、g、n+g、n+n脉冲的误判率小于1%,对于g+g和g+n脉冲的误判率小于3.6%,可给出远多于特征量算法的额外信息,具有较大的应用潜力和价值。

        Speaker: 纪锋 韩 (四川大学)
      • 2:15 PM
        高摩尔百分比10B2O3的微通道板中子成像探测器的研制 15m


        Speaker: liu 刘术林 (mcp-pmt)
      • 2:30 PM
        基于声子探测的新型钼酸盐低温晶体量热器研制 15m

        基于声子探测的新型荧光-热量双读出低温晶体量热器是近年新发展起来的革命性探测技术,具有极高的灵敏度,极低的探测器阈值(20eV),极好的能量分辨(FWHM 5keV@2615keV),独特的粒子鉴别能力,在低本底实验、稀有物理衰变中有广泛的应用前景。报告主要介绍在科大研制钼酸盐低温晶体量热器,在10mK深冷环境下,通过半导体声子传感器及科大自主研制的初级低温低噪声小信号电子学系统,成功读出宇宙线能量沉积产生的荧光-热量二维信号;及其后续优化升级计划,以期获得高性能低温晶体量热器及地面深冷测试平台。

        Speaker: 明萱 薛 (University of Science and Technology of China)
      • 2:45 PM
        液氩探测器关键技术研发进展 15m
        报告主要分为两部分: 1. 吨级液氩暗物质探测器的结果报告: 位于高能所的吨级液氩探测器是国内首个大型液氩探测器实验,共充装液氩约2.22吨,在国内首次实现吨量级液氩探测器的平稳运行。我将对该实验结果进行报告。 2. 液氩环境下的Silicon Photo-multiplier(SiPM)信号读出系统的研发进展: 目前,我们已经成功实现了SiPM阵列及其前端放大电子学在液氩环境下的稳定运行及信号读出,获得了由SiPM信号给出的241Am能谱。我将报告关于液氩环境中SiPM运行的最新进展。
        Speaker: Mr Lei Wang (IHEP)
      • 3:00 PM
        Next-Generation Scintillation Materials: Low-Dimensional All-Inorganic Cu(I) Halides 15m
        Halide perovskites have become leading candidates for high-performance optoelectronic devices and radiation detectors. Currently more widely adopted method for radiation detection is using scintillators, which convert the ionizing radiation into UV/VIS/NIR light. Recent studies have shown the great potential of low-dimensional all-inorganic halide perovskites as high-performance scintillators thanks to the nature their intense self-trapped exciton emission. In this work, we report a set of ultrabright and highly efficient one-dimensional (1D) and zero-dimensional (0D) perovskite-like halide scintillators in the form of single crystals and thin films, such as Cs3Cu2I5, In+/Tl+ doped Cs3Cu2I5, CsCu2I3, and Cs5Cu3Cl6I2, for X-ray imaging and gamma spectroscopy applications. They show simultaneously high effective atomic number (Zeff), non-hygroscopic, self-absorption free, low afterglow, high scintillation yield, and excellent energy resolution characteristics which is a unique feature among scintillation materials. Thus, they can serve as versatile scintillators covering a wide range of radiation energies for various applications incl. high-energy physics, homeland security and medical imaging.
        Speaker: Prof. Yuntao Wu (Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
      • 3:15 PM
        低本底钛冶炼工艺研究 15m
        Speaker: Dr Tao Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 3:30 PM
        基于nMCP的光中子成像方法 15m


        Speaker: Prof. Yigang yang (清华大学)
      • 3:45 PM
        基于闪烁光纤和硅光电倍增管的大面积宇宙线测试平台研制 15m


        Speaker: Zhigang WANG (IHEP)
    • 4:00 PM 4:10 PM
      Coffee Break 10m
    • 4:10 PM 6:10 PM
      Parallel Session IV (6):晨光杯评选
      • 4:15 PM
        Phase transition dynamics and gravitational wave spectra of strong first-order phase transition in supercooled universe 20m
      • 4:35 PM
        Observation of a Near-Threshold Structure in the K+ Recoil-Mass Spectra in e+ e− → K + (Ds− D*0 + Ds*−D0) 20m
      • 4:55 PM
        R&D of ultra-fast 8 * 8 anodes MCP-PMT 20m
      • 5:15 PM
        通过多玻色子过程检验标准模型及探索超出标准模型的新物理 20m
      • 5:35 PM
        D土D*∓ Hadronic Atom as a Key to Revealing the x(3872)Mystery 20m
    • 4:10 PM 6:00 PM
      Parallel Session VI (1):TeV and BSM Physics
      Convener: UNKNOWN 岩斌
      • 4:10 PM
        Vector Boson Scattering and new phenomena at LHC 15m

        Observations of Vector Boson Scattering processes (VBS) are one of the major achievements of EWSB and Higgs unitarization mechanism studies at LHC Run2. This talk will bring the latest news from LHC in VBS observations and highly evident measurements, as well as the bridge to new physics portal utilizing such scattering final states.

        Speaker: Jing Chen (SJTU & TDLI)
      • 4:25 PM
        费曼积分的计算方法及在电子对撞机过程中的应用 15m


        Speaker: Mr 鑫 关 (北京大学)
      • 4:40 PM
        自举方法在形状因子计算中的应用和最大超越度原理 15m

        在过去二十年里,现代散射振幅理论发展了许多新的方法,在计算和理解量子场论中与散射过程相关的可观测量方面也得到了许多新的结果,它们为许多高能物理现象提供了更为精确的理论预言与解释。而近些年,起源于上个世纪S-matrix program思想的自举(bootstrap)方法,在计算场论中的物理量方面有一些重要的进展。要计算量子场论中的物理量,往往需要大量极其繁琐的中间步骤,而最终结果有时是极其简单的。因此,自举方法的主要思想,便是通过合适地假设具有一般形式的结果,再利用一些已知的物理约束,直接限定得到最终结果,从而省去了不必要的中间过程。除此之外,不同理论往往满足一些普适的物理约束,这能用于解释不同理论结果之间的唯一性,例如最大超越度原理。这一原理是指,在最大超对称杨-米尔斯理论(N=4 SYM)和量子色动力学理论(QCD)中,对于一类物理量,如反常量纲、形状因子的圈图修正等,其最大超越度部分是相同的。本次报告将介绍利用基于主积分(master integral)的自举方法计算量子场论中的两圈四点形状因子的相关进展,我们使用利用了红外发散、共线因子化、非物理极点消除、幺正性等物理约束,得到了形状因子的圈图修正中最大超越度部分的结果。由于这些物理约束具有一定意义上的一般性,因此它们也可以用于讨论最大超越度原理。

        Speaker: Mr 圆宏 郭 (中国科学院理论物理研究所)
      • 4:55 PM
        Measurement of the electroweak production of Zγ and two jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings 15m

        The first observation of the electroweak (EW) production of a Z boson, a photon, and two forward jets (Z$\gamma$jj) in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV is presented. A data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 137 fb$^{-1}$, collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in 2016-2018 is used. The measured fiducial cross section for EW Z$\gamma$jj is $\sigma_{\mathrm{EW}}=5.21\pm0.52\,(\mathrm{stat}) \pm 0.56\,(\mathrm{syst})\,\mathrm{fb}=5.21\pm0.76\,\mathrm{fb}$. Single-differential cross sections in photon, leading lepton, and leading jet transverse momenta, and double-differential cross sections in $m_{\mathrm{jj}}$ and $|\Delta\eta_{\mathrm{jj}}|$ are also measured. Exclusion limits on anomalous quartic gauge couplings are derived at 95\% confidence level in terms of the effective field theory operators $\mathrm{M}_{0}$ to $\mathrm{M}_{5}$, $\mathrm{M}_{7}$, $\mathrm{T}_{0}$ to $\mathrm{T}_{2}$, and $\mathrm{T}_{5}$ to $\mathrm{T}_{9}$.

        Speaker: Ying An (Peking University)
      • 5:10 PM
        Measurement of electroweak production of Wgamma with two jets in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV from CMS 15m
        Speaker: Jing Peng (Peking University)
      • 5:25 PM
        Celestial Non-Gaussianities in Collider Energy Flux 15m

        Energy Correlators (EEC) have recently received great interest both theoretically and experimentally. In particular, the study of EECs in jet substructure has gained deeper understanding with the advent of the light-ray operator product expansion. In this talk, based on this progress, we propose a ratio observable named “celestial non-gaussianity”, which roughly is the ratio between three-point energy correlator and a product of two-point correlators. The underlying motivation for such a construction is to probe how the three-point function deviates from the factorization into a product of two-point functions in the squeezed limit. One salient feature of the “celestial non-gaussianity” is its robustness to hadronization effects. We compare our perturbative prediction with CMS Open Data finding good agreement. We anticipate the celestial non-gaussianity and its possible generalizations will be helpful for future precision measurement of effects like spin correlations and the development of parton showers.

        Speaker: 豪 陈 (Zhejiang University)
      • 5:40 PM
        Search for Higgs boson pair production at CMS 15m
        Speaker: UNKNOWN 王储 (IHEP)
    • 4:10 PM 6:15 PM
      Parallel Session VI (3):Heavy Ion Physics: EM Field and Probes
      Convener: Dr Xianglei Zhu (Tsinghua University)
      • 4:10 PM
        QCD Matter in electromagnetic field 25m
        We calculate color screening mass in a thermalized and magnetized QCD matter in the frame of resummed perturbation theory, without restriction to the strength of the magnetic field $|qB|$. Different from the Debye screening in classical electrodynamics, the quantization of the quark transverse momentum $p_\perp^2=2n_L|qB|$ in the external magnetic field with the integer $n_L$ describing the Landau energy level is naturally embedded into the quark loop and in turn the screening mass. In this sense, we call the color screening as quantum screening. Our calculation comes back to the well-known results in the limits of weak and strong magnetic field.
        Speaker: Prof. Pengfei Zhuang (Tsinghua University)
      • 4:35 PM
        Impact Parameter Dependence of Photon-Photon Scatterings in Heavy-Ion Collisions 25m
        The Lorentz boosted electromagnetic fields shrouding relativistic heavy ions can be treated as a flux of linearly polarized quasi-real photons. Therefore, ions can interact when their impact parameter is greater than twice the nuclear radius, the so-called ultraperipheral collisions (UPCs), via photon-photon process. This photon-photon process has also been observed in hadronic heavy-ion collisions. The intriguing thing is that the mean transverse momentum ($p_T$) of lepton pairs from photon-photon scatterings in hadronic collisions is found to be larger than that from UPCs. This phenomenon sparked an intense discussion in the field that whether the observed broadening is caused by final-state electromagnetic modifications of lepton pairs in a Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) medium or $p_T$ hardening of initial-state photons as the impact parameter decreases toward central hadronic collisions. In this talk, I will firstly summarize the achievements of photon-photon interactions based on experimental results in hadronic collisions. Then a novel experimental tool for controlling the impact parameter in UPCs will be presented. This novel tool helps to unambiguously study the role of initial photon $p_T$ in the observed broadening in hadronic collisions. Finally, I will discuss the roadmap and opportunities of using photon-photon interactions to quantitatively probe the electromagnetic properties of QGP medium with precise heavy-ion data in future.
        Speaker: 帅 杨 (华南师范大学)
      • 5:00 PM
        EM field produced in high-energy small collision systems within charge density models of nucleons 15m
        Recent experiments show that \Delta\gamma, an observable designed to detect the chiral magnetic effect (CME), in small collision systems (p+A) is similar to that in heavy ion collisions (A+A). This introduces a challenge to the existence of the CME because it is believed that no azimuthal correlation exists between the orientation of the magnetic field (\phi_B) and participant plane (\phi_2) in small collision systems. In this work, we introduce three charge density models to describe the inner charge distributions of protons and neutrons and calculate the electric and magnetic fields produced in small p+A collisions at both RHIC and LHC energies. Our results show that the contribution of the single projectile proton is the main contributor to the magnetic field after averaging over all participants. The azimuthal correlation between \phi_B and \phi_2 is small but not vanished. Additionally, owing to the large fluctuation in field strength, the magnetic-field contribution to \Delta\gamma may be large.
        Speaker: Dr Wei-Tian Deng (HUST)
      • 5:15 PM
        Probing the electromagnetic field with heavy quarks and leptons from the decay of Z0 in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions 15m
        Ultra-relativistic heavy ion collisions are expected to generate a huge electromagnetic (e.m.) field that is envisaged to induce several effects on hot QCD matter including the possibility of local parity and local parity and charge conjugation symmetry violations. A direct signature of such e.m. fields and a first quantitative measurement of its strength and lifetime are still missing. We will discuss why it is expected to generate a splitting of the directed flow of charged particles and anti-particles, which allow to constraint the e.m. field and can be considered also as a possible probe of the formation of the quark-gluon plasma phase. Furthermore, we found that the v1 splitting depends critically on the time evolution of the magnetic field. Based on this study, we finally discuss why the measurement of leptons from Z0 decay and its correlation to the charmed mesons are better in probing e.m. fields and thus opening a new way to constrain the EM field. The second topic we want to discuss is the modification of the Z0 leptonic invariant mass in the presence of EM fields. We found that EM fields will decrease the Z0 leptonic invariant mass and increase the width of it by few hundred MeV if the large of D0 and anti-D0 measured by ALICE is all due to EM fields. Moreover, both the invariant mass and its width are found to approximately depend on the integral of magnetic field quadratically. This provides an independent way to constrain the EM field. [1] Y. Sun, V. Greco and X.N. Wang, Phys. Lett. B 827, 136962 (2022). [2] Y. Sun, S. Plumari and V. Greco, Phys. Lett. B 816, 136271 (2021). [3] Y. Sun, V. Greco and S. Plumari, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 726 (2021). [4] S. K. Das, S. Plumari, S. Chatterjee, J. Alam, F. Scardina and V. Greco, Phys. Lett. B 768, 260-264 (2017).
        Speaker: Dr Yifeng Sun (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 5:30 PM
        Dielectron production in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = $ 54.4 GeV at STAR 15m
        Dielectrons are excellent probes of the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP) created in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. Because they can be produced at all stages of the collision system evolution and do not interact with the medium strongly, dielectrons carry the information from the initial stage to the final stage. In the low mass region ($\rm{ M_{ee} < M_{\phi} }$), the mass spectra of vector mesons will be modified by the hot and dense medium which is related to the chiral symmetry restoration in the medium. In the intermediate mass region ($\rm{M_{\phi} < M_{ee} < M_{J/\psi}}$), QGP thermal radiation can be used as a QGP thermometer. However, it is complicated to measure the QGP thermal radiation because of the heavy flavor semi-leptonic decay contributions. In this presentation, the result of the dielectron measurement in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = $ 54.4 GeV at STAR will be presented. With a 10 times larger data sample than that at 62 GeV from the first phase of the STAR Beam Energy Scan (BES-I) the program, the dielectron spectra can be studied with better precision. Furthermore, the physics implications of these measurements will be discussed.
        Speaker: Zhen Wang (Shandong University)
      • 5:45 PM
        Lepton pair photoproduction in peripheral relativistic heavy-ion collisions 15m
        We study the lepton pair photoproduction in peripheral heavy-ion collisions based on the formalism in our previous work. We present the numerical results for the distributions of the transverse momentum, azimuthal angle and invariant mass for e+e− and µ+µ− pairs as functions of the impact parameter and other kinematic variables in Au+Au collisions. Our calculation incorporates the information on the transverse momentum and polarization of photons which is essential to describe the experimental data. We observe a broadening effect in the transverse momentum for lepton pairs with and without smear effects. We also observe a significant enhancement in the distribution of cos(2ϕ) for µ+µ− pairs. Our results provide a baseline for future studies of other higher order corrections beyond Born approximation and medium effects in the lepton pair production.
        Speaker: 仁杰 王 (University of Science and Technology of China)
    • 4:10 PM 6:00 PM
      Parallel Session VI (4):Neutrino, Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology
      Convener: Prof. Shun Zhou
      • 4:10 PM
        Minimal typeII seesaw leptogenesis 15m
        Speaker: 成成 韩 (中山大学)
      • 4:25 PM
        Theoretical predictions for far-forward tau neutrinos at the Large Hadron Collider 15m
        Speaker: Weidong Bai (S)
      • 4:40 PM
        Origin of Neutrino Masses on the Convex Cone of Positivity Bounds 15m
        Speaker: 栩 黎 (高能所)
      • 4:55 PM
        Non-unitary Leptonic Flavor Mixing and CP Violation in Neutrino-antineutrino Oscillations 15m
        Speaker: 艺霖 王 (高能所)
      • 5:10 PM
        Accidental symmetries in the scalar potential of the Standard Model extended with two Higgs triplets 15m
        Speaker: 鑫 王 (高能所)
      • 5:25 PM
        Soft Scattering Evaporation of Dark Matter Subhalos by Inner Galactic Gases 15m
        Speaker: 宇根 林
      • 5:40 PM
        Neutron star limits on neutron-mirror-neutron oscillation 15m
        Speaker: Yongchao Zhang (Southeast University)
    • 4:10 PM 6:25 PM
      Parallel Session VI (5):Particle Detector Technology
      Convener: Wei WEI (高能所)
      • 4:10 PM
        用于CEPC内层顶点探测器的高计数率CMOS像素探测器芯片研制 15m
        高能环形正负电子对撞机(Circular Electron Positron Collider, CEPC)内层顶点探测器,对于重味夸克重建与分辨至关重要。为实现高精度的物理测量,对内层顶点探测器的物质量、空间分辨率、读出速度以及功耗等方面的性能提出了极严苛的要求。CMOS像素探测器(CMOS Pixel Sensor, CPS)技术在上述各性能方面具有很大的优势,是很有前景的候选探测器技术之一。自2015年起,CEPC顶点探测器研发团队开展了一系列的CMOS像素探测器芯片研发工作。根据最新的对撞机设计方案和电子束本底的研究结果,顶点探测器内层的最高击中率预计高达 ~107/cm2/s。为满足 CEPC 顶点探测器的最高击中率需求,研发团队开展一款名为TaichuPix的CMOS 像素探测器芯片的研发。采用180 nm CMOS 工艺,目前已经完成了两个小规模原型芯片(25 mm2) 的设计和验证,均能够满足高达 36 MHz/cm2 的击中率需求。本报告将介绍像素内读出电路的设计改进,以实现 25 μm 的像素间距和 40 MHz 的快速读出频率。像素阵列的读出基于一种改进型的“列级数据传输链”的读出结构,并设计了两种不同的像素数字读出电路作为对比方案。像素按照每两列一组排列,所有双列并行读出,以尽量减少死时间。列内有优先级编码器,在列末端有时间计数器以记录信号击中像素的时间戳。当其中一个像素检测到击中时,列末端电路以 25 ns的时间分辨率存储当前时间戳。在触发模式下,击中的时间戳(时间窗口为 175 ns)与触发信号匹配的数据被存至芯片级存储器。数据可通过高速串行数据接口输出至芯片外。本报告将介绍两颗TaichuPix 原型芯片的电学测试和放射源测试,以及电离辐射前后芯片功能和噪声、阈值性能的测试结果。
        Speaker: Ying ZHANG (IHEP)
      • 4:25 PM
        ATLAS硅微条探测器读出芯片的单粒子效应研究 15m
        ATLAS实验二期升级拟将径迹探测器替换为全硅的探测器,包括内层的硅像素探测器和外层的硅微条探测器。硅微条探测器的读出采用前端专用集成电路(ASIC)ABCStar,该芯片集成256路模拟通道,将硅微条信号放大后,转换为数字信号并完成存储、簇寻找、打包输出等功能。在HL-LHC的辐照环境下,粒子打在芯片上引起寄存器等存储单元的翻转,将会带来探测器系统的工作失常和稳定性问题。本工作重点研究单粒子效应(Single Event Effect)对ABCStar的影响,内容包括测试系统搭建、实验取数和数据分析初步结果。
        Speaker: Dr Weiguo Lu (IHEP)
      • 4:40 PM
        Design of the Readout Electronics for the TRIDENT Pathfinder Experiment 15m
        The TRIDENT, also known as Hailing, is a possible large-scale next-generation neutrino telescope. In September 2021, the TRIDENT Pathfinder experiment completed in situ measurements of seawater properties at a depth of 3500 m in the South China Sea. One light emitter module (EM) and two light receiver modules (RMs) were deployed, synchronized by White Rabbit technology. The EM generates nanosecond width LED pulses, while the RM hosts three PMTs and a CCD camera to detect photons. We report about the design and performance of the readout electronics for TRIDENT Pathfinder, including hardware modules, firmware design for digital signal processing and host-computer software.
        Speaker: Mingxin Wang (The School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
      • 4:55 PM
        CEE径迹探测器前端读出电子学研究进展 15m
        低温高密核物质测量谱仪( CSR External-target Experiment, CEE),是适用于 HIRFL-CSR能区重离子碰撞和质子-重离子碰撞测量的带电粒子谱仪,该谱仪由若干子探测器系统组成。其中高计数率,高接受度的大型TPC探测器和大面积的MWDC探测器是2个重要的径迹探测器,用来鉴别带电粒子,并实现带电粒子的径迹测量。由于探测器计数率高、通道多等特点,目前的读出电子学无法满足需要,因此迫切需要研制适用于高计数率、低功耗的新型读出电子学。报告分别介绍了CEE-TPC前端读出电子学的研制进展,和CEE-MWDC前端读出ASIC芯片的研制和应用。
        Speaker: 奕 千 (中科院近物所)
      • 5:10 PM
        中国散裂中子源中子探测器读出电子学研制进展报告 15m
        散裂中子源由于其提供的中子束脉冲时间结构好,强度高,能谱宽,成为中子散射研究和应用的先进工具。中国散裂中子源是我国第一台散裂中子源,填补了我国在此类大科学装置领域的空白。中国散裂中子源共设计预留了20条中子通道,可建设20台左右的中子谱仪,一期工程已建成并对用户开放3台,现正与粤港澳大湾区的高校、研究机构积极开展合作,共同建设8台合作谱仪。中子谱仪探测器读出电子学是中子谱仪的重要组成部分,用于对中子探测器产生的信号进行放大、成形后进行时间、位置和能量等测量,并将这些测量得到的数据送往后端数据获取系统进行相应的中子击中位置和飞行时间信息重建。 中国散裂中子源的中子谱仪探测器主要采用了基于位置灵敏3He管探测器的大面积3He管阵列中子探测器和基于闪烁体探测器+波移光纤+SiPM的大面积闪烁体中子探测器两种方案,而相应的读出电子学也是针对两种探测器的要求与特征进行了研制与工程化实施。针对3He管阵列中子探测器,读出电子学采用电荷灵敏前放对3He管两端进行电荷积分以及成形,通过高速ADC对成形后的信号进行数字化并进行数字寻峰并使用电荷分配法获取中子击中3He管的具体位置。针对需要将探测器以及电子学放置于真空中这一特殊要求,中国散裂中子源探测器电子学团队正在积极从低功耗自研前放ASIC以及低功耗数字化电子学两方面着手开展相关研究。针对闪烁体型中子探测器,由于其通道数多,通过使用高集成度多通道自研前端ASIC芯片对SIPM输出的信号进行放大与甄别,输出的甄别信号被高速FPGA接收进行计数。飞行时间测量则通过测量全局打靶T0信号和中子信号过阈时间之间的时间差实现,通过飞行时间可以获取击中中子的能量信息。
        Speaker: Dr 洪斌 刘 (高能物理研究所)
      • 5:25 PM
        高精度时间测量电子学技术研究进展 15m
        Speaker: Prof. 雷 赵 (中国科学技术大学)
      • 5:40 PM
        基于100G以太网和GPU的4G采样率实时信号处理系统 15m
        目前国际上地面的宇宙微波背景辐射(Cosmic Microwave Background,CMB)观测实验普遍采用大阵列的超导转变边沿探测器(Transition Edge Sensor, TES)来实现高灵敏的信号探测。这对室温电子学读出系统提出了低噪声、高速数据流处理、实时计算以及高稳定性的要求。针对以上要求,我们基于Xilinx ZCU111实现了4GSPS的波形采样、100G 以太网传输和GPU实时数据处理。该方案中原始波形采样数据可以无损传输至上位机,实现了将传统的数据处理单元从FPGA端到GPU端的迁移,一方面缓解了前端的资源压力,另一方面也为更复杂的数据处理算法提供了可能性。未来我们还将针对天文领域多物理目标的特点,将已有的100G TCP/IP协议升级为定制RoCEv2协议,以满足单节点对多节点的高可靠性数据广播。
        Speaker: 任 祥祥 (Shandong University)
      • 5:55 PM
        LHAASO数据获取系统 15m
        高海拔宇宙线观测站(LHAASO)是以宇宙线观测研究为核心的重大科技基础设施,包括三个(KM2A、WCDA、WFCTA)阵列实验,探测单元和电子学系统分布在1.36平方公里的实验场地上。LHAASO采用前端数字化、无全局硬件触发的电子学方案,利用White Rabbit(WR)技术实现前端电子学时钟同步。数据获取系统包括在线计算集群、读出网络构成的硬件平台和数据获取软件,基于WR和商用交换机构成的以太网实现前端电子学与数据获取软件的通信。整套数据获取软件(EDAQ)基于C++/python语言自主研发,包括在线服务、数据流软件和运行控制软件三部分。在线服务提供数据流进程管理、信息共享、控制指令收发等接口。数据流软件设计并实现了读出、时间片数据组装、软件触发和存储的流处理模型,所有数据流模块均可在计算集群中运行多个副本,并行处理输入数据,在数据流管理软件协调下实现负载平衡。为满足实验无人值守运行需求,读出模块自动侦测并屏蔽异常的读出电子学单元;运行控制软件实时检查数据流软件和计算节点的运行状态,检测到异常时,自动修改运行配置并重启数据流软件,实现故障自动恢复。 LHAASO实验采用边建设边运行模式,2019年初KM2A四分之一阵列开始正式物理运行。在保证实验运行和数据质量的要求下,数据获取系统完成中、后期硬件平台建设和软件迭代工作,并于2021年6月完成全部建设任务。2021年8月,数据获取系统通过性能工艺测试,达到4.6GB/s读出和在线处理能力。
        Speaker: Mr minhao 顾旻皓 (高能所)
      • 6:10 PM
        为宇宙线 muon 成像设计的基于 HTM 方法的无触发电子学 15m

        对于 muon 成像而设计的光纤闪烁体探测器需要上千的电子学读出 channels,针对该问题,设计一套无触发的
        多板同步数字获取(DAQ)系统,其单板 ADC 可搭载 4 片64 通道的 sigma delta ADC,其过采样的方法,以及内嵌的数字整形滤波模块帮助更好的还原模拟信号,这里将对该 ADC 性能进行测试,包括 ENOB,SFDR 等,并与官方结果比较。数字化信号由 FPGA 接收,并借助 SFP+ 接口与 PC 端形成交互。为解决多板同步问题,对于数字化前端部分,通过设计时钟板为整个 DAQ 系统提供同源时钟;对于后端,方法是 FPGA 内部实现对数字信号的解码以及通过 self-trigger 算法对有效信号进行判选,通过加入时间戳的方式实现多板 FPGA 上传 PC 端的同步。最后,在 server 端将数据包拆分,实现数据同步。在 PandaX-4T 中,由于信号源数据有较大的带宽输入,导致在 server 端调用内存对数据包进行接收排序的时候出现拥堵,这里将在 FPGA 端加入修正,用首尾标记(HTM)方法缩小数据包大小,减小 server 的内存调用压力, 实现系统多板同步。

        Speaker: 楠 李 (sdu)
    • 4:20 PM 6:15 PM
      Parallel Session VI (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics
      Convener: 旭 冯 (Peking University)
      • 4:20 PM
        Pion介子分布函数 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Lei Chang (Nankai Univ)
      • 4:40 PM
        Lattice QCD using Large momentum effective theory 20m
        I will talk about the lattice QCD progress of hadron structure using the Large momentum effective theory framework, especially the high accuracy calculation of the meson light-cone distribution amplitudes and investigation on the transverse momentum distributions.
        Speaker: Prof. Yi-Bo Yang (ITP/CAS)
      • 5:00 PM
        Pion and Kaon Distribtuion Amplitudes from Lattice QCD 15m

        Pion and Kaon Distribtuion Amplitudes from Lattice QCD

        Speaker: 俊 华 (South China Normal University)
      • 5:15 PM
        Exploring Partonic Collinear Structure and Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes by Quantum Computing 15m

        This talk contains two parts, the first part is Partonic Collinear Structure by Quantum Computing and the second part is Exploring Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes from Quantum Computing.

        In the first part, we present a systematic quantum algorithm, which integrates both the hadronic state preparation and the evaluation of the real-time light-front correlators, to study parton distribution functions (PDFs). As a proof of concept, we demonstrate the first direct simulation of the PDFs in the 1+1 dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We show the results obtained by numerical diagonalization and by quantum computation using classical hardware. The agreement between these two distinct methods and the qualitative consistency with QCD PDFs validate the proposed quantum algorithm. Our work suggests the encouraging prospects of calculating QCD PDFs on current and near-term quantum devices. The presented quantum algorithm is expected to have many applications in high energy particle and nuclear physics.

        For the second part, light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) are essential nonperturbative quantities for theoretical predictions of exclusive high-energy QCD processes. We demonstrate the prospect of calculating LCDAs on a quantum computer by applying a recently proposed quantum algorithm, with Staggered fermions, to the simulation of the LCDA in the 1+1 dimensional Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model on classical hardware. The agreement between the quantum simulation and the numerical diagonalization justifies the proposed quantum algorithm. In addition, we find that the resulting LCDA exhibits features shared with the LCDAs in QCD.

        Speaker: Tianyin Li (South China Normal University)
      • 5:30 PM
        B(s), D(s) to light tensor meson form factors via LCSR in HQEFT with applications to semileptonic decays 15m
        In the present work, the form factors of $B_{(s)}, D_{(s)}$ to light P-wave tensor mesons ($a_2(1320)$, $K^*_2(1430)$, $f_2(1270)$, $f^\prime_2(1525)$) are calculated via the light cone sum rules (LCSR) in the framework of heavy quark effective field theory (HQEFT). Firstly, the expressions of form factors in terms of the light cone distribution amplitudes (DAs) of tensor mesons are derived via the LCSR at the leading order of heavy quark expansion. It is found that the penguin type form factors can be obtained directly from the corresponding semileptonic ones, which is similar to the case of S-wave mesons. Considering the light tensor meson DAs to twist-3, we give the numerical results of form factors systematically. As applications, we investigate the branching ratios, longitudinal polarization fractions and forward-backward asymmetries of relevant semileptonic decays induced by charged current and flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) separately. Our results may be tested by more precise experiments in the future.
        Speaker: Dr Yabing zuo (Liaoning Normal University)
      • 5:45 PM
        轻+重赝标介子半轻衰变的DSE研究 15m

        Dyson-Schwinger 方程 (DSEs) 已被广泛地应用于轻+轻、轻+重和重+重介子性质的研究。基于此方法,我们对轻+重介子的每个半轻衰变的形状因子和衰变宽度进行了计算,包括 B_((s))→π(K), D_s→K; D→π,K, K→π 和 B_c→η_c, 𝐽/𝜓。在这些计算中,我们的结果定量地与现有数据一致,并分析了迄今未测量的 D_s→K^0, B ̅s→K^+形状因子。分析给出|𝑉𝑐𝑠 | = 0.974(10),并预言了赝标量介子的所有分支分数比,如B_c→η_c, 𝐽/𝜓 的分支分数比,即𝜏和𝜇末态分支比的比值: R(η_c )= 0.313(22)和R_(J/ψ)= 0.242(47),可以探讨轻子味道的普适性问题。我们的分析证实了标准模型对 R_(J/ψ) 的预言与唯一的实验结果之间存在2𝜎的差异,需要实验进一步验证。

        Speaker: Dr Zhao-Qian Yao (Nanjing University)
    • 7:30 PM 9:00 PM
      Parallel Session X (2):Hadron and Flavor Physics - Posters
      Convener: Liuming Liu (Institute of Modern Physics, CAS)
      • 7:30 PM
        质子电极化率的格点QCD计算 6m
        核子的电磁极化率是描述其性质与内部结构的重要参数。其反映了核子对电磁场的二阶响应。核子的极化率可以从其康普顿散射过程$\gamma N \to \gamma N$中提取。本工作中,我们通过在格点上构造核子的四点关联函数来极端其康普顿散射矩阵元。之后,我们会展示质子的电极化率是如何从格点数据中提取出来的。
        Speaker: 选贺 王 (北京大学)
      • 7:36 PM
        格点QCD在介子衰变辐射修正中的应用 6m

        $\gamma W$ -box图修正是电弱辐射修正中对强子尺度敏感的唯一项, 且对强子尺度敏感. 我们组将格点QCD引入$\pi$介子的辐射衰变修正计算中, 在计算中结合格点理论和微扰论, 将理论计算的不确定度降低为原来的1/3. 此外, 这一计算方案还可以在味SU(3)极限下推广到K介子衰变的辐射修正的计算中. 结合手征微扰论, 我们的计算方案可以给出又良好不确定度估计的低能有效常数的结果.

        Speaker: Mr Pengxiang Ma (Peking University)
      • 7:42 PM
        双重子系统双beta衰变的格点计算 6m


        Speaker: Mr Zi-Yu Wang (School of Physics, Peking University)
      • 7:48 PM
        Constraining gluon polarization in the proton 6m

        We perform the first simultaneous global QCD analysis of spin-averaged and spin-dependent parton distribution functions (PDFs), including single jet production data from unpolarized and polarized hadron collisions. We critically assess the impact of SU(3) flavor symmetry and PDF positivity assumptions on the quark and gluon helicity PDFs, and find strong bias from these, particularly on the gluon polarization. The simultaneous analysis allows for the first time extraction of individual helicity-aligned and antialigned PDFs with a consistent treatment of uncertainties.

        Speaker: 一雨 周 (N)
      • 7:54 PM
        赝标介子到矢量介子的半轻转变 6m
        我们使用对称性保持的接触相互作用模型,系统地分析了十二个赝标介子到矢量介子的半轻衰变过程:D → ρ, Ds →K*, D →K*, Ds →Φ, Bc →D*, B →D*, Bs →Ds*, Bc →J/Ψ, Bc →Bs*, Bc →B*,这是研究该半轻衰变过程首个统一的理论。接触相互作用模型的优势在于代数简洁、参数少,可对南部-戈德斯通模式的系统提供很好的描述。通过对比发现,接触相互作用模型的结果与实验或其它可靠理论相符,因此有望为赝标到矢量半轻衰变的分支比提供很好的预言。同时,我们也计算了跃迁形状因子,作为强子内部结构的体现,它反映了自然界两大质量产生方式——希格斯机制和演生机制的相互影响,为演生质量的研究提供了重要的途径。
        Speaker: Mr Huiyu Xing (Nanjing University)
      • 8:00 PM
        Delta低能激发态的内部结构 6m
        重子及其宇称对偶态对于我们理解QCD的手征对称性动力学破缺具有非常重要的作用,同时一个完整的量子系统态空间不仅包含基态,还包含非常多的激发态,而大部分相互作用细节都隐藏在激发态中。 在本工作中,我们首次利用满足Poincaré对称性的量子场论中描述三体束缚态的Faddeev方程研究了$ (I, J^P) = (\frac{3}{2}, \frac{3}{2}^\pm) \Delta $共振态及其宇称对偶态的基态和第一径向激发态的质量谱,与实验结果是一致的。同时我们利用求得的Faddeev波函数分析了它们的内部组分构成。我们采用了quark-diquark图像,分别从diquark和角动量分波两个角度进行分析。 对于diquark构成,我们分析各个diquark道对质量和Faddeev振幅的贡献占比,发现轴矢量diquark对Delta重子占据主导贡献. 对于角动量构成,我们也分析各个角动量分波对质量和Faddeev波函数的贡献占比;更进一步地,我们计算了各个角动量分波对重子Faddeev波函数的正则归一化系数的贡献,也就是对零动量转移处的电磁形状因子的贡献。从主导波的角度讲,正宇称的$\Delta(1232)\frac{3}{2}^+$和$\Delta(1600)\frac{3}{2}^+$与夸克模型是一致的,都是S波;负宇称的$\Delta(1700)\frac{3}{2}^-$与夸克模型也是一致的,都是P波;但$\Delta(1940)\frac{3}{2}^-$与夸克模型不同,我们的结果显示它是S波占主导。这个不一致还有待实验的进一步验证,比如大动量转移处的电磁形状因子等。 以上研究从连续场论方法角度揭示了Delta共振态及其宇称对偶态的内部结构,将有助于加深我们对手征对称性动力学破缺以及QCD相互作用的理解。
        Speaker: Dr LIU Langtian (Nanjing University)
      • 8:06 PM
        Prediction of \psi_0 (4360) as a moleclue of D^* \bar D_1 with J^{PC}=0^{--} 6m

        Exotic hadrons have attracted lots of interests in recent years and there are many experimental ca