Parallel Session IX (1):TeV and BSM Physics
- Xiaoping Wang (Beihang University)
We discuss a possibility that a superconformal dynamics induces the emergence of a global U(1)PQ symmetry to solve the strong CP problem through the axion. Fields spontaneously breaking the U(1)PQ symmetry couple to new quarks charged under the ordinary color SU(3)C and a new SU(N) gauge group. The theory flows into an IR fixed point where the U(1)PQ breaking fields hold a large anomalous...
We calculate the resummed perturbative free energy of N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills in four spacetime dimensions $SYM_{4,4}$ through second order in the ’t Hooft coupling λ at finite temperature and zero chemical potential. Our final result is ultraviolet finite and all infrared divergences generated at three-loop level are canceled by summing over $SYM_{4,4}$ ring diagrams. Non-analytic...
In this talk, I will present our recent work [arXiv: 2201.11905] about detecting the dark magnetic dipole through fermionic dark matter (DM) absorption. In this work, we propose a Dirac fermion DM charged under a dark gauge group and with the dark magnetic dipole operator. Under the mixing of DM and right-handed neutrino, it induces the process that the incoming DM is absorbed and converted...
We establish a formal notion of genericity, expressed as an equality for derivatives of the generic property function to parameters of the models. We apply this notion to generic Wess-Zumino models with R-symmetries, where we show that the superpotential vanishes term-by-term at a supersymmetric vacuum. This work is published in JHEP 12 (2021) 199.
There are now two single measurements of precision observables that have major anomalies in the Standard Model:
the recent CDF measurement of the $W$ mass shows a $7\sigma$ deviation and the Muon $g-2$ experiment at FNAL confirmed a long-standing anomaly, implying a $4.2 \sigma$ deviation.
Doubts regarding new physics interpretations of these anomalies could stem from uncertainties in the...
Georgi-Machacek model can hardly account for the new CDF II data on W-boson mass in its original form. As anticipated, unless additional tree level $SU(2)_c$ custodial symmetry breaking effects are non-negligible, the new physics contributions to $\Delta m_W$ is always very small. Our numerical results show that ordinary GM model can contribute to $\Delta m_W$ a maximal amount $0.0012$ GeV,...