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CEPC Flavor Physics Discussion


Overleaf link of CEPC Flavor White Paper for co-editing:

Relevant documents (e.g. minutes, slides, references...) can be found at:

Zoom link:

Topic 主题: CEPC Flavor White Paper Discussion
Meeting ID 会议号: 81007317031
Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-03-02T 10:30:00
Duration 持续时长: 120 minutes
Meeting URL 会议链接:: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81007317031?pwd=SzY4SytmQ0RWKytYSWhoUGl3bk40Zz09
Password 会议密码: 555673
Timezone 时区: Asia/Shanghai

Minutes for CEPC Flavor White Paper Discussion

Date: 2023.03.02 10:30-11:40 (Beijing time)

Participants (14): Lorenzo, Tao Liu, Fengkun Guo, Liming Zhang, Yingying Li, Lingfeng Li, Anson, Xuhui Jiang, Mingrui Zhao, Manqi Ruan, Hao Liang, Hanhua Cui, Yongfeng Zhu, Yuexin Wang

Indico page: https://indico.ihep.ac.cn/event/19055/


Discussion on flavor white paper

  • Deadline: expected in the middle of April
  • Theoretical interpretation
    • In each section or a global/general description?
    • As physics motivation/background, the theoretical interpretation is indispensable. Even it is still unclear enough for some topics, it is also necessary to directly point it out, such as what we should do for future (maybe as a wishlist).
  • Need to add money plots as many as possible (at least one for each section), together with proper explanations.
    • Besides the theoretical interpretation, the white paper should also emphasize on the discovery (experimental) ability of the Tera-Z machine to show what we have done (results oriented)…
  • Table of contents
    • Separate LFV observables (sec. 4.4) into different individual section/chapter
  • Find someone who can intensively edit and implement the overall paper organization in LaTeX.


Talk by Anson: Theoretical interpretation of bcτν, sll, sνν,

  • Suggest to draft a manuscript as a raw material for the white paper.
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