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Modular invariance and the QCD theta angle

11 Apr 2024, 11:00


Dr Arsenii Titov (University of Pisa and INFN)


I will discuss a novel solution to the strong CP problem based on modular invariance. The latter is inherent to toroidal compactifications in string theory. We show that anomaly-free modular symmetry allows for simple effective theories of flavour and CP where (i) the QCD $\theta$-angle vanishes, (ii) the CKM phase is large, (iii) quark and lepton masses and mixings can be reproduced up to order one coefficients. We implement such a general paradigm in supersymmetry or supergravity, with modular forms or functions, with or without heavy coloured states.

Primary authors

Prof. Alessandro Strumia (University of Pisa) Prof. Ferruccio Feruglio (INFN, Padova) Dr Arsenii Titov (University of Pisa and INFN)

Presentation materials