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Hyperon polarization along the beam direction in pPb collision at CMS

Not scheduled
Poster 重离子物理 墙报展及评选


辰艳 李 (山东大学) 震宇 陈 (山东大学)


The observation of hyperon polarization along beam direction ($P_z$) in nucleus-nucleus collisions has opened a new way to study the complex vortical structures of the QGP. With the high-statistics data collected by the CMS experiment, we present the first $P_z$ results for $\Lambda$ and $\bar{\Lambda}$ particles in pPb collision at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 8.16$ TeV over a wide transverse momentum and multiplicity range. The measured $P_z$ signal can shed light on the origin of collectivity in small collision systems as well as the mechanism of spin polarization in heavy ion collisions.

Primary authors

辰艳 李 (山东大学) 震宇 陈 (山东大学)

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