Parallel Session VIII (3):Heavy Ion Physics: Cold QCD
- jian zhou (Shandong University)
Hongxi Xing
(South China Normal University)
11/08/2022, 10:40
Electron Ion Colliders are proposed in both US and China. In this talk, I will discuss the main physics programs in these facilities.
Jinlong Zhang
(Shandong University)
11/08/2022, 11:05
Understanding the spin structure of nucleon is a longstanding and fundamental challenge in nuclear physics. The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC), s the world only polarized proton collider, has provided unique opportunities to access the spin dependent distributions inside proton. In the past two decades, RHIC has carried out a lot of unprecedented experimental constraints on nucleon...
Shu-yi Wei
(Shandong University)
11/08/2022, 11:30
We briefly report our recent progress on the study of the polarized fragmentation functions of $\Lambda$ hyperon in unpolarized semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scatterings and electron-positron annihilations at not-so-high energies. In particular, we present a simple but practical method on how to measure the azimuthal-angle-dependent longitudinal polarization and the transverse polarization...