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Baryon-Strangeness Correlations in Au+Au Collisions at RHIC-STAR

15 Aug 2024, 09:50


Oral report 重离子物理 分会场三


瀚文 冯 (Central China Normal University)


Fluctuations and correlations of conserved charges are sensitive observables to study QCD phase structure. In particular, the baryon-strangeness correlations may be used to study the change of phases in the matter created in heavy-ion collisions.

In this work, we present the measurement of baryon-strangeness correlations in Au+Au collisions from beam energy scan program at STAR. This is the first systematic analysis of baryon-strangeness correlations on the collision energy and centrality dependence including strange hadrons $K^{+}$, $\Lambda$ and $\Xi^{-}$ along with their corresponding anti-particles. Physics implications will be discussed by comparing these new results with calculations from Lattice Gauge Theory, functional renormalization group as well as a hadronic transport model.

Primary author

瀚文 冯 (Central China Normal University)

Presentation materials