binghao sun
(Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
Silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is an emerging device in photon detection, which features insensitivity to external magnetic field, more compact size and relatively low-voltage operation compared with PMT. This opens up broad applications of SiPM in particle physics experiments, such as LHCb, DarkSide, JUNO-TAO, LHAASO and HERD. To evaluate the SiPM sensitivity on the level of a single photon, we construct test setups for its gain measurement at different bias voltages and operation temperatures in this work. Referring to the relation of SiPM gain to bias voltages and temperatures, a bias correction factor is analyzed to compensate SiPM gain at different temperatures.
Primary author
binghao sun
(Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
hongbo wang
(Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
huiling li
(Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
suyu xiao
(Shandong Institute of Advanced Technology)
zibing wu
(Shandong University)