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Topic 主题: CEPC Flavor White Paper Discussion
Meeting ID 会议号: 87329319703
Begin Time 开始时间: 2022-09-23 10:00:00
Duration 持续时长: 180
Meeting URL 会议链接: https://ihep-ac-cn.zoom.us/j/87329319703?pwd=M2pJaDh5YmtsK09hYmM2dWh3cmxydz09
HostKey 主持人密钥: 237935
Password 会议密码: 589876
Timezone 时区: Asia/Shanghai
Minutes for CEPC Flavor White Paper Discussion
Date: 2022.09.23 10:30-12:30 (Beijing time)
Participants (14): Xuai Zhuang, Zhijun Liang, Bo Liu, Yongfeng Zhu, Tao Liu, Anson, Lorenzo, Liming Zhang, Lingfeng Li, Fengkun Guo, Chunhui Chen, Manqi Ruan, Hanhua Cui, Yuexin Wang
Indico page: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/17871/
Talk by Xuai: Briefing on CEPC New Physics White Paper
Talk by Bo & Zhijun: Briefing on CEPC Electroweak White Paper
Talk by Lingfeng: Briefing on CEPC Flavor White Paper
Try to find golden flavor studies to exploit the three main advantages of CEPC:
Talk by Yongfeng: CEPC vertex reconstruction performance
Q1:Track energy distribution of different cases classified by the track number? Does it affect the vertex reco. performance?
A1:Need further study to quantify.
Q2: How to understand the influence from the distance of hadron endpoint to IP?
A2: The closer the hadron is to the IP, the more likely they are to be assigned to the IP. Those hadrons with distances to the IP smaller than some threshold are not used to reconstruct the secondary vertex.