
Equivalent SU(3) flavor approaches for two-body anti-triplet charmed baryon decays

by Prof. 佑国 萧


ABSTRACT:  Based on SU(3) flavor [SU(3)_f] symmetry, the irreducible SU(3)_f approach (IRA) and topological diagram approach (TDA) are both useful for the study of B_c—>BM and B_c—> B*M, where B_c and B(B*) denote the anti-triplet charmed baryon and octet (decuplet) baryon, respectively. In this talk, I would like to show that the IRA and TDA can be equivalent. Some phenomenological results will be given as well.

About the speaker:  萧佑国,台湾大学物理博士,重庆与山西百人计划入选,山西师范大学物信学院特聘教授。多次应邀在国际会议上演讲。任多种国际学术杂志评审人。主要专长是粲强子与底夸克强子衰变,及相关的CP 与 T 破坏、角分布分析,与四、五夸克束缚态探究。发表 SCI 论文70余篇。


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