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29 October 2023 to 4 November 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Plasma spraying B4C-ZrO2 to prepare moderator decoupling layer for spallation neutron sources

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Cadmium and boron carbide(B4C) are two very excellent neutron decoupling materials, due to the problem of irradiation swelling(increases helium gas), B4C has not been used as a decoupling material in high-power spallation neutron sources in the world, and cadmium or cadmium composite materials are still the mainstream neutron decoupling materials that have been applied practically. But in fact, B4C as a neutron decoupling material can get a higher decoupling energy value. In order to actually use B4C as a neutron decoupling material in the high-power spallation neutron source, J-PARC researchers reported a cadmium-B4C-cadmium composite structure, cadmium is a pre-decoupler can reduce the helium production of the B4C. In this paper, another potential decoupling layer preparation method to reduce B4C swelling is provided, and the decoupling layer is prepared by plasma spraying of B4C-zirconia, and the pores are added by the spraying process to accommodate the generated helium and avoid material damage.

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