A highly granular electromagnetic calorimeter has been designed within the CALICE collabora- tion for precision measurements of Higgs and electroweak physics at future lepton collider ex- periments, including the Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC). Scintillator strips and silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) are instrumented as sensitive layers and tungsten-copper alloy plates as absorber. Scintillator strips are individually wrapped with ESR foil and directly coupled with SiPMs. A prototype with 32 sampling layers and over 6700 channels (around 600 × 600 × 400 mm3 in dimensions) has been constructed and commissioned in 2020, followed by long-term cosmic-ray tests in 2021 for quantitative studies on the key performance. ere will be a dedicated beam test at CERN SPS in October 2022. is talk will cover key aspects in the prototype development, com- missioning as well as selected results of cosmic ray tests. e latest status on the CERN beam test will also be presented.