Measurements of the production of heavy-flavour hadrons in proton–proton (pp) collisions provide an important test of quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
The heavy-flavour production cross section can be calculated using the factorisation approach as a convolution of three factors: the parton distribution functions (PDFs), the partonic cross section calculated with perturbative QCD calculations, and the fragmentation functions (FFs). Recent measurements of the baryon-to-meson (${\Lambda^+_{\rm{c}}/\rm{D}^0}$, ${{\Sigma^{0,++}_{\rm{c}}}/\rm{D}^0}$, ${\Xi^{0,+}_{\rm{c}}/\rm{D}^0}$ and ${\rm{BRx\Omega^0_c/{D}^0}}$)
${p_{\rm{T}}}$-differential yield ratios in pp collisions are inconsistent with measurements in $\rm{e^+e^-}$ collision,
indicating that the hadronization of charm quarks is not a universal process among different collision systems. The ${p_{\rm{T}}}$-differential yield ratio of ${\rm{\Lambda^+_c/D^0}}$ shows a significant multiplicity dependence, which implies that the modification of the hadronization mechanisms is multiplicity dependent. Therefore the measurement of the multiplicity dependence of ${\rm{\Xi^0_c/\rm{D}^0}}$ yield ratio can provide further constraints on the study of charm hadronization.