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Search for Muon to Electron Conversion on COMET

17 Aug 2022, 18:55
Posters Posters


Yao Zhang (Institute of high energy physics, Beijing China)


In the Standard Model, Flavor-changing-neutral-current (FCNC) in quark sector is predicted at loop level. In the lepton sector, the lepton-flavor-violation (LFV) was evident after the discovery of neutrino oscillation. In the SM, even considering the tiny masses and oscillation of neutrinos, the predicted decay rate for charged-lepton-flavor-violation (cLFV), such as muon-electron conversion, is still tiny (less than 10^-54), which can not be detected in experiment. However, New Physics contributions can enhance the muon-electron conversion rate, and lead to observable signal. The COMET experiment is proposed to search for the muon-electron conversion with the sensitivity will be improved by order of 4 magnitudes comparing to the current upper limit. Any experimental evidence of cLFV will indicate signal of New Physics.

Category poster

Primary authors

Yao Zhang (Institute of high energy physics, Beijing China) Ye YUAN (高能所)

Presentation materials