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15–19 Dec 2023
Asia/Shanghai timezone

The Effective Operator Basis of the HEFT

16 Dec 2023, 15:30
莫愁厅 腾讯会议 ID: 404 516 009 (锦江南京饭店)

莫愁厅 腾讯会议 ID: 404 516 009



浩 孙 (中国科学院理论物理研究所)


The Higgs effective field theory (HEFT) is an effective field theory in the broken phase, providing a more general realization of the EW symmetry breaking, which includes the SMEFT as a particular case. There are more effective operators than the SMEFT and can be matched to the latter ones. I will discuss the HEFT, especially its effective operators basis. The key points are

  • A general method to construct effective operators utilizing the Young diagrams and its applications to the HEFT, including the management of the Nambu-Goldstone bosons and the spurions;
  • The Hilbert series method extended to the nonlinear symmetry and the discrete symmetries such as the parity and charge conjugation, and its applications to the HEFT to count effective operators.

Primary authors

Mr 一宁 王 Dr 明磊 肖 Prof. 江浩 于 浩 孙 (中国科学院理论物理研究所)

Presentation materials