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Workshop on Muon Science Technology and Industry

A1阶梯报告厅 (China Spallation Neutron Source)


China Spallation Neutron Source

广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Sheng WANG (高能所)

Workshop on Muon Science Technology and Industry (MELODY 2023)



The first Workshop on Muon Science Technology and Industry (MELODY2023) is scheduled to be held at the China Spallation Neutron Source from November 4th to November 6th, 2023. We sincerely invite all scholars related to this field to actively participate in this academic communication. The workshop will cover topics such as the progress of muon source facilities, muon physics and technology, muSR, and other applications. The meeting will primarily focus on potential particle physics and various applications, providing guidance and suggestions for the construction of MELODY and other future muon facilities.

As the first muon source in China, MELODY (Muon station for sciEnce, technoLOgy, and inDustrY) is of great significance to the domestic muon research, and will contribute to the global muon community. The workshop aims to bring together experts, researchers, and industry representatives from all over the world to promote communication and collaboration, exploring the potential applications of MELODY.

The workshop is organized by the Spallation Neutron Source Science Center and the Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Note: The registration deadline for this workshop is October 25th, 2023. For any questions or visa applications, please contact moxy@ihep.ac.cn.

Zoom Link for MELODY2023 
Day 1: Nov. 4th (Saturday) 
Meeting ID 会议号: 91756179751 
Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-04T08:30:00(BJT) 
Password 会议密码: 202311

Day 2: Nov. 5th (Sunday) 
Meeting ID 会议号: 93864751381 
Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-05T08:30:00(BJT) 
Password 会议密码: 202311 

Day 3: Nov.6th (Monday) 
Meeting ID 会议号: 95948860295 
Begin Time 开始时间: 2023-11-06T08:30:00(BJT) 
Password 会议密码: 202311

Chair: 王生 WANG Sheng

Local organizers:
鲍煜 BAO Yu
樊瑞睿 FAN Ruirui
李强 LI Qiang
李样 LI Yang
吕游 LV You
杜海燕 DU Haiyan
刘光东 LIU Guangdong
郭宇航 GUO Yuhang

Workshop secretaries:
王鑫 WANG Xin
孙鹏宇 SUN Pengyu
莫晓茵 MO Xiaoyin
Registration for MELODY 2023 workshop
  • Chen Wu
  • Chengen Liu
  • Chengyu Jiang
  • Chi-Chung Francis Ling
  • chuntian 春添 feng 冯
  • Fangchao Liu
  • Guan Ming Wong
  • Guangdong Liu
  • Guoqiang Zhao
  • Hanjie Cai
  • Hanjie Guo
  • Hantao Jing
  • Hanyu Fang
  • He Huayan
  • Howard WANG
  • Huachang LIU
  • Jess H. Brewer
  • Jia Huan
  • Jiangtao Wang
  • Jiaxin Chen
  • Jie Ma
  • jifeng hu
  • Jun Kai Ng
  • Kim Siang Khaw
  • Lei Shu
  • Li Zhiduo
  • Liang Li
  • Liangwen Chen
  • luo siyuan
  • Michael Smidman
  • Mo Xiaoyin
  • Muyuan Zou
  • Naritoshi Kawamura
  • Nikolaos Vassilopoulos
  • Ning He
  • Ping Wang
  • Qiang Li
  • Qiang Li
  • Rhea Stewart
  • Shihan Zhao
  • Shiliang Li
  • Sihao Deng
  • Siyuan Chen
  • Sohtaro Kanda
  • Thomas Prokscha
  • Tian Shang
  • Tongjia Zhang
  • Vadim Grinenko
  • Wei(伟) Su(苏)
  • Weiwei Pei
  • Wu Xie
  • Xiaojie Ni
  • Xudong Yu
  • Yang Li
  • Yong Ban
  • Yonghao Zeng
  • Yoshitaka Kuno
  • Yuan He
  • Yuanning Gao
  • Yuhang Guo
  • Zejia Lu
  • Zhendong Fu
  • Zhijun 志均 LIANG 梁
  • Zhixin Tan
  • Ziwen Pan
  • 冯 一擎
  • 刚 张
  • 奇特 李
  • 宇 王
  • 才锦 肖
  • 李 勇伟
  • 海燕 杜
  • 游 吕
  • 煜 鲍
  • 瑞睿 樊
  • 高庭 林
莫晓茵 Mo Xiaoyin
    • 14:00 21:00
      Registration 7h Lobby (Hampton by Hilton Dongguan Songshan Lake)


      Hampton by Hilton Dongguan Songshan Lake

      Registration Time: Nov. 3th 14:00-21:00
    • 09:00 09:10
      Opening remarks 10m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Tianjiao Liang (CSNS)
    • 09:10 09:35
      CSNS accelerator system and upgrade 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Huachang Liu (高能所)
    • 09:35 10:10
      Design of MELODY and future 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Yu Bao (CSNS)
    • 10:10 10:45
      Prospects for a kHz-MHz repetition rate pulsed muon beam in the Shanghai SHINE facility 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Kim Siang Khaw (SJTU)
    • 10:45 11:05
      Coffe Break & Photo 20m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 11:05 11:40
      An efficient high power proton accelerator and its possible muon application 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Tianjue Zhang
    • 11:40 12:15
      CiADS and Its Plan of Muon Source 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Yuan He
    • 12:15 13:45
      Lunch 1h 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 13:45 14:20
      Muon particle physics experiments 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Yoshitaka Kuno
    • 14:20 14:55
      New Physics Potential from Muon g-2 Experiment at Fermilab 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Liang Li (SJTU)
    • 14:55 15:30
      The nuts and bolts of muon precession frequency measurements in the Fermilab Muon g-2 experiment 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Kim Siang Khaw (SJTU)
    • 15:30 15:45
      Coffe Break 15m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 15:45 16:10
      Studies on 3D spiral injection for compact storage rings 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province


      Speaker: Dr Muhammad Abdul Rehman (高能所)
    • 16:10 16:40
      Searching for a permanent muon electric dipole moment in the PSI muEDM experiment 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Kim Siang Khaw
    • 16:40 17:05
      Status of the COMET Experiment at J-PARC 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Chen Wu
    • 17:05 17:30
      DISCUSION:Muon particle physics in future facilities 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 09:00 09:35
      History of muSR 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Jess Brewer
    • 09:35 10:05
      muSR Investigation of Bulk Form Magnetic Semiconductors 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Fanlong Ning
    • 10:05 10:35
      Exploration of quantum spin liquid ground state by MuSR 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Lei Shu
    • 10:35 10:50
      Coffe Break 15m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 10:50 11:25
      Surface muon beamline and sample environments at J-PARC MLF 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Akihiro Koda
    • 11:25 11:55
      MuSR study on the magnetism frustrated systems with triangular lattice and honeycomb lattice 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Gaoting Lin
    • 11:55 12:25
      Investigating the electronic correlated materials using muon spin spectroscopy 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Tian Shang (ECNU)
    • 12:25 14:00
      Lunch 1h 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 14:00 14:35
      Status of the Swiss Muon Source 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Thomas Prokscha
    • 14:35 15:00
      The ultra-slow muon facility at J-PARC MUSE 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Sohtaro Kanda
    • 15:00 15:25
      Muon cooling based on frictional cooling 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

      CSNS Beam Expanded Applications Group

      Speaker: Dr Yang Li (高能所)
    • 15:25 15:40
      Coffee Break 15m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 15:40 16:05
      Target design of MELODY 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Lei Liu
    • 16:05 16:30
      Beamline design of MELODY 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Guangdong Liu
    • 16:30 16:55
      Beam measurement of MELODY 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr You Lv
    • 16:55 17:20
      Spectrometer design of MELODY 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Qiang Li (高能所)
    • 17:20 17:45
      DISCUSSION: muSR applications for MELODY 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 09:00 09:35
      The muon facility of MLF J-PARC 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Naritoshi Kawamura
    • 09:35 10:10
      Feasibility study and preliminary test of a coded aperture based muonic x-ray element imaging method 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Ziwen Pan (University of Science and Technology of China)
    • 10:10 10:35
      Physical design of a novel MuMubar spectrometer 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Yuhang Guo (CSNS)
    • 10:35 10:50
      Coffee Break 15m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 10:50 11:15
      R&D of cosmic muon imaging based on RPC 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Qite Li
    • 11:15 11:40
      Simulation study of imaging widgets with CSNS muon beam 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Prof. Jifeng Hu
    • 11:40 12:05
      Development and experimental study of the high spatial resolution muon imaging prototypes with Micromegas detectors 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Yu Wang
    • 12:05 14:00
      Lunch 1h 55m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 14:00 14:30
      MuSR as a primary tool to search for superconductors with broken time-reversal symmetry 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Vadim Grinenko (SJTU)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Neutron diffraction and muSR studies on several quantum magnetic systems 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Shiliang Li (Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    • 15:00 15:30
      Persistent spin dynamics in magnetically ordered honeycomb cobalt oxides 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Ping Miao
    • 15:30 16:00
      Coffee Break 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
    • 16:00 16:30
      Study of metal halide perovskite materials by low energy uSR 30m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Xiaojie Ni (USTC)
    • 16:30 16:55
      The ISIS muon facility now and into the future 25m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
      Speaker: Dr Rhea Stewart (ISIS)
    • 16:55 17:30
      DISCUSSION: multidisciplinary applications 35m A1阶梯报告厅


      China Spallation Neutron Source

      广东省东莞市大朗镇中子源路1号 No.1, Zhongziyuan Road, Dalang Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province