Parallel Session V (3):Heavy Ion Physics: QCD Phase Structure II
- 伟杰 付 (大连理工大学)
Xiaofeng Luo
(Central China Normal University)
10/08/2022, 14:25
理解强相互作用物质的性质及其相结构可以增进我们对宇宙演化和可见物质结构的认识,具有重要的科学意义。在过去的二十年里,人们在高能重离子碰撞中观测到许多强相互作用的夸克-胶子等离子体(sQGP)的间接实验证据。因此,探索高重子密度下的QCD相结构,如绘制出一阶相变边界和寻找QCD临界点在相图中的位置,成为高能重离子碰撞的最重要目标之一。从2010到2021年,RHIC-STAR实验完成了两个阶段的重离子碰撞能量扫描计划, 采集了从质心能量200 GeV到3 GeV各种下Au+Au碰撞实验数据。本次报告中,将集中讨论最近在RHIC-STAR实验中探索QCD相结构、寻找QCD临界点的实验研究进展
Lijia Jiang
(Northwest University)
10/08/2022, 14:50
At RHIC, a fireball forms in the Au-Au collision and rapidly cools during expansion, inside which the QCD matter undergoes a phase transition from quark-gluon-plasma to the hadronic phase. The phase transition signals are expected to be observed via the measurement of fluctuations of conserved charges such as baryon numbers [1]. Indeed, both the dynamical evolution and the...
Shanjin Wu
(Peking University)
10/08/2022, 15:05
Searching QCD critical point is one of the fundamental goals of heavy-ion collisions. The observed non-monotonic behavior with the colliding energies[1,2] was declared to be related to the critical point of the QCD phase diagram[3,4].
To reveal the critical fluctuations effects on the light-nuclei productions, one should address the problem of scale separation and magnitude separation...
He Song
(Jilin University)
10/08/2022, 15:20
The Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram involves the behaviors of strongly interacting matter under extreme conditions and remains an important open problem. Based on the non-perturbative approach from the gauge/gravity duality, we construct a family of black holes that provide a dual description of the QCD phase diagram at finite chemical potential and temperature. The thermodynamic...
Sheng-Tai Li
10/08/2022, 15:35
We point out that chiral condensates at nonzero temperature and magnetic fields are in strict connection to the space-time integral of corresponding two-point neutral meson correlation functions in the pseudoscalar channel via the Ward-Takahashi identity. Screening masses of neutral pseudoscalar mesons, which are defined as the exponential decay of the corresponding spatial correlation...
Wei-Ping HUANG
(Central China Normal University)
10/08/2022, 15:50
We present a first study on the correlated Dirac eigenvalues in the vicinity of the chiral phase transition of $N_f$=2+1 QCD. We analyze the quark mass and temperature dependences of the first and second order quark mass derivatives of Dirac eigenvalue spectrum, i.e. $\partial \rho/\partial m_l$ and $\partial ^2\rho/\partial m_l^2$. This is done through the correlated Dirac eigenvalues based...