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LFV within little Higgs models realizing a low-scale see-saw

19 Aug 2022, 20:20


Iván Pacheco (Cinvestav, Mexico)


Little Higgs models were proposed as an attractive way of reducing the little hierarchy problem. Their promising LFV phenomenology has been studied (mainly for the Littlest Higgs model with T-parity, LHT, and for the Simplest Little Higgs model, SLH) in the last decade by several groups worldwide. We have recently highlighted the changes with respect to this well-known pattern induced by the addition to these models of a low-scale see-saw mechanism, characterized by a few Majorana neutrinos with O(10) TeV masses. In this case, not only the predicted branching ratios increase, and are now within an order of magnitude of the current upper limits (in $\mu \to e$ as well as in $\tau \leftrightarrow e/\mu$ transitions); but also the correlations among processes change noticeably, which would allow the eventual identification of such a scenario in the current and forthcoming experiments.

Category talk

Primary author

Iván Pacheco (Cinvestav, Mexico)

Presentation materials