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Low Frequency Quasi-periodic Oscillations in MAXI J1820+070: Evidence for both Comptonization and Reflection contributions

16 Jun 2022, 10:25


高晨旭 (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)


Low Frequency (LF) quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) of black hole X-ray binaries, especially the C-type LF QPOs seen in many black hole transients during outbursts, are representative timing signals of black hole low/hard state and intermediate state. The most popular model for the C-type LF QPOs is the Lense-Thirring precession model, which attributes the QPO as due to the precession of a torus of the hot flow in the vicinity of the black hole. Here we report our analysis of one of the Insight-HXMT observations of the black hole transient MAXI J1820+070 in which the source X-ray count rate was among the highest while the C-type LF QPO was strong and at a relatively low frequency. We applied a disk reflection spectral model to fit the energy spectra corresponding to the high flux and the low flux phase of the C-type low frequency QPOs, respectively. With the hard X-ray energy band coverage of the Insight-HXMT, we found the modulation of the extended to 150 keV energy spectrum components. Detailed analysis indicates that in the hard band (about > 60 keV) LF QPO modulation appears primarily in the Comptonization spectral component if not alone while in the soft band the modulation is seen in both components.
Topic X射线双星

Primary author

高晨旭 (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)


Dr WenFei Yu (SHAO 上海天文台) Zhen Yan (Shanghai Astronomical Observatory)

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