The Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) is a proposed $e^+e^-$ collider operating in the c.m. energy range from 3 to $7~\rm GeV$ with a luminosity of $10^{35} cm^{-2} s^{-1}$, two orders of magnitude more than that of BEPC-II, the existing collider operating in the same energy range. The SCT experiment will provide a comprehensive study of charmed and light hadrons and a tau lepton, aimed at deep understanding of QCD phenomenology at intermediate energy and precise tests of the Standard Model. The longitudinal polarization of the electron beam at the interaction point greatly enriches the physical program of the experiment. The status of SCTF project will be discussed, including the physics program of the SCT experiment, the conceptual design of a particle detector and ongoing work on prototyping the SCT detector subsystems.
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