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A ROOT based detector geometry and event visualization system for JUNO-TAO

Not scheduled
Poster 中微子物理、粒子天体物理与宇宙学




The Taishan Antineutrino Observatory (TAO or JUNO-TAO) is a satellite experiment of JUNO and located near the Taishan Nuclear Power Plant. TAO will measure the energy spectrum of reactor antineutrinos with unprecedented precision, which will benefit both of reactor neutrino experiments and nuclear database. A detector geometry and event visualization system is developed for TAO. The software is based on ROOT packages and embedded in the TAO offline software framework. It provides an intuitive tool to visualize the detector geometry, tune the reconstruction algorithm, scan the rare events in data analysis, understand the neutrino physics and monitor the operation of reactors at nuclear power plant. The further applications of the visualization system in the experimental operation of TAO and its future development are also discussed.

Primary authors

Minghua Liao (SUN YAT-SEN UNIVERSITY) Mr Zhengyun You (中山大学物理学院)

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