位于磁场上游的径迹探测器Upstream Tracker(UT)是LHCb探测器重要组成部分,对提高长寿命粒子重建效率和长径迹匹配速度至关重要。为发掘高亮度LHC上重味物理研究潜力,LHCb计划在2033年前后进行二期升级,以实现在$1.5 \times 10^{34} cm^{-2}s{-1}$亮度下运行的目标。现有UT须升级为颗粒度更高、抗辐照性能更强的像素型探测器。本报告将介绍目前可行的MAPS技术选项,基于CMOS的初步系统设计和探测器模拟,以及初步的性能研究。
未来对撞机实验上通常需要大面积、高空间分辨率、良好时间分辨及抗辐照的带电径迹探测系统,如环形正负电子对撞机、LHCb升级等。高压CMOS具有良好抗辐照性能、快速电荷收集,且可利用成熟的商用CMOS工艺。本报告将介绍探索先进的55nm高压CMOS工艺、用于粒子探测传感器的研发情况。基于Low-Leakage 55nm的COFFEE1芯片达到8-9V击穿电压,并观察到对激光信号响应。基于High-Voltage 55nm的COFFEE2芯片加入了像素内放大器和比较器电路,传感器达到70V击穿电压。其他测试正在进行。
In this study, the canonical formulation of the spin hydrodynamics of Dirac fermions is examined within a power counting scheme, where the spin variables are considered to be at the same order as the conventional hydrodynamic variables. An entropy-current analysis with a general spin potential reveals the importance of incorporating both the three components of spin density associated with...
The Phi meson and Omega baryon provide unique probes of the properties of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) at hadronization in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Using the quark recombination model with the quark phasespace information parameterized in a viscous blast wave, we perform Bayesian inference of the shear and bulk viscosities of the QGP at hadronization with a temperature of T ≈ 160 MeV...
Measurements of charm-strange meson and charm-baryon production in pp and heavy-ion collisions at the LHC are fundamental to investigate the charm-quark hadronisation across collision systems.
In this contribution, the final results of the ALICE Collaboration on the production of strange ($\mathrm{D_s}^+$ , $\Xi_\mathrm{c}^{0,+}$, $\Omega_\mathrm{c}^0$) and non-strange ($\mathrm{D}^0$ ,...
飞行时间探测器是大型核与粒子物理实验的重要组成部分。正在建设的低温高密核物质谱仪(CEE)中,飞行时间探测器包括内部飞行时间探测器(iTOF)和端盖飞行时间探测器(eTOF),二者均采用气隙电阻板室(MRPC)技术制造。对于电子学,要求实现最高~10 ps的时间测量精度。本报告将介绍基于放大甄别结合高精度时间数字变换技术的高精度时间测量电子学系统设计、电子学与探测器联合测试以及束流测试等最新进展。
NνDEx(No Neutrino Double-beta-decay Experiment)是基于高压气体时间投影室(Time Projection...
At leading order in QCD coupling constant, we compute the energy loss per traveling distance of a heavy quark $dE/dz$ from elastic scattering off thermal quarks and gluons at a temperature $T$, including the thermal perturbative description of soft scatterings ($-t<-t^{\ast}$) and a perturbative QCD-based calculation for hard collisions ($-t>-t^{\ast}$). Within this soft-hard factorization...
即将于2025年建成的强流重离子加速器(High Intensity heavy-ion AcceleratorFacility, HIAF)上包含了一条放射性次级束分离线(HIAF FRagment...
The longitudinal spin transfer represents the probability density of producing longitudinally polarized hadrons from longitudinally polarized quarks or circularly polarized gluons. It thus was usually measured in polarized reactions or high-energy collisions where weak interaction dominates. In this work, we propose the dihadron polarization correlation as a novel probe of this quantity. Such...
In-jet production is a useful tool to separate the contribution from the hard processes and the underlying events. In this letter, we find the in-jet requirement enhances the heavy flavor baryon-to-meson ratio more when a color re-connection mechanism (CR mode2) describes hadronization in p+p, which is opposite to the light flavor case. It indicates the hard process contribution alone will...
可重构ADC(time-to-digital converter, ADC) 系统具有灵活可重构与高集成度的特点,通过进行编程,便可使该系统应用于新的实验场景,因此这种电子学读出系统受到了高度的关注。我们将描述一种新型的可重构ADC系统,该系统是一种基于时间数字转换器(time-to-digital converter, TDC)的软核ADC系统。其中ADC功能是在FPGA中实现的。
探测器部分使用了两个测试单元。每个单元包含一个1.535 mm×1.535 mm x 20 mm...
理解强相互作用物质的性质及其相结构对于我们深入认识宇宙演化和可见物质结构具有重要科学意义。近二十年来,高能重离子碰撞实验中观测到了许多间接证据表明强相互作用夸克-胶子等离子体(sQGP)的存在。因此,探索高重子密度下的量子色动力学(QCD)相结构,特别是寻找一阶相变边界和QCD临界点在相图中的位置,成为高能核物理研究的重要目标之一。从2010年到2021年,RHIC-STAR实验分两个阶段完成了能量扫描计划,收集了质心能量从200 GeV到3 GeV下金核-金核碰撞实验数据。本报告将讨论在RHIC能量扫描计划中(BES-I&BES-II)关于QCD相图和相变临界点的实验研究进展。
Searching the QCD critical point is one of the most important goals of the relativistic heavy-ion collisions. It is essential to build a realistic dynamical model near the QCD critical point and predict the characteristic signature induced by critical fluctuations in experimental measurements. By studying the dynamics of the conserved net-baryon density near critical point, it was found that...
In this work, we extend the two-flavor Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model to one capable of exploring quark and nuclear matter consistently. With an extra term standing for quark-nucleon interactions, nucleons could automatically emerge as color-singlet three-quark entities by following a process similar to mesons. Besides the quark part in mean field approximation, both mesons and nucleons could...
Fluctuations and correlations of conserved charges are sensitive observables to study QCD phase structure. In particular, the baryon-strangeness correlations may be used to study the change of phases in the matter created in heavy-ion collisions.
In this work, we present the measurement of baryon-strangeness correlations in Au+Au collisions from beam energy scan program at STAR. This is...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). A new timing detector in CMS will measure minimum ionizing particles (MIPs) with a time resolution of ~40-50 ps per hit and coverage up to |η|=3. The precision time information from this MIP...
With experimental data of DIS involving transversely polarized proton, we have calculated the 3-D charge density inside a polarized proton, which is found to have a significant non-spherical symmetry. Then we have calculated the properties of E-M field generated by a single transversely polarized proton. Based on them, the E-M field generated in small collision system p+A which involving a...
LGAD是一种新型半导体定时探测器。通过优化灵敏区厚度和内部增益,可以实现几十皮秒的时间分辨率。自提出以来,LGAD技术得到了广泛的关注,发展非常迅速。目前,LGAD已经成为较为成熟的探测器技术,被大型强子对撞机(LHC)的CMS和ATLAS实验phase 2升级项目采用。采用交流感应的方式引出信号,可以实现更灵活的电极排布,减小无增益区域,在保持高时间分辨率的基础上,进一步提高位置分辨率。本报告将综述国内外LGAD探测器的研发近期的进展情况,并展望未来可能的发展方向和应用场景。
The LHC will resume operations in 2026, entering the High Luminosity (HL-LHC) era. MTD (MIP Timing Detector) is a pivotal component in the HL-LHC CMS upgrade, promising a remarkable enhancement in time resolution to 30 ps. In the part of the BTL (Barrel Timing Layer), we have formulated a comprehensive research and development plan, along with an assembly and testing strategy for the Sensor...
With an electron-positron collider operating at center-of-mass-energy 2∼7 GeV and a peak luminosity above 0.5 × 1035 cm−2 s−1, the STCF physics program will provide an unique platform for in-depth studies of hadron structure and non-perturbative strong interaction, as well as probing physics beyond the Standard Model at the τ-Charm sector suceeding the present Being Electron-Positron Collider...
$~~~~$PHENIX experiment group points out that in the measurements of the $\pi^0$ nuclear modification factor $R_{dAu}^{\pi^0}$, $\langle N_{\rm coll} \rangle$ can be biased by the event-selection [1], which can be effectively reduced by using the direct $\gamma$ yield at large $p_{\rm T}$ to determine the $\langle N_{\rm coll}^{\gamma} \rangle = {\rm Y}_{dAu}^{\gamma^{\rm dir}}/{\rm...
在高亮度对撞环境下,未来的粒子物理实验将面临前所未有的空间兼时间上的高堆积率和高本底率。例如,在 HL-LHC 上,质子质子对撞的平均堆积水平(pile-up)将达到 200,是 LHC 上的三倍多。通过联合的高精度位置和时间测量信息对堆积的物理信号和本底信号进行精确“拆分”,是未来高亮度对撞机实验的谱仪系统的关键技术之一。例如,在 HL-LHC 阶段,ATLAS...
We demonstrate the recently proposed nucleon energy-energy correlator (NEEC) fEEC (x, θ) can unveil the gluon saturation in the small-x regime in eA collisions. The novelty of this probe is that it is fully inclusive just like the deep-inelastic scattering (DIS), with no requirements of jets or hadrons but still provides an evident portal to the small-x dynamics through the shape of the...
Modern particle physics experiments usually rely on highly complex and large-scale spectrometer devices. In high energy physics experiments, visualization helps detector design, data quality monitoring, offline data processing, and has great potential for improving physics analysis. In addition to the traditional physics data analysis based on statistical methods, visualization provides unique...
原初电离计数方法是具有突破性的下一代粒子物理实验探测器方法,它通过测量带电粒子在气体径迹探测器中的原初电离数目(dN/dx),实现带电强子的鉴别。与传统电离能损(dE/dx)方法相比规避了测量中的多项涨落,理论分辨率有潜力比dE/dx好两倍,是下一代先进探测器技术的有力候选。对于漂移室的 dN/dx...
In this talk I will review our recent efforts to understand the polarized Transverse-Momentum-Dependent fragmentaion functions (TMD FFs) . Recent BELLE results on $\Lambda/\bar\Lambda$ polarization in $e^+e^-$-annihilations stimulate a series of progress from several groups to understand the polarized TMD FF $D_{1T}^\perp$. Based on the fundamental isospin symmetry of QCD, we propose a new...
The shape phase transition for certain isotope or isotone chains, associated with the quantum phase transition of finite nuclei, is an intriguing phenomenon in nuclear physics. A notable case is the Xe isotope chain, where the structure transits from a $\gamma$-soft rotor to a spherical vibrator, with the second-order shape phase transition occurring in the vicinity of $^{128−130}$Xe. In this...
超级陶粲装置(STCF)是中国未来的正负电子对撞机,其质心能量范围为2-7 Gev,峰值亮度可达$0.5\times 10^{35} \mathrm{~cm}^{-2} \mathrm{~s}^{-1}...
It is usually believed that physics in off-equilibrium state can be equivalently studied using equilibrium state with suitable metric perturbation. We point out it is not the case for spin polarization phenomena: the exisiting chiral kinetic theory in curved space fails to recover all the couplings between spin and hydrodynamic gradients [1]. We present a new form of chiral kinetic theory in...
The Super Tau-Charm Facility (STCF) is the next generation high luminosity $e^{+}e^{-}$ collider focusing on the tau-charm physics. STCF will achieve a luminosity of over $0.5\times10^{35} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ at 4 GeV, resulting in a high event rate and a high beam background for the detector system. The background count rate of over 1 MHz per module places new demands on the electromagnetic...
非对心相对论重离子碰撞中产生的系统具有极强的涡旋结构,垂直于反应平面方向的轨道角动量可导致末态超子的整体极化(global polarization),而沿着束流方向的集体流涡旋效应则导致超子的局域极化现象(local polarization)。超子的自旋极化效应作为探索强相互作用物质流体性质的新方法,目前已取得了丰富的实验测量和理论研究结果,同时也存在一些亟需解决的问题,如末态磁场的影响、整体极化的碰撞系统尺寸依赖性、低能区的局域极化性质等。
本次报告中,我们将介绍RHIC-STAR实验上BES-II能区金核-金核碰撞以及200 GeV...
随着塑闪光纤工艺和具备单光子探测能力的硅光电倍增器(Silicon photomultipliers, SiPM)的发展,基于SiPM 阵列读出的塑料闪烁光纤探测器在设计制造上的成本和复杂度降低,可实现多种尺寸和形状的制备,甚至能够提供与传统硅微条探测器相当的高位置分辨率,因而在空间和地面的粒子物理实验中具有广泛的应用前景。该报告将从探测器模拟、器件测试、模块制备以及读出电子学等方面,介绍大尺寸、高位置分辨的塑料闪烁光纤探测器设计原理和研究进展。
低温高密核物质测量谱仪,即兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环外靶实验(CSR External target Experiment,简称CEE),将是我国第一台运行于GeV 能区的完全自主研制的大型核物理实验装置。CEE实验通过对重离子碰撞产物的近全空间测量,对低温高密相区的核物质状态的结构和性质开展深入研究。在CEE谱仪下游方向的束流线附近设计零度角量能器(Zero-Degree Calorimeter,简称ZDC),测量前角区带电粒子在探测器中的沉积能量和位置分布,用于重建碰撞事件平面和确定事件中心度。ZDC可实现500...
We present a new derivation of relativistic second-order spin hydrodynamics for quantum systems using Zubarev’s non-equilibrium statistical-operator formalism. This is achieved by a systematic expansion of the energy-momentum tensor, the spin tensor and the charge current to second order in deviations from equilibrium. As a concrete example, we obtain the relaxation equations for the...
The Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) is a proposed future high-energy lepton collider aimed at advancing our understanding of fundamental physics by exploring Higgs boson with unprecedented precision. A major challenge for the CEPC detectors is achieving a boson mass resolution (BMR) of 4%, which is required to separate the Higgs, Z, and W bosons in their hadronic decays. The...
Exploring the location of the critical end point (CEP) in the Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) phase diagram is an important scientific problem that has remained unsolved for decades. Recent studies suggest that the CEP may exist within the QCD matter produced in the beam energy scan project of heavy ion collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 3-7.7$ GeV. First-principle Lattice QCD calculations are...
本报告给出了PIDB RICH探测器的结构设计,研究了RICH探测器的预期性能。其将使用全氟己烷作为切伦科夫辐射体,碘化铯作为光阴极;并使Micro-Megas联合AGET电子学进行信号读出。通过Geant4模拟给出的结果显示该设计下RICH重建方法可以满足STCF对于强子PID的要求。此外,本报告还将介绍探测器原理样机的制作,性能测试及宇宙线实验的最新结果。
新一代正负电子对撞机——超级陶粲装置(STCF)的设计对撞亮度大于 0.5×10$^{35}$cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$,预期事例率达到 400kHz,新装置上强辐照和高计数率的实验条件对外径迹探测器主漂移室(MDCH)提出了严峻挑战。研究人员对MDCH系统进行了详细设计和优化,包括整体机械及应力分析,超小单元的技术攻关,电极丝的高密度排布和固定方法研究,新定位子及穿丝工艺验证、丝张力控制及丝张力测量研究,电子学信号仿真,读出电子学架构及探测器时间与电荷测量方法研究,为未来STCF中MDCH工程机的研制提供了技术基础。
Interest in searches for Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) has persisted over the past few decades, as the observation of CLFV would indicate new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Several future high-luminosity lepton colliders have been proposed, which will enable CLFV searches to reach unprecedented precision. This work performs a detailed comparative study of CLFV searches at...
We propose here a set of new methods to directly detect light mass dark matter through its scattering with abundant atmospheric muons or accelerator beams. Firstly, we plan to use the free cosmic-ray muons interacting with dark matter in a volume surrounded by tracking detectors, to trace possible interaction between dark matter and muons. Secondly, we will interface our device with domestic...
With high duty cycle and wide aperture, the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory - Water Cherenkov Detector Array (LHAASO-WCDA) can conduct an unbiased gamma-ray sky survey in the energy range from a few hundred GeV to 100 TeV. The sensitivity of WCDA is as high as a few percent of Crab units, which allows us to monitor the VHE variability of blazars. The LHAASO Collaboration has...
A review of Higgs property measurement from ATLAS including both the di-Higgs and single Higgs measurement.
The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO or JUNO-TAO) is a satellite experiment of JUNO and located near the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant. TAO will measure the energy spectrum of reactor antineutrinos with unprecedented precision, which will benefit both of reactor neutrino experiments and nuclear database. A detector geometry and event visualization system is developed for TAO. The software...
宇宙线是极端天体物理过程的重要信使,宇宙线的起源、加速和传播是跨越世纪的重大科学问题。宇宙线中的锂原子核(Li)和铍原子核(Be)是初级宇宙线在银河系传播过程中碎裂产生的次级宇宙线,它们的流强包含着关于宇宙线起源和传播的重要信息。次级宇宙线和初级宇宙线的流强比可以用于测量宇宙线在银河系传播过程中穿越的物质量,Li和Be的同位素组分则可以为研究宇宙线传播过程提供重要的补充信息:$^7$Li/$^6$Li可用于检验初级Li宇宙线是否存在,放射性同位素$^{10}$Be可用于测量宇宙射线在银河系中的传播年龄。当前对$^6$Li/$^7$Li和$^{10}$Be/$^9$Be流强比的测量分别局限于低于1 GeV/n和2 GeV/n的能量,并且受到有限测量精度的限制。Li同位素以及Be同位素的流强则只在0.3 GeV/n和0.4...
Precision measurements by AMS reveal unique properties of cosmic charged elementary particles. In the absolute rigidity range ~60 to ~500 GV, the antiproton flux and proton flux have nearly identical rigidity dependence. This behavior indicates an excess of high energy antiprotons compared with secondary antiprotons produced from the collision of cosmic rays. More importantly, from ~60 to ~500...
本报告将介绍AMS实验关于宇宙线氘原子核流强和成分测量的最新结果。AMS实验基于收集的2100万宇宙线氘(D)原子核,精确测量了1.9 GV至21 GV刚度范围内的D流强。在整个刚度范围内,D与质子(p)、氦-3(He3)、氦-4(He4)的流强展现出几乎相同的时间变化关系。在4.5 GV以上,D/He4流强比不随时间变化,其刚度依赖性可以用指数为-0.108+/-0.005的单一幂律谱描述。这与He3/He4流强比的幂律谱指数(-0.289+/-0.003)显著不同。在13 GV以上,D与p具有相同的刚度依赖性,D/p流强比为常数0.027+/-0.001。这些现象意味着宇宙线氘核存在初级成分。通过一种模型无关的方式,我们得到初级D成分相当于(9.4+/-0.5)%的He4,次级D成分相当于(58+/-5)%的He3。
We describe the origin of the hierarchical SM quark/lepton Yukawa couplings with the single SM Higgs doublet in an SU(8) theory, where three-generational SM fermions are non-trivially embedded.
The pulsar timings are sensitive to both the nanohertz gravitational-wave background and the oscillation of ultralight dark matter. The Hellings-Downs angular correlation curve provides a criterion to search for stochastic gravitational-wave backgrounds at nanohertz via pulsar timing arrays. We study the angular correlation of the timing residuals induced by the spin-2 ultralight dark matter,...
Carbon and Oxygen are among the most abundant intermediate species in cosmic rays, which originate from the evolution of stars and their final explosive phases at the end of their life cycles. The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) boasts excellent charge resolution and energy resolution for these types of cosmic rays, ranging from a few tens of GeV to hundreds of TeV. Notably, DAMPE has...
正在建设的CSR外靶实验(CEE)时间投影室(TPC)用于研究高密度核物质的设计和构建。CEE TPC是在CEE进行的实验研究中至关重要的探测器,将用于研究核物质的相结构和超饱和密度下的冷非对称核物质状态方程。TPC的设计旨在为带电粒子提供轨迹信息,包括三维位置、动量、电荷和能量损失。
TPC是高能和核物理实验中常用的探测器。它由一个充满气体或液体的敏感体积组成,粒子电离产生的电子可以在电场中漂移。通过观察电子到达读出平面的位置,可以确定电离位置的二维信息,而第三维信息(漂移长度)可以通过漂移时间计算得出。CEE TPC计划成为中国迄今为止最大的TPC,体积约为1立方米。
Ref. https://arxiv.org/abs/2406.01656
A combination of searches for Higgs boson decaying into a visible photon and a massless dark photon (H→γγ$_{d}$) is presented using 139 fb$^{-1}$ of proton--proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of √s = 13 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The observed (expected) 95% confidence level upper limit on the Standard...
Some astronomical observations observed a few astronomical systems which seem hard to be explained by the standard cold dark matter scenario. For example very diffuse and extremely dark matter deficit systems are observed. Dark matter properties beyond CDM are studied to explain these systems, such as dark matter with large self-interaction, or very light wave dark matter scenarios.
Millicharged particles can be created in the atmosphere when high energy cosmic rays collide with nuclei, resulting in potentially observable signals at neutrino detectors. We analyse the resulting single scatter and multiple scatter signals at SuperK and JUNO. Searches for low energy coincident signals at JUNO will be sensitive to MCPs with masses between 2 GeV and 10 GeV with milli-charges...
The Baryon Acoustic Oscillations (BAO) is a powerful large-scale structure probe that is used to constrain dark energy models, and is the main goal of the latest large cosmology survey, eBOSS and Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI). I will present DESI first-year Data Release (Y1) cosmological results with a particular focus on the measurement of BAO from Lyman-α forest. We measure...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO), located in Southern China, is a multi-purpose neutrino experiment that consists of a 20-kton liquid scintillator detector. The primary goal of the experiment is to determine the neutrino mass ordering (NMO) and measure other neutrino oscillation parameters to sub-percent precision. Atmospheric neutrinos are sensitive to NMO via matter...
Extensive experimental evidence has confirmed significant discrepancies between the reactor fission isotope antineutrino spectra predicted by the Huber-Mueller model and the data observed in experiments, leading to the phenomenon known as the Reactor Antineutrino Anomaly (RAA). Therefore, accurately measuring the isotope antineutrino spectra is crucial to addressing the RAA issue. Based on the...
We propose a theory to systematically construct a complete set of on-shell effective operator bases involving massive particles with any spins. The amplitude bases involving massive fields can be factorized into two charged and neutral parts under the little groups of massive particles, respectively. The complete bases of these two parts can be constructed by the Young diagrams of Lorentz...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) is a 20 kton liquid scintillator detector currently under construction in an underground laboratory in Southern China. JUNO is designed to achieve a remarkable energy resolution of 3% at 1 MeV, a large detector volume, and exceptional background control. With these capabilities, JUNO will become a flagship experiment in the forthcoming...
We calculate the total cross-section and differential distribution of Higgs boson pair production and decay to $b\bar{b}\gamma\gamma$ at NLO in QCD
This talk will discuss a few recent results from diboson sector in the ATLAS experiment, focusing on novelty and impact of these results. Propects will also be breifly discussed.
The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) has revolutionized our ability to study black holes by providing unprecedented spatial resolution and unveiling horizon-scale details. With advancements leading to the next-generation EHT, there is potential to probe even deeper into the black hole's dark region, especially the inner shadow characterized by low-intensity foreground emissions from the jet,...
Using antimatter cosmic rays to search for dark matter is an important approach in dark matter research. However, there is still debate over whether dark matter is needed to explain the antiproton energy spectrum observed by AMS-02. The main research challenges lie in the difficulty of determining the solar modulation of antiprotons and the uncertainties in proton-proton collision...
The Cryogenic Underground Observatory for Rare Events (CUORE) is the first bolometric experiment searching for $0 \nu \beta \beta$ decay that has successfully reached the one-tonne mass scale. The detector, located at the LNGS in Italy, consists of an array of 988 $\mathrm{TeO}_{2}$ crystals arranged in a compact cylindrical structure of 19 towers. CUORE began its first physics data run in...
The DArk Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a satellite-based cosmic ray and gamma ray detector. It has been operating smoothly in space since December 2015. The main scientific objectives of DAMPE are (1) indirect detection of possible dark matter signatures, (2) studying the origins, acceleration and propagation mechanisms of cosmic rays, and (3) gamma-ray physics. In this contribution, we...
We present a pragmatic approach to lower down the mass scale of right-handed neutrinos in leptogenesis by introducing a scalar decaying to right-handed neutrinos. The key point of our proposal is that the out-of-equilibrium decays of the scalar provide an additional source for right-handed neutrinos and hence the lepton asymmetry. This mechanism works well at low temperatures when the washout...
LHAASO is a large hybrid extensive air shower observatory started operation since 2021. A PeV photo with energy of 1.4PeV was reported by LHAASO at first. Recently a very large ultra-high energy gamma ray bubble with energy up to PeV was detected at Cygnus region. The emission is positionally correlated with the distribution of clouds, which strongly supports a hadronic origin scenario. In...
We compute low energy supernova constraints on new light particles.
The Higgs Boson plays a fundamental role in Standard Model, and the precise measurement of its mass and width is one of the most important tasks of particle physics experiments. The mass measurement benefits from the processes where Higgs Boson decays into four leptons and two photons due to their excellent mass resolution, while Higgs boson width is measured indirectly by combining the...
Iron nuclei are the most abundant heavy nuclei in cosmic rays beyond silicon, and they interact much more with the interstellar medium during propagation compared to lighter nuclei, promoting the significance of precision measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum of iron nuclei, which is crucial for understanding the origin, acceleration, and propagation mechanisms of heavy cosmic ray.
Galactic diffuse gamma-ray emission (GDE) is produced by the galactic cosmic rays (CR) interacting with the interstellar medium (ISM) and radiation fields (ISRF). The GDE is a very important probe of CR propagation and interaction. Different from the measurements of CR particles in the local vicinity, the GDE enables a direct measurement of CR distribution in the Milky Way, and can thus...
DAMPE (DArk Matter Particle Explorer) is the first Chinese satellite-borne experiment searching for dark matter and exploring the origin of the cosmic rays. It has been taking data for more than 8 years since its successful launch in December 2015. Spectral measurements of secondary nuclei such as lithium, beryllium, and boron, are mainly produced by the fragmentation of heavier nuclei, such...
In Dayabay reactor neutrino experiment, muon will induced correlated background: Li9/He8, Fast-neutron and Muon-X background. This talk will report
1. How to estimate these backgroud
2. Background rate with full dataset in nH sample.
We thoroughly explore the cosmic gravitational focusing of cosmic neutrino fluid (CνF) by dark matter (DM) halo using both general relativity for a point source of gravitational potential and Boltzmann equations for continuous overdensities. Derived in the most general way for both relativistic and non-relativistic neutrinos, our results show that the effect has fourth power dependence on the...
The CP-violating phase ($\delta_{\rm CP}$) and the ordering of the neutrino mass states (MO) remain among several open questions surrounding PMNS matrix in neutrino oscillation. However, these issues can't be solved by a single experiment so far. Atmospheric neutrino data at Super-Kamiokande (Super-K) and accelerator neutrino data at T2K offer complementary sensitivity to these puzzles. The...
Neutrinoless double beta ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay is the most promising way to determine whether neutrinos are Majorana particles. There are many experiments based on different isotopes searching for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay. Combining the searches of $0\nu\beta\beta$ decay in multiple isotopes provides a possible method to distinguish operators and different models. The contributions to...
The brightest gamma-ray burst of all time, GRB 221009A, occurred within the field of view of LHAASO at a zenith angle of approximately 28 degrees. LHAASO collected over 65,000 very-high-energy (VHE) photons from the burst and detected the onset of the GRB afterglow process in the VHE band for the first time. The light curve exhibits four stages, consisting of two rises and two decays. The...
The gamma-ray source MGRO J1908+06 is esteemed as one of the primary Galactic sites for cosmic-ray acceleration, although its nature remains unrevealed. We report the detection of gammarays from this region spanning energies from 1.6 TeV to 1.3 PeV, with a spectrum exhibiting gradual steepening and yielding an index Γ = (2.51±0.01) + (0.28±0.02)×log10(E/20TeV) through log-parabola model...
The Jiangmen Underground Neutrino Observatory (JUNO) has been primarily designed to determine the neutrino mass ordering by measuring the energy spectrum of neutrinos from two nuclear power plants, utilizing its exceptional energy resolution. JUNO employs a 20 kton liquid scintillator as the target substance in the central detector, with tens of thousands of 20-inch PMTs applied to achieve...
This work presents a phenomenological study on the angle between the Standard and the Winner-Take-All (WTA) jet axes ($\Delta R$) in high-energy nuclear collisions. Our theoretical results calculated by the LBT model show that the $\Delta R$ distribution in Pb+Pb at $\sqrt{s}=5.02$ TeV is narrower than that in p+p, which agrees well with the recent ALICE measurements. The narrowing of $\Delta...
Photons are important particles in collider physics. They play a crucial role in Standard Model (SM) processes, Higgs decays, or any potential new interactions that beyond the Standard Model. Therefore, photon identification efficiency is indispensable for many interesting physical analyses in collider physics. This poster presents the electron extrapolation method for photon identification...
In this talk I will present our recent work on determination of Charge-Parity violation in neutrino oscillation and search for quantum entanglement in a Muon Collider.
Using GeV-scale muon beams produced from electron-positron collision, we have neutrino sources rich in flux that can be used for long-base line neutrino oscillation experiments such as DEUN, NOvA and T2K.
Up to 1000 pseudo...
The center-of-mass energy of Circular Electron
Positron Collider (CEPC) could be upgrade to 360 GeV level
(CEPC@360GeV) after its ten-year running at 240 GeV.
Besides SM precision measurements, CEPC@360GeV also
has good potential for BSM physics searches, which is a
good complementary for hadron colliders. This paper presents
the sensitivity study of direct stau and smuon pair...
The directed flow in asymmetric collisions, such as Cu+Au, offers a valuable window into understanding the energy deposition mechanisms in heavy ion collisions, yet this remains an open challenge. In this work, we delve into the directed flow of charged hadrons in Cu+Au collisions at a center-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=200$ GeV. We develop a refined three-dimensional (3D) TRENTo initial...
The last decade enters an era of precise measurements on cosmic rays. The space based AMS02, DAMPE and the ground based LHAASO, Auger all give very precise measurements of the cosmic rays spectra and its components. These precise data change our traditional picture of cosmic rays origin and propagation. We show the important implications on the problem of origin of cosmic rays.
The origins of Ultra-high-energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) remain mysterious. Nevertheless, the
observation of UHE neutrinos offers a pivotal means to uncover the distant sources of these most
energetic particles, as neutrinos can traverse the universe unimpeded, even beyond the Greisen-
Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) horizon.
The Giant Radio Array for Neutrino Detection (GRAND) is a proposed...
The Forbush Decrease (FD) is a rapid decline in the observed intensity of galactic cosmic rays following intense solar activity, such as a coronal mass ejection (CME). This phenomenon occurs due to fast solar wind sweeping away cosmic rays propagating in the space near the Earth. The Dark Matter Particle Explorer (DAMPE) is a satellite-based cosmic ray experiment with high precision in...
Ref: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00641
Results from a wide range of searches targeting different experimental signatures with and without missing transverse momentum ($𝐸^{𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑠}_{𝑇}$) are used to constrain a Two-Higgs-Doublet Model (2HDM) with an additional pseudo-scalar mediating the interaction between ordinary and dark matter (2HDM+a). The analyses use up to 139 fb$^{−1}$ of proton-proton...
RELICS实验将采用两相型液态氙时间投影室(LXeTPC),寻找由核反应堆发出的约MeV量级的中微子在氙原子核上的相干散射信号(CE$\nu$NS)。由于CE $\nu$NS信号会在液氙中产生keV甚至更低的能量沉积,因此需要在相关能量范围内进行能量标定。为实现这一目标,我们将利用 $^{137}$Cs, $^{60}$Co以及$^{83}Kr^{m}$源来标定探测器中的电子反冲事件,同时将利用 $^{241}$AmBe和D-D中子发生器来标定探测器的核反冲事件以及CE$\nu$NS信号。本报告将介绍基于GEANT4模拟,根据各标定源在探测器内响应的情况,初步给出RELICS实验的标定系统方案。
精确测量相干弹性中微子-核散射(CEνNS)截面对于理解中微子的性质和标准模型之外的新物理具有重要意义。在低本底暗物质探测实验具有突出表现的液氙时间投影室(LXeTPC)是探测CEνNS信号最有前景的技术之一。然而由于低能区的背景噪声,探测核反冲能量低于1keV的反应堆中微子CEνNS信号仍然具有挑战性。反应堆中微子液氙相干散射实验(RELICS)将利用LXeTPC来探测反应堆中的中微子引起的CEνNS信号,预期每年曝光量下在120-240PE的S2能区中获得4902.4个 CEνNS 事件以及1318.4 个背景信号。本次报告将对RELICS实验的总体规划,实验本底以及预期灵敏度进行介绍。
中微子-原子核相干弹性散射(CE$\nu$NS)为研究中微子性质和寻找超标准模型物理提供了一种独特的探测手段。RELICS实验利用液氙时间投影室(LXeTPC)探测核反应堆中微子与氙原子核之间的(CE$\nu$NS)过程,LXeTPC技术通过同时探测瞬发闪烁光(S1)和电离电子的正比闪烁光(S2)来测量粒子沉积能量。我们的研究主要集中在提高TPC内部漂移电场的均匀性,进而提高信号事件的三维位置重建精度;通过光模拟评估S1信号的光采集效率,优化底部PMT阵列的设计。在本报告中,我们将详细介绍RELICS TPC的漂移电场模拟和优化方法,以及S1光模拟和底部PMT阵列的优化工作。
The neutrino oscillation is described by six independent parameters: three mixing angles $\theta_{23}$, $\theta_{12}$, and $\theta_{13}$), two mass-squared splittings, and one CP-violating phase ($\delta_{\mathrm{cp}}$). As of 2010, only $\theta_{13}$ and $\delta_{\mathrm{cp}}$ remained unknown. However, a non-zero value of $\theta_{13}$ is crucial for exploring CP violation in the lepton...
The primordial neutrino asymmetries leave significant imprints on the evolution of the universe and can therefore be constrained by cosmological observations of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB), and Large Scale Structure (LSS).
In this paper, we present a systematic study of the implications and corresponding constraints of the primordial neutrino...
Solar neutrinos can interact with liquid xenon (LXe) dark matter detectors through coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEvNS), producing signals similar to DM-nucleus interactions. Known as the 'neutrino fog,' this phenomenon significantly challenges direct dark matter detection efforts. The XENONnT detector, noted for its substantial exposure and low background, provides a prime...
The search for neutrinoless double-beta decay (NLDBD) provides insights to the Majorana or Dirac nature of neutrinos, as well as their mass. PandaX-4T experiment, located at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory, uses a dual-phase xenon time projection chamber with 3.7-tonne natural xenon (8.9% Xe-136 abundance) in the sensitive volume. In this talk, I will present the optimization of data...
Within the Standard Model, transverse single spin asymmetries in electron elastic scatterings arise only from multi-photon exchanges. Experiments at MIT-Bates, MAMI, JLab, where transversely polarized electron beams scatter off both hydrogen and nuclei targets, show surprising discrepancies from theoretical calculations based on unitary and optical theorem. Comparing with the unitary...