SPeCial4Young: SYSU-PKU Collider Physics forum For Young Scientists

寻暗 DarkQuest-Probing dark sector with a proton fixed-target experiment

by Dr Yongbin Feng

Cloud (Zoom)



Accelerator-based dark matter searches provide a unique opportunity to expand the sensitivity to the unconstrained sub-GeV mass regime. DarkQuest is a proton fixed-target experiment that would use a 120 GeV high-intensity proton beam to probe this region. As it builds on the existing accelerator and detector infrastructure, it offers a powerful yet low-cost experimental initiative that can be realized on a short timescale. In this talk, we will discuss the current detector design, proposed upgrades, and recent studies on the simulation, reconstruction, and sensitivity of various signal topologies. at 4878871035 (Zoom) ( pwd: 527772 ) https://cern.zoom.us/j/4878871035?pwd=SjJuekR3cnBueUx3Y1pvUzl6QkZNUT09