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On the $\eta_1(1855)$ as a hadronic molecular state and its SU(3) partners

17 Aug 2022, 18:25
Posters Posters


Mao-Jun Yan (ITP, CAS)


In this work, we interpret the newly $\eta_1(1855)$ resonance with exotic $J^{PC}=1^{-+}$ quantum numbers in the $I=0$ sector, reported by BESIII collaboration, as a dynamically generated state from the interaction between the lightest pseudoscalar mesons and vector mesons. The interaction is derived from the lowest order chiral Lagrangian from which the Weinberg-Tomozawa term is obtained, describing the transition amplitude among the relevant channels, which are then unitarized using the Bethe-Salpeter equation, according to the chiral unitary approach. In addition, we evaluate the $\eta_1(1855)$ decays into the $\eta\eta^{\prime}$ and $K\bar{K}^*\pi$ channels. Furthermore, we have also investigated its SU(3) partners, and according to our findings, the $\pi_1(1400)$ and $\pi_1(1600)$ structures may correspond to dynamically generated states, with the former one coupled mostly to the $b_1\pi$ component and the latter one coupled to the $f_1(1420)\pi$, $K_1(1270)\bar{K}$, and $K_1(1400)\bar{K}$ channels. In particular, our result for the ratio $\Gamma(\pi_1(1600)\to f_1(1285)\pi)/ \Gamma(\pi_1(1600)\to \eta^{\prime}\pi)$ is consistent with the one listed in the Review of Particle Physics, which supports our interpretation for the higher $\pi_1$ state. Finally, we also report poles in the $I=1/2$ sector and discuss their influence on the line shape of the $\phi K$ mass spectra, around $1770$ MeV, in the $B\to J/\psi \phi K$ decays reported by the LHCb collaboration.

Category poster

Primary author

Mao-Jun Yan (ITP, CAS)


Presentation materials