Identifying the flavour of reconstructed hadronic jets is critical for precision phenomenology and the search for new physics at colliders, as it allows to pinpoint specific scattering processes and reject backgrounds. We propose a new approach to define the flavour of jets, a flavour dressing algorithm, which is infrared and collinear safe and can be combined with any definition of a jet. We...
We compute the total cross section of heavy-quark-pair production in 𝑒+𝑒− annihilation mediated by a virtual photon at the next-to-next-to-next-to-leading order (NNNLO) in Quantum Chromodynamics. The result is expressed as a piecewise function defined by several deeply expanded power series. The result significantly reduces the theoretical uncertainty. For example, for a collision energy of...
Energy-energy correlation (EEC) has been studied for almost 40 years, with its analytical calculation only being done quite recently using integration-by-parts (IBP) identities. We present a bootstrap strategy to calculate the EEC up to the next-to-leading order (NLO) correction by crafting an ansatz based on the colour structure of the QCD amplitudes and the Symbols of the master integrals...
The energy correlators measure the pattern of the energy deposition in detectors. The collinear limit, where the angle between the detectors approaches zero, is of particular interest for describing the substructure of jets produced at colliders. By utilizing our factorization theorem and calculating the required ingredients, we perform the resummation of the logarithmically enhanced terms for...