Peter Athron、Andrew Fowlie、何秉然、何军、黄红霞、黄日俊、金立刚、刘宁、卢致廷、王琦、王雯宇(co-Chair)、武雷(Chair,leiwu@njnu.edu.cn)、吴永成、易凯、钟彬、祝斌(co-Chair)、朱瑞林
With the discovery of Higgs particles and the development of astronomy and cosmology, the research of new physics beyond the standard model has also entered a new stage. To further strengthen the training of young talents in this field and promote academic exchanges and cooperation. Nanjing Normal University will hold the 2022 theoretical physics frontier workshop: dark matter and new physics summer school from July 4 to 22, 2022.
The summer school will invite experts at home and abroad to give systematic lectures for senior undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students for three weeks. The course content will mainly cover the standard model of particle physics, new physical model and effective theory, dark matter theory and phenomenology, Collider Physics and machine learning, precise calculation and heavy flavor physics, neutrino physics, and early cosmology, gravitational wave physics and detection, etc.
Given the current epidemic situation and local epidemic prevention policies, this summer school will be online. The summer school is jointly funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Institute of theoretical physics of Nanjing Normal University, Peng Huanwu science and education cooperation center, and the center of Astrophysics and frontier physics. It will be hosted by Nanjing Normal University and co-organized by Beijing University of technology and Yantai University.
Local Organization Committee:
Peter Athron, Andrew Fowlie, Bing-ran He, Jun He, Hongxia Huang, Rijun Huang, Ligang Jin, Ning Liu, Chih-Ting Lu, Qi Wang, Wenyu Wang (co-Chair), Lei Wu(Chair,leiwu@njnu.edu.cn, Yongcheng Wu, Kai Yi, Bin Zhong, Bin Zhong (co-Chair), Ruilin Zhu
Scientific Committee: