高能理论论坛 (HETH-Forum)

Recent progress on scattering amplitudes

by Prof. 颂 何




报告摘要:Recently, powerful computational tools and remarkable new structures for perturbative scattering amplitudes in QFT have been discovered. Apart from playing a key role in high-energy particle physics, these developments have important implications for formal QFT, string theory and mathematics. I will review some recent progress, including a new formulation based on geometries for scattering of particles and strings, as well as all-loop amplitudes in theories such as supersymmetric Yang-Mills and Chern-Simons.

个人简介:何颂,中科院理论物理研究所研究员。长期活跃在量子场论、弦论和量子引力等高能理论前沿领域,近年来主要研究散射振幅及其对粒子物理、引力和数学等方面的应用。代表性工作包括提出量子场论散射振幅的 Cachazo-何-袁形式,发现场论和弦论散射的几何起源,以及在场论高圈计算和严格求解,规范场、引力和弦论的对偶等方向的一系列工作。