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2. If you are a new user, please register to get an IHEP SSO account through https://login.ihep.ac.cn/registlight.jsp Any questions, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn or call 88236855.
3. If you need to create a conference in the "Conferences, Workshops and Events" zone, please email us at helpdesk@ihep.ac.cn.
4. The max file size allowed for upload is 100 Mb.

Registration Fee and Payment

Registration Fee:


Before Nov 30, 2023

After Nov 30, 2023

Senior Attendees and Postdoctoral

2500 CNY

3000 CNY

Attending Students

2000 CNY

2500 CNY



1. If you are paying in Chinese Yuan (CNY), please transfer the payment to the following account and include the note "HXMT+your name":

开户行:中国农业银行股份有限公司北京果园支行 11091901040016296

2. If you are unable to pay in Chinese Yuan (CNY), we will provide an alternative account for payment in US dollars starting from October 20, 2023. The registration fee in US dollars is as follows:


Before Nov 30, 2023

After Nov 30, 2023

Senior Attendees and Postdoctoral

350 USD

420 USD

Attending Students

280 USD

350 USD