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12–15 Apr 2024
Asia/Shanghai timezone

Participant List

35 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Bao Yuan SUN Lanzhou University
Bingsong Zou Tsinghua University
Guangshun Huang University of Science and Technology of China
Haibo Li IHEP
Jianbin Jiao Shandong University
Jielei Zhang Henan University
Jinniu Hu Nankai University
Li-Sheng GENG Beihang University
Liang YAN Fudan University
Lingyun Dai Hunan University
Qiang Zhao Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Qun Wang
Shenjian Chen Nanjing University
Shuangshi Fang IHEP
Shun(顺) Wang(王) Fudan University
Xiaoming Zhang Central China Normal University
Xiaorong Zhou University of Science and Technology of China
Xiaoyan Shen IHEP
Xiongfei Wang Lanzhou University
Xurong Chen Institute of modern physics, CAS
Yelei Sun Beihang University
Zhao-Qing Feng South China University of Technology
Zhi-Wei Liu
作堂 Shandong University
宇婷 广西师范大学
怀通 华东师范大学
现伟 Beijing Normal University
瑞祥 广西师范大学
聚军 中国科学院近代物理研究所