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Confirmed Invited Speakers

Benjamin Bally (IRFU, Saclay, DPHN, France)
Description of nuclear deformation and its interface with heavy-ion collisions

Carlos Bertulani (Texas A&M, Commerce, USA) 
Nuclear reactions across energy scales 

Jean-Paul Blaizot (Paris-Saclay, France)
Heavy-ion collisions and nuclear structure

Andreas Ekström (Chalmers U. Tech. Swede)
Bayesian analysis for nuclear structure

Reyes Alemany Fernandez (CERN)
New ions operation in the CERN Accelerator Complex in future LHC

Giacalone Giuliano (Heidelberg U. Germany)
Probing nuclear deformation in relativistic heavy ion collisions

Giacomo Graziani (INFN Firenz, Italy) 
Physics opportunities with SMOG2

Kyle Godbey (Michigan State U. USA)
Impact of nuclear shapes in low-energy nuclear reactions & nuclear fission

Kouichi Hagino (Kyoto U. Japan)
Impact of nuclear shapes in low-energy nuclear reactions

Tetsufumi Hirano (Sophia U. Japan)
Dynamical core-corona initialization in high-energy nuclear collisions

Jiangyong Jia (SUNY, Stony Brook, USA) 
Probing structure of nuclei available at relativistic heavy ion colliders

Masaaki Kimura (RIKEN, Japan)
Theoretical approaches for nuclear clustering

Che-Ming Ko (Texas A-M, USA) 
Transport models with nuclear structure effects   

Dean Lee (Michigan State U. USA) 
Emergence of nuclear clustering in ab initio nuclear theory

Zhipan Li (Southwest U. China) 
Nuclear shape phase transition and shape coexistence in relativistic density functional theory

Matthew Luzum (U. Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Hydrodynamics and nuclear structure--New methods for simulations of nuclear collisions

Bing-Nan Lu (GSCAEP, Beijing, China)
Nuclear clustering from NLEFT

Ulf Meissner (University of Bonn, Germany)
NLEFT-Introduction and Perspectives  

Emil Gorm Nielsen (Bohr Inst. Denmark) 
Using the LHC as a nuclear physics machine

Govert Nijs (CERN) 
O+O and impact of clustering in high-energy collisions (Theory)

Chiho Nonaka (Nagoya U. Japan)

Saori Pastore (Washington U, St. Louis, USA)
Isobars and nuclear input to neutrinoless double beta decay searches

Tomás Rodriguez (Madrid, Autonoma U., Spain)
Shape phase transition

Xavier Roca-Maza (Milan U. Italy) 
Neutron skin and connection the equation of state of nuclear matter

Peter Ring (Munich, Tech. U. Germany) 
Collective phenomena in atomic nuclei. Status and modern challenges

Wilke van der Schee (CERN)
Nuclear structure in Bayesian analyses of heavy-ion collisions

Huichao Song (Peking U. China)
Exploring nuclear structure with heavy ion collisions

Zhiyu Sun (IMP, HIRFL, China) 
Potential nuclear physics studies at HIAF

Takaharu Otsuka (Tokyo U. Japan)

Dario Vretenar (Zagreb U. Croatia) 

Xin-Nian Wang (LBL,USA) 
Ovierview for the quark-gluo plasma

Kathrin Wimmer (Darmstadt, GSI, Germany) 
Nuclear deformation from low-energy nuclear structure experiment

Zhangbu Xu (BNL, USA)
robing nuclear charge and mass radii in UPC

Sun Yang (Shanghai Jiaotong U. China) 

Xiaofei Yang (Peking U., China) 
Nuclear structure studied by laser spectroscopy

Jiangming Yao (Zhongshan U. China)
Advances in ab initio nuclear structure calculations based on IMSRG method

Chunjian Zhang (SUNY, Stony Brook,USA) 
An overview of the high-energy experimental measurements of nuclear structure

Xilin Zhang (Michigan State U. USA)
Bayesian analysis for nuclear structure

You Zhou (Bohr Inst. Denmark) 
Summary of program and discussion about future runs

Magda Zielinska (CEA Saclay, France) 
Overview of nuclear deformation and shape coexistence around 96Zr and 96Ru