Driven by the physics program of precise measurement of properties of the Higgs boson, the W and Z bosons, as well as the top quark, future lepton colliders require unprecedented jet energy resolution on their calorimetry systems. Based on the particle- ow paradigm, a novel highly gran- ular crystal electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) with excellent three-dimensional spatial resolu- tion as well as good energy and time resolution is proposed to address major challeng es from jet reconstruction and to achieve the optimal EM energy resolution of around 2 − 3 %/ E(GeV ) with the homogenous structure. Comprehensive R&D e orts have been carried out to evaluate the potential and requirements of the crystal ECAL from sensitive detection units to the full sub- detector system. e requirements on crystal candidates, photon sensors, and readout electronics are parametrized and quanti ed in Geant4 full simulation. Hardware R&D activities on the crystal and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are performed to characterize the typical response of basic de- tector units and to improve the simulation results. e physics performance of the crystal ECAL has been studied with the particle- ow algorithm “ArborPFA” which is being optimized. More- over, the development of small-scale detector modules is underway for future beam tests to study the performance for EM showers.