Parallel Session VIII (1):TeV and BSM Physics
Machine learning has been developing rapidly in recent years, and it has become an important topic to leverage the power of machine learning in the phenomenological study of new physics beyond the Standard Model. We will present our recent works on the use of machine learning algorithms in the investigation of aQGCs and nTGCs.
This talk will present the HH-->4b analysis result at ATLAS and also the exotic decays of 125GeV SM Higgs to light scalar pairs in 4b final states with future circular colliders such as CEPC.
We proposed a recipe to systematically calculate Feynman integrals containing linear propagators using the auxiliary mass flow method. The key of the recipe is to introduce a quadratic term for each linear propagator and then using differential equations to get rid of their effects. As an application, we calculated all master integrals of vacuum integrals containing a gauge link up to four...
许多新物理模型预言了荷电规范玻色子W'的存在,其会引起荷电非标准中微子相互作用(CC NSI)。我们首先关注低能实验数据对新规范玻色子W'引起的CC NSI的约束。其次在简化的W'模型中分别从微扰幺正性和W'衰变两个方面考虑CC NSI参数的理论约束,通过蒙特卡洛模拟,研究了大型强子对撞机的pp→lν过程和电子-质子对撞机的ep→νej过程对CC NSI参数的预期约束。我们发现对撞机实验可以为研究NSI效应提供令人兴奋的前景,这也将有利于在对撞机中探索超出标准模型的新物理理论。