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Probing jet evolution with energy correlators in a deconfined QCD matter

14 Aug 2024, 16:15


Oral report 重离子物理 分会场三


Prof. 亚运 贺 (华南理工大学)


Energy correlators have shed light on the properties of QCD splitting in vacuum, which should be modified due to nuclear effects in a deconfined QCD matter such as the quark-gluon plasma. By employing the recently developed multi-stage jet evolution framework JETSCAPE, we have investigated the nuclear modification of energy correlators for inclusive jets in heavy-ion collisions. We find energy correlators are significantly influenced by the splitting behaviors in the small angle region, and by the medium response in the large angle region. We also provide the theoretical predictions of energy correlators for ALICE and CMS measurements.

Primary author

Prof. 亚运 贺 (华南理工大学)

Presentation materials