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24–28 Jul 2022
Asia/Shanghai timezone


27 Jul 2022, 14:30


Wei Liu (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)


We study the scenarios where a strong first order electroweak phase transition~(FOEWPT) is triggered by a light singlet scalar, which has feeble interactions to the Higgs. Since the singlet scalar is light and has weak couplings, it can decay at a macroscopic distance away from the collision point. Therefore, it can be regarded as a long-lived particles~(LLP) in such scenarios. We perform the searches of the LLPs from the exotic Higgs decays, at the FASER, MAPP and CMS-Timing detectors of the 14 TeV HL-LHC, to probe the FOEWPT. In certain scenarios, we show that the LLP searches can help to reach the parameter space of the FOEWPT remarkably, where the searches for promptly exotic Higgs decays are not valid.

Primary author

Wei Liu (Nanjing University of Science and Technology)

Presentation materials