Workshop on Muon Science Technology and Industry (MELODY 2023)
兹定于2023年11月4日至11月6日在中国散裂中子源科学中心召开“第一届缪子应用研讨会”,诚邀各位同行踊跃参加此次学术交流。会议议题包括缪子源装置进展、缪子物理和技术、muSR技术及其他应用等。会议将围绕散裂中子源二期建设缪子源(MELODY)上缪子束可行的物理应用研究等需求展开讨论,为MELODY缪子源及相应的终端建设提供指导和建议。 作为中国国内首个缪子源,MELODY的建成对国内缪子研究领域的具有重要意义,缪子在各个产业领域的应用都具有巨大的潜力。本次研讨会旨在汇聚来自世界各地的专家、研究人员和产业界代表,促进交流与合作,并探索我国首个缪子源的建设为科研界及产业界所带来的发展潜力。为期三天的会议将深入探讨MELODY的技术细节,包括设计、建设和运行,并讨论缪子科学技术及应用的最新发展及其对多学科领域研究的影响。 注:本次会议注册截至日期为:2023年10月25日。 The first Workshop on Muon Science Technology and Industry (MELODY2023) is scheduled to be held at the China Spallation Neutron Source from November 4th to November 6th, 2023. We sincerely invite all scholars related to this field to actively participate in this academic communication. The workshop will cover topics such as the progress of muon source facilities, muon physics and technology, muSR, and other applications. The meeting will primarily focus on potential particle physics and various applications, providing guidance and suggestions for the construction of MELODY and other future muon facilities. As the first muon source in China, MELODY (Muon station for sciEnce, technoLOgy, and inDustrY) is of great significance to the domestic muon research, and will contribute to the global muon community. The workshop aims to bring together experts, researchers, and industry representatives from all over the world to promote communication and collaboration, exploring the potential applications of MELODY. The workshop is organized by the Spallation Neutron Source Science Center and the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Note: The registration deadline for this workshop is October 25th, 2023. For any questions or visa applications, please contact Zoom Link for MELODY2023 Day 1: Nov. 4th (Saturday) Meeting ID 会议号: 91756179751 Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-04T08:30:00(BJT) Password 会议密码: 202311 Day 2: Nov. 5th (Sunday) Meeting ID 会议号: 93864751381 Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-05T08:30:00(BJT) Password 会议密码: 202311 Day 3: Nov.6th (Monday) Meeting ID 会议号: 95948860295 Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-06T08:30:00(BJT) Password 会议密码: 202311
Chair: 王生 WANG Sheng Local organizers: 鲍煜 BAO Yu 樊瑞睿 FAN Ruirui 李强 LI Qiang 李样 LI Yang 吕游 LV You 杜海燕 DU Haiyan 刘光东 LIU Guangdong 郭宇航 GUO Yuhang Workshop secretaries: 王鑫 WANG Xin 孙鹏宇 SUN Pengyu 莫晓茵 MO Xiaoyin
Registration for this event is currently open.