(Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
Low Frequency (LF) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of black hole X-ray binaries, especially the C-type LF QPOs seen in many black hole transients during outbursts, are representative timing signals of black hole low/hard state and intermediate state. The most popular model for the C-type LF QPOs is the Lense-Thirring precession model, which attributes the QPO as due to the precession of a torus of the hot flow in the vicinity of the black hole. Here we report our analysis of one of the Insight-HXMT observations of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 in which the source X-ray count rate was among the highest while the C-type LF QPO was strong and at a relatively low frequency. We applied a disk reflection spectral model to fit the energy spectra corresponding to the high flux and the low flux phase of the C-type low frequency QPOs, respectively. With the hard X-ray energy band coverage of the Insight-HXMT, we found the modulation of the extended to 150 keV energy spectrum components. Detailed analysis indicates that in the hard band (about > 60 keV) LF QPO modulation appears primarily in the Comptonization spectral component if not alone while in the soft band the modulation is seen in both components.
Topic | X射线双星 |
Primary author
(Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)
WenFei Yu
(SHAO 上海天文台)
Zhen Yan
(Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)