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Study on high-energy neutrinos with LHAASO-KM2A

Not scheduled
Poster 中微子物理、粒子天体物理与宇宙学


Dr Quanbu Gou (高能所)


The study of neutrinos with energy greater than 10^14eV is of the important and challenging tasks in multi-messenger astrophysics. Detectors must operate in well shielded laboratories. An alternative is provided by observations of horizontal air showers (HAS) produced by neutrinos. With this technique the background of showers induced by cosmic rays is heavily reduced due to the large atmospheric depth.
In this talk we show the results of HAS with the LHAASO-KM2A, including the footprint and the neutrino identification, and a search for electron neutrino induced HAS in temporal and spatial coincidence with GRB 221009A, etc.

Primary author

Dr Quanbu Gou (高能所)

Presentation materials

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